Transformed: The Out of Body Experience and NDE That Awakened Me - Rachel Nethers

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • How do we account for situations where people claim to have left their bodies during extreme trauma or clinical death, and report seeing things that were verified to be in the physical vicinity of their body, but could not have been seen or otherwise experienced from the position of their body? Today’s guest, Rachel Nethers, reports just such an experience. Her verified out of body experience along with a near death experience during a motorcycle accident so profoundly impacted her, that she now lives her life devoted to Christ.
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Комментарии • 50

  • @AStrongerFaith
    @AStrongerFaith  27 дней назад +1

    If you have a question for Rachel or Stacy, make a short vertical video (20 seconds or less) with your first name, location, who your question is for, and your question. Then visit to upload and submit it there using the button at the bottom that says "Upload Video Question" after you complete the form's required fields. We will post selected video responses on our RUclips channel and our other social media pages.

  • @brianlindsay7521
    @brianlindsay7521 27 дней назад +20

    The Lord gave me a chance to be first to comment on what has become my favorite viewing experience. A stronger faith is the perfect name for it is what I seek and most people who watch these testimonials seek. Jesus, I pray you make yourself real here in this sin filled world to us all ! 🙏

  • @theSILVERMANshow
    @theSILVERMANshow 27 дней назад +17

    This is so good. Almost like a lawyer doing a direct examination of a solid credible witness! (I’m a christian lawyer)

  • @josthom
    @josthom 21 день назад +2

    There are so many wonderful take aways from this beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing. Rachel has strengthened my faith by sharing her words and experience.

  • @DylanNichols1989
    @DylanNichols1989 27 дней назад +8

    I love this podcast and what you all are doing!! They are always so good! Keep going, Stacy! I have a feeling this channel is going to grow quite big!

  • @user-lo9po5mp5u
    @user-lo9po5mp5u 27 дней назад +8

    I really look forward to these interviews! Thank you both!

  • @WhatWouldJesusMeme
    @WhatWouldJesusMeme 27 дней назад +6

    I almost broke down crying at 59:00
    Seeing my deceased mom come to me in dreams is what lead me back to Jesus and born again! I always came to the conclusion that God used her bc He KNEW how much she meant to me!!!
    Aw that was so touching and beautiful to hear ❤
    God bless you

  • @dysc7532
    @dysc7532 27 дней назад +16

    Been watching and lurking quietly for a bit. Just want to say that I love your interviews and channel! I really appreciate the faith-forward approach to these NDE's.

  • @adamkallin5160
    @adamkallin5160 15 дней назад

    I appreciate you you asking such detailed questions. If we want to figure out the nature of these experiences and whether they align with each other, I think it’s important.

  • @edelweissokeefe8265
    @edelweissokeefe8265 21 день назад +1

    I love this channel it is so faith inspiring. God bless you Stacey and team

  • @albakambouris8067
    @albakambouris8067 24 дня назад +3

    I had a NDE summer 2000. You don’t. Use eyes to see for sure , i saw me leaving my body and I had a smile as i got out off my human body. I. Understand how she is confused ….once outside of the body , we are not in control of anything…i stayed and watched the chaos in the operating room and saw code value team , than seamlessly found myself in a dark place , thought wondered what i looked like and saw a wobble changing space a electric form.. it was very dark there but no pain , no fear and peace and i was content till my name was called and i tried to ignore it because i didn’t want to go back. The code blue doctor certified what i saw in the operating room. I know that darkness it was like nothing on earth.

  • @s.d.melcher
    @s.d.melcher 27 дней назад +6

    Jesus touched my heart, literally, after I started trying to find out about Him. That touch completely changed my life.
    Our God is absolutely amazing. Please get to know Him. You’ll never regret it. That’s a promise from my heart to yours.

  • @PatriciaButelova
    @PatriciaButelova 25 дней назад +2

    ❤ Rachel, thank you for sharing. What a powerful Testimony. All praise and glory to the Lord 🙏

  • @sunshinepadawan
    @sunshinepadawan 18 дней назад

    Thank you to the guest and the ministry for doing Gods work ❤

  • @hanspeterb1108
    @hanspeterb1108 27 дней назад +2

    Thank you for this Testimony. I was moved by your Honesty. I believe every word of it.
    The forgiveness towards the Truckdriver must have been livechanging for this men
    and reminded me of the grace Corry ten Boom received, as she got the grace to forgive this warden of the concentration camp Ravensbrück

  • @MichaelBoyd-ft6ln
    @MichaelBoyd-ft6ln 26 дней назад +1

    I enjoyed the message about Rachel thank you God for her life and her family ❤❤

  • @janalande7455
    @janalande7455 25 дней назад +2

    Very well podcast. I was in a car wreck 10 years ago with a brain injury and a couple of strokes. I lost all emotions just flat look. I noticed she didn't have much emotion and I am sure this is from her brain injury and strokes. Love how this podcast went.

    • @WinonaKitto
      @WinonaKitto 24 дня назад +1

      My son had a flat affect but was very intelligent. He died young from gun violence. How I miss him and that flat affect. He was 10 days shy of turning 18.

  • @br7485
    @br7485 26 дней назад +1

    A vision while being asleep takes place in some separate “world” and it is hardly even comparable to a dream. Gabriel speaking to Mary in a dream must be a vision. I personally had a vision which took place 11 days after my mother’s death (at 78 years old). In that vision my mother was young, around 25 y.o., and she didn’t answer a word to my scared question “Who are you?”. The vision was inside a night sleep, but was absolutely different from dreams - FINEST resolution, full senses, FULL tactile sense. At first I believed this woman is a ghost, so I jumped back on my bed and then I checked her foot with my hand, but it turned out to be a normal foot with bone inside. Then I asked the above question, but she never answered. I sat on my knees for no less than a minute pondering who she was, until it struck me how similar her face is to my mother’s early photos! This realisation came when she stretched her hands towards me as if saying “Let me embrace you!” Then we embraced each other and I wept for 3-4 minutes saying “Mom, mom, mom” and I saw as our hearts somehow touched one another while our bodies became semi-transparent and swirling slowly around horizontal axis. Then I woke up, but only to find myself in a an ordinary dream, from which in turn I woke after some hours.
    Her message was clear - “Why do you hate me!?”
    (​​I hated her only during those 11 days. Recently, after many years, I started recalling how purely kind she was to me…)

    @SOLUS_CHRISTUS777 27 дней назад +2

    Unfortunately there are no true take aways from this confusing testimony, except for her vital forgiveness bit. May God continue to bless her on her walk with Christ, along with Stacy for all that he does. I love this channel so much! It continues to bless with every amazing testimony.💖

    • @louise4894
      @louise4894 13 дней назад

      Her testimony helped me personally and it took courage for her to share.

  • @perryharris3171
    @perryharris3171 23 дня назад

    Powerful interview

  • @MonicaUher
    @MonicaUher 27 дней назад +5

    I asked because I had an NDE also !

  • @user-lo9po5mp5u
    @user-lo9po5mp5u 18 дней назад

    That made me tear up that she reached out to the trucker

  • @unamigo1977
    @unamigo1977 27 дней назад +3

    bendiciones ' muchas gracias

  • @sherrymartus7204
    @sherrymartus7204 27 дней назад +5

    I love this story…I believe that your dad did represent Jesus and He was letting you know that he was bringing your husband to Heaven. Jesus knew you would listen to your earthly father because you did not have a relationship with Jesus at the time this happened.

      @SOLUS_CHRISTUS777 27 дней назад +2

      But was hubby covered by the Blood of Jesus??
      John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  • @jannejac
    @jannejac 26 дней назад +1

  • @chrissyroberts2.0
    @chrissyroberts2.0 25 дней назад +1

    Was her husband and dad a believer? From what I gathered they weren’t

  • @Ekathax
    @Ekathax 26 дней назад +1

    Ура! Новое видео!

  • @infinitekindness3321
    @infinitekindness3321 27 дней назад +8

    Maybe I missed it, but was she actually ever pronounced dead? Or did she just lose consciousness? If she only got as far as losing consciousness, there's still massive amounts of brain activity occurring. Also, ff there is a soul, why would it leave the body while just unconscious? Why would a soul go to a "hollow place" while the body is still alive?

    • @s.d.melcher
      @s.d.melcher 27 дней назад +7

      As a (past) experiencer of out of body travel (which I do not recommend), I believe, because we in this dimension, we are always connected to God, that God determines every detail of where we go in the spirit.
      In other words, I see your point about brain activity, but God has been known to take people “in the spirit” from a fully conscious state, let alone an unconscious one. It’s all up to God. Hope that helps.

    • @fobos9289
      @fobos9289 27 дней назад +1

      This is a very good question. I post to you a different question. Does our conciousness lies "enclosed" in our body?

    • @Ali-H3444
      @Ali-H3444 26 дней назад +3

      God is real. He showed me.
      If you want to know him, just ask him. It's as simple as that. He wants you to know him. But we have to ask, using our free will he gave us.
      Jesus loves you, more than anyone you know can ever love you❤❤❤

    • @missdemeanors7138
      @missdemeanors7138 26 дней назад +5

      You do not have to be pronounced dead for your soul leave your body. They are two separate things.

    • @laurenrahner7440
      @laurenrahner7440 25 дней назад


  • @MonicaUher
    @MonicaUher 27 дней назад +3

    Was she ever in a dark void?

    • @rachelanderson1924
      @rachelanderson1924 27 дней назад +1

      @@MonicaUher maybe the dark place I went was a dark void. I don’t know for sure where I was.

    • @musiciansmatter190
      @musiciansmatter190 26 дней назад

      @@MonicaUher I have been to that dark black space aka the void where I was unaware that my body was dead or that I even had a body or life on Earth.
      No worries or fear of the dark empty place
      No awareness of my life or my ID as a person or of anyone else who I knew before I died.
      I existed without my brain 🧠 to filter my POV & no memory of how I got to this darkness dimension where I was or that I was supposed to be dead.
      My NDE experience was validation that we remain conscious outside of the body & that we truly have eternal life.
      The dark void of nothingness lasted very briefly as I saw a small bubble window appear in my view .
      As I focus in on the bubble it expanded to a scene that happened at the place where my dead body was.
      View from above I could see & hear the activity inside a house that has no roof or ceiling 🏠
      I could see people & hear them talking as a few men entered the house.
      witnessed a past life scene from above

  • @samwaffle3293
    @samwaffle3293 2 дня назад

    Sepsis is deadly

  • @virginiaallisonpeck2517
    @virginiaallisonpeck2517 27 дней назад

    Did she die? According to medical records? I’m not being snarky, just curious, sorry, this is confusing for me…❤❤❤ I do believe in what happened to her and what she saw.

  • @johnalmasy2866
    @johnalmasy2866 18 дней назад

    Stacy on several of your videos .I thought that you do too good of job is being a skeptic

  • @johnalmasy2866
    @johnalmasy2866 17 дней назадвидео.html&feature=shared
    Book of Enoch

  • @rachelbowers1543
    @rachelbowers1543 22 дня назад

    I just don’t believe this one :( I’m sorry

  • @bobwhite2
    @bobwhite2 27 дней назад

    I don’t believe this one.