Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
I can see that you do not understand the mindset of a depressed suicidal person. I am far from an expert in the field nor can I truly appreciate how it feels. I do know from many years of experience that the thought processes of a suicidal person are complex and not easily broken down into everyday language. While every troubled person is different, the way Cece is portrayed rings very true to life from my direct experiences over many many years with this type of scenario.

I have had to save someone multiple times; that someone was horrified by what they have done each time. Its not a rational choice to kill yourself. There is generally no clever plan laid out, they are overcome by their illness and will do what ever is easily accessible, whether it be drugs, blades, heights, traffic or trains.

Without help they will go through a cycle of recovery and relapse. Sometimes they will seek help themselves but often it takes an intervention or dramatic event involving others they care about to trigger the start of the long journey to manage their illness (I have seen this happen).

It is not a choice to be mentally ill. That person will never be "cured" and well again in the form that we generally might understand. But they can learn to manage their illness and lead a fulfilling life with love, family and friends. Love is a powerful counter balance to the demons that live within some of us, and finding that love can be like a light in an dark and scary place. Its still a scary place, but there is a bright point that can be focused on to keep the darkness at bay.

People may not like it, it may be too close to the reality for some (as I see in the comments) but I think it is a unique exploration of this subject in the VN format.

I hope Drifty continues the story as planned as he seems to have an insight and some empathy for those in this situation.

Thank you Drifty.
As it happens I have decades of experience dealing with clinically depressed people. Objectivity is critically important in assessing and understanding the individual cases with which you must deal. In a way, you unknowingly support my point.

First, I never suggested that any mental impairment or illness is a choice. Please do not infer that I did. The decision to kill one's self is a choice, but it is not choosing to be ill.

Your efforts to help those you've encounter is commendable. However, I highly doubt that you've encountered many if any people who you saved AFTER THEY JUMPED. Assuming it's from a sufficient height there is no recovery or repetition from jumping. You fail to recognize that she committed suicide only to be thwarted by the MC's intervention. It's a fantasy that the MC caught her in time, a one in ten thousand chance, a plot device. Those who jump in isolation pretty much always succeed, and they jump in isolation for a reason.
First of all let me say that I've never dealt with this personally, nor do I know Drifty personally, so it's quite possible I'm completely talking out of my ass here.

I think both of you may be right to a certain degree.

But to get back to the Drifty's story, based on what he said in the Dev diary, it sounds to me like this is a creative expression of something he wish he could have done to save that someone in his real life. Whether that is realistic or not, it's not really all that important. (For all we know this whole game could be an artistic therapy of his traumatic experience of dealing with someone's depression.) Let's just take this as an outlet of Drifty's emotional experience and enjoy the ride as it is.
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Dec 23, 2017
One Of my favorite Games here
It is so hard to choose which path cause each of the girls deserves to be happy and no matter which I choose I feel guilty hurting the rest.
Very few games manage to pull you in and truly make you care for a characters happiness.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
One Of my favorite Games here
It is so hard to choose which path cause each of the girls deserves to be happy and no matter which I choose I feel guilty hurting the rest.
Very few games manage to pull you in and truly make you care for a characters happiness.
Let me help you with your choice :cool: Lexi is all you need. Trust me, I'm, not like the others and have done the research. Lexi is the answer.


Active Member
Sep 16, 2016
Let me help you with your choice :cool: Lexi is all you need. Trust me, I'm, not like the others and have done the research. Lexi is the answer.
Lexi and Cece are 1 a and b, you feel the romance and love. Linda/Kira/Robin romance feels just like lust. Steph romance has best banter with Mc but i cant forgive her
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May 8, 2018

This week I've been doing just about every thing imaginable.

Last weekend I invested quite a bit into new software like Cinema 4d, Octane, Substance painter, Character Creator 3 and finally got my FL Studio and music assets installed on this pc.

For the afore mentioned pieces of 3d software, it's been a very steep learning curve so far, but I'm really enjoying myself while learning. My goal is to move over to Cinema 4d for my next game, but it's way too early to give any promises. There's only so much time to learn in addition to my normal daily work-family-free time-kids-LoF routine.

The Cece render up there is my second render from Cinema 4d, so be gentle when judging, I'm still a newbie. It's meant to be a very early test to show what Cinema 4d can do, although it's just the converted Daz model and doesn't show what Cinema 4d is really capable of. Let's just say the endgoal is much closer to photorealism.

I've also been making good LoF progress this week, but a certain scene was really tough to get through mentally and I shifted my attention to Renpy and stitching it together when it got overbearing. At least that scene is done now and we're back to the more wholesome LoF scenes.

No render numbers from here on until the release (looking at you, chart-guy) :), but it's growing rapidly. The project backup is now over 9GB.

Have a nice weekend everyone. Take care, and stay safe.


Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021

View attachment 1350126
This week I've been doing just about every thing imaginable.

Last weekend I invested quite a bit into new software like Cinema 4d, Octane, Substance painter, Character Creator 3 and finally got my FL Studio and music assets installed on this pc.

For the afore mentioned pieces of 3d software, it's been a very steep learning curve so far, but I'm really enjoying myself while learning. My goal is to move over to Cinema 4d for my next game, but it's way too early to give any promises. There's only so much time to learn in addition to my normal daily work-family-free time-kids-LoF routine.

The Cece render up there is my second render from Cinema 4d, so be gentle when judging, I'm still a newbie. It's meant to be a very early test to show what Cinema 4d can do, although it's just the converted Daz model and doesn't show what Cinema 4d is really capable of. Let's just say the endgoal is much closer to photorealism.

I've also been making good LoF progress this week, but a certain scene was really tough to get through mentally and I shifted my attention to Renpy and stitching it together when it got overbearing. At least that scene is done now and we're back to the more wholesome LoF scenes.

No render numbers from here on until the release (looking at you, chart-guy) :), but it's growing rapidly. The project backup is now over 9GB.

Have a nice weekend everyone. Take care, and stay safe.

This update frightens me still. I just decided to go back to one game after MANY months of being away from it but I have this game's update over my head like a storm of anvils. I think my game plan for this update is to see how it goes with other players on Cece's route. I know either way this update is most certainly going to fuck me up mentally, I'm expecting it to.

I'm personally dreading it because of my mental health issues and things like this certainly make me more vulnerable to my emotions. I have a feeling it's going to be worse on my mind than that damn AL fire, which took me several days to get over, basically hiding and whimpering under the covers for that whole time dealing with things.

This one, for me, hits WAY too close to home and it's not going to be easy to get through at all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
This update frightens me still. I just decided to go back to one game after MANY months of being away from it but I have this game's update over my head like a storm of anvils. I think my game plan for this update is to see how it goes with other players on Cece's route. I know either way this update is most certainly going to fuck me up mentally, I'm expecting it to.

I'm personally dreading it because of my mental health issues and things like this certainly make me more vulnerable to my emotions. I have a feeling it's going to be worse on my mind than that damn AL fire, which took me several days to get over, basically hiding and whimpering under the covers for that whole time dealing with things.

This one, for me, hits WAY too close to home and it's not going to be easy to get through at all.
There's no "caring" icon on here but I feel for you mate. I know how much the Cece preview affected me and I can only imagine how it would affect someone dealing with personal stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
I want to give this VN a try but the reviews are scaring me off. Is this on par with AL? Because I really can't do that again took way to long to recover from and event with fictional characters. Love a good book but that was too intense.


Mar 18, 2019
I want to give this VN a try but the reviews are scaring me off. Is this on par with AL? Because I really can't do that again took way to long to recover from and event with fictional characters. Love a good book but that was too intense.
There was a few holy crap moments but nothing as tragic as AL yet.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2019
Why are the friendly/love options for Stephanie grayed out in my run?

Do you have to select the positive ones/have sex with her if you want to romance her?

I didn't like her at first but after she told the truth I kind of want to romance her now.

Is it just not possible anymore if you have been mad at her from the beginning?

Mc wouldn't have known by then so it should be allowed for MC to get mad and not get locked out and just forgive her after the reveal. But right now the option to forgive her is grayed out which kind of sucks unless I do a run where MC still loves her from the beginning. Both options should be possible imo and the latter is the most realistic one too.


Jun 6, 2021
I really enjoy the romance scenes in this VN. That along with the story and the well written characters for the girls has made this join my top 5 (maybe 3).
Now i ofc can't wait until the next update hehe.
Is it mentioned somewhere approximately how many episodes it might end up with?

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
What do we have so far ...

A wild speculation on the length of this game .. thank you, 1337Bob :

While it's hard to lay out without knowing exactly what Drifty wants to do with the second half, I would have liked to have seen a longer story structure, something like:

Episode 1 - Prologue - Getting to know James and Chris, begin to introduce love interests
Episode 2 & 3 - Act 1 - Introduce all the love interests, James begins to develop relationships
Episode 4, 5 & 6 - Act 2 - Interpersonal drama, conflict between the love interests. Foreshadowing and introduction of non-romantic conflict.
Episode 7, 8 & 9 - Act 3- Final choice love interest, then non-romantic conflict happens. All conflict resolved in the end.
Episode 10 - Epilogue - Resolution and how all the characters turn out in the long term.

On the Cece debacle .. .we already saved her once, she is living in her head.
We have no business being into her business to much, this is why we push her away.
To her, we are such a ladies gentle good guy, while she is a nobody going nowhere.
So we have ta take her on a whirlwind and give her something to do and make her
see something and do something of herself, treating her like a housewife or gold digger is wrong.

So there it is ... we got the ending to one of the love interests .. Cece we have ta keep saving 4 life.

About Lexy and her manager, she is needy for her bff and for MC, because she has no notion of standing up to her
manager and make a profesional relationship work beyound his hustle and jerk moods.

This is what hapends when gurls know nothing about talking to gurls,
when boys know nothing of talking to gurls.

He is trying to control her and she is putting upwith that by ignoring him and loosing herself in all the high life,
all the parties and the many people she might or not know well enough to actually let loose in her home.

That accouns for all the surveillance going on, both into her and againts her.

MC is that buffer, between the world who only sees the bimbo, and the real Lexy - like the buttler is 4 Bruce Wayne.

I think that's the point of Steph in the game. She's intended to be a love/hate character and she is doing a good job at that by causing so much conflicting emotions amongst the players . Is the writing perfect? No, even the best writers of these games are not usually professional writers and plot holes/inconsistencies are going to occur here and there. I still rate Drifty's writing in this game higher than almost every other game I've played from f95.

I'm still undecided on Steph but either way I can see her value to the story.
As soon as I read that I facepalmed and ignored. I don't know who hurt him but he needs to find a better outlet. LOL

If you must choose between Cece and Lexi who's it going to be? I am still a Cece main but I may have to have a second playthrough for Lexi... Cece feels like there is serious relationship potential but Lexi might just be looking for some fun times (kind of like Robin and Kira).
That is why I ended on a more positive note on Steph in a later post, though it is kind of funny we changed positions on Steph a bit. :p Where I was quite willing to forgive her though before this update if she had a good reason, but was not sure it would help MC moving on. Now I am more of the opinion that MC is way better off keeping old Steph as far away from him as possible and not sure she changed any or enough to give her a second chance after learning her reasons.

Though I am not wishing to bash the dev since this is overall a wonderful game and interesting story, but he did put himself in this position by his wish to paint Steph as badly as he could in the first two episodes and was quite successful. Well that meant he gave himself a hell of a job to redeem her character, for some that has worked (For me her explanations actually went the other way, but hey that is me :p) , for some maybe she still will and for some she will not be redeemed at all. Choices have consequences, also when made by devs and i am not asking him to change them since I do like the game as is and not everyone has to be likable or trustable. :)

The fact she caught feelings or seduced him on purpose do not make any difference to me on the judgement of her actions in the past. :p
Yeah I felt I could have gone into more specific detail about the development of the characters and the romances. I guess I may as well do so now, though I feel this post will be a bit rambley and ranty. As I sort of implied in my post, there really needs to be much more time spend developing the relationship between James and the love interests. But I understand the limited time that Drifty wants to finish this game in. He's set himself essentially 4 more episodes to not only deal with the chosen love interest, but to deal with Cece's condition, James' father whatever Steph may or may not behind the scenes, and Matt being evil. All that in 4 episodes is a tall order.

While it's hard to lay out without knowing exactly what Drifty wants to do with the second half, I would have liked to have seen a longer story structure, something like:

Episode 1 - Prologue - Getting to know James and Chris, begin to introduce love interests
Episode 2 & 3 - Act 1 - Introduce all the love interests, James begins to develop relationships
Episode 4, 5 & 6 - Act 2 - Interpersonal drama, conflict between the love interests. Foreshadowing and introduction of non-romantic conflict.
Episode 7, 8 & 9 - Act 3- Final choice love interest, then non-romantic conflict happens. All conflict resolved in the end.
Episode 10 - Epilogue - Resolution and how all the characters turn out in the long term.

There is basically no interpersonal conflict (specifically conflict over affections) currently in the game. As you point out in your original post, all the love interests are more or less just okay with whatever James picks. They don't really feel like they have any real agency as characters. I particularly like your line that it feels like a "harem game without the actual harem". In fact, the love interests barely acknowledge each other at all as rivals for James' affections. The only times I can explicitly recall it ever brought up at all, outside of Robin and Kira who are tied together, is Cece being (pleasantly?) surprised upon learning Kira and James have had sex, and James telling Lexi not to worry before he goes to meet Steph. The last one is particularly egregious as by that point you're already locked into Lexi's path so any threat that James might pick Steph over Lexi is toothless. It wastes a huge potential as a point of conflict, and reinforces my point that the decision of primary love interest should have been made later. Linda also vaguely acknowledges she's kind of missed her chance with James in her conversation.

Here are some examples of the interpersonal conflicts I would like to be explored (or explored more):
- Internal conflict with Linda between pursuing James herself and helping Cece get together with James because she thinks it will help Cece as a good friend.
- Internal conflict by Cece over whether to pursue James herself or to help Steph (or others)
- Jealousy from Linda over Steph's return (as it stands now, Linda just welcomes Steph completely).
- Internal conflict within Steph over whether she should even fight for a second chance and potentially ruin James' budding new relationship(s).
- Tension between Lexi and all the other love interests. James should be trying to balance spending time with his gracious host and his friends.
- Actually have any of the love interests actually confront James that's he's pursuing/being pursued by someone else

As it stands now literally none of the love interests really butt heads at all. As you point out the only real interpersonal conflict with any real teeth currently is Robin's and Kira's, but that only occurs on their path, after you have already picked them.

The relationship between James and the love interests needed to be explored more deeply too. Some examples:
- Do James and Steph actually still love each other? There needs to be awkward flirting attempts, weird looks at one another and attempt to rebuild their relationship. Is it platonic friendship? Is it love? Oh right it's predetermined by your earlier choice. Right now James loves her on her path, and doesn't love her not on her path. It's completely binary.
- Lexi should feel insecure about the other love interests. James should spend more time building up her trust, and be more open about his previous escapades with the others. I actually find it frustrating I can't force James to tell Lexi "hey yeah I'm kinda dating the other women." Is Lexi even aware that over the 5 women James has brought to her home, he has (possibly) slept with 4 of them? Maybe I'm forgetting, but I don't think Lexi is even fully aware of the extent of James' and Steph relationship? As James reveals more of his insecurities due to Steph, Lexi should reveal more about her insecurities due to the vapid and superficial relationships of fame (and trauma). Eventually culminating in intimacy.
- James and Linda should have talked more prior to Steph's reappearance. She should be an outlet for James venting about Steph. Linda could of taken advantage of Steph's absence and tried to more aggressively swoop in, setting her up for conflict when Steph returns. (This kinda only occurs to a limited extent on the first night at Lexi's).

I'm rambling now and I've forgotten if I had any else of note to say, so I'll just end it there.
Just a couple of observations.
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ASSuming the trailer accurately reflects the next steps in her path, Cece's suicidal tendencies haven't just resurfaced, she's acting on them. Grab her up and go to court to get her forcibly committed (which in some states is almost impossible) as a danger to herself. Let the professionals try to help her. Then ask yourself if you are really up for the road ahead, because the overwhelming odds are that the next time or the time after that she's going to succeed. If you have any sense of your own survival, walk away.

"Don't stick your dick in crazy' is good advice and men apply it based on far less damaging behavior than this level of self destruction. There are suicide attempts that are a "call for help or attention". Then there are attempts which have pretty close to a 100% success rate. Jumping off the golden gate bridge is an example of the latter. Cece picked a method with as sure a fatality rate as any known to man. This isn't taking a bunch of pills and then calling the hot line. This isn't cutting her wrists and waiting to be found. She's NOT calling for help, nor is she seeking attention. She's actively looking to end her life with as much certainty as possible.

Investing your love, commitment, and emotional future in a life with someone this self destructive is equally self destructive.
Why are the friendly/love options for Stephanie grayed out in my run?

Do you have to select the positive ones/have sex with her if you want to romance her?

I didn't like her at first but after she told the truth I kind of want to romance her now.

Is it just not possible anymore if you have been mad at her from the beginning?

Mc wouldn't have known by then so it should be allowed for MC to get mad and not get locked out and just forgive her after the reveal. But right now the option to forgive her is grayed out which kind of sucks unless I do a run where MC still loves her from the beginning. Both options should be possible imo and the latter is the most realistic one too.
I really enjoy the romance scenes in this VN. That along with the story and the well written characters for the girls has made this join my top 5 (maybe 3).
Now i ofc can't wait until the next update hehe.
Is it mentioned somewhere approximately how many episodes it might end up with?
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
My idea is MC can be Lexys +1 - like that baldwin babe who is quasy unknown in any industry apart from being daddys girl, but put her on Biber and you have a hot up and coming couple of stars.

Put that angel with the Levine guy, she is just a model while he is everywhere, you now have a hot star

The problem with Lexys ex was precisely her job. The guy is a power player, has his own mega empire money wise, so putting up with her irrational job schedule that her frantic manager shoves down her
throat all the time, of course the guy would just flip and get outta there. Being dumped because of her job must have come as a surprise to him.

MC has nothing to tie him down, nothing professionally, he has now found out he could effectively
work in the same city or even for his money bags dad, so he can be with Lexy efffectively and all
the time.

Ya I avoid Cece from a romance angle. She's too damaged emotionally IMO for me to ever want to enter a romantic relationship with - every time you had an argument with her you'd have to worry about her jumping off of a bridge.
Because he isn't qualified, has no idea about the industry and would lose her connections, gigs, money etc...

She'd go from megastar to megajoke in the space of a few weeks.

Managing a superstar isn't something you can just do.
I really liked this update. (although I haven't played all the routes yet)
We experienced many beautiful and sometimes touching moments.

Unfortunately, a lot hasn't happened with Cece. We didn't even get the h-scene with her. But I liked it anyway. I have such urge with her to protect her and not let her suffer more in life. She deserves a better, happy life. Which MC provides her.

In this update, I think we've been spending the most time with lovely Lexi (Alexandra) and Holly.
I really like how it all unfolds between MC and Lexi.
Now it's beautiful. But unfortunately I feel that these great times will not be all this time.
Lexi will have to choose someday: either career or love. Because I don't know if their relationship will survive when they meet so rarely, because Lexi has such a career.
But we have to hope and believe that it will all work out.
Besides: her manager is an asshole. He pissed me off. The scene where the MC talks to him like man to man.. I really like it. :D

So far I have only played Cece and Lexi route. And I'm halfway on the route with Steph.

Love this game.. :love:
Kira-Robin is obvious, since they were already in a relationship and looking to add a guy (provided they both felt good about him). Lexi-Holly is a little less certain, since they had only kissed before and, with the threesome in Ch5, they have only slept together once and while Lexi was drunk. However, they clearly love each other deeply as friends, so there's at least a possibility. Still, Holly and (especially) Lexi both have doubts about their ability to keep a relationship or to find real love, so it's a little uncertain if they can overcome that obstacle, although doing so together I think drastically improves their chances.

I don't see a Linda-Cece thing working out TBH. They are really good friends, but I didn't get the feeling that Linda was the sharing type. For instance, when the MC had been with Stephanie, Linda completely stepped aside, rather than ever floating the idea of a threesome to her or the MC. Also, given Cece's self-esteem / depression problems, I'm not sure she'd be OK with the MC splitting time with another woman. I wouldn't expect any LI to be OK with their lover having multiple partners unless they were decently secure in themselves. (It's partly why I think a Lexi-Holly thruple is less certain.) While I think Linda and Cece are both great, I definitely don't think Cece would qualify, and I have my doubts about Linda.
The only grown up babes are robin and kira, they are wonderful, they do not care 4 money or status, they are used to having their own business - robin is determined and ready to start over
somewhere fresh, so now that MC found his dad, they can all invest together, get some fresh
action in this town, now they have the stars connections with Lexy and now Jaye - mega wealthy and able to open any door financially ... so things are looking up should we play our cards right.

Game oN!
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Reactions: -CookieMonster666-


Active Member
Dec 22, 2019
Holly should be a fully romanceable character, not just for a threesome scene with Lexi.

I enjoyed the conversatio scenes where it's only her and MC, their chemistry seem to work really well.

Also her character appearance is the most attractive to me. Way prettier than most of the main girls. It's a shame she's only a side character because from what we know about her so far she's very interesting and could be main character material imo.

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
What do we have so far ...

A wild speculation on the length of this game .. thank you, 1337Bob :

While it's hard to lay out without knowing exactly what Drifty wants to do with the second half, I would have liked to have seen a longer story structure, something like:

Episode 1 - Prologue - Getting to know James and Chris, begin to introduce love interests
Episode 2 & 3 - Act 1 - Introduce all the love interests, James begins to develop relationships
Episode 4, 5 & 6 - Act 2 - Interpersonal drama, conflict between the love interests. Foreshadowing and introduction of non-romantic conflict.
Episode 7, 8 & 9 - Act 3- Final choice love interest, then non-romantic conflict happens. All conflict resolved in the end.
Episode 10 - Epilogue - Resolution and how all the characters turn out in the long term.

On the Cece debacle .. .we already saved her once, she is living in her head.
We have no business being into her business to much, this is why we push her away.
To her, we are such a ladies gentle good guy, while she is a nobody going nowhere.
So we have ta take her on a whirlwind and give her something to do and make her
see something and do something of herself, treating her like a housewife or gold digger is wrong.

So there it is ... we got the ending to one of the love interests .. Cece we have ta keep saving 4 life.

About Lexy and her manager, she is needy for her bff and for MC, because she has no notion of standing up to her
manager and make a profesional relationship work beyound his hustle and jerk moods.

This is what hapends when gurls know nothing about talking to gurls,
when boys know nothing of talking to gurls.

He is trying to control her and she is putting upwith that by ignoring him and loosing herself in all the high life,
all the parties and the many people she might or not know well enough to actually let loose in her home.

That accouns for all the surveillance going on, both into her and againts her.

MC is that buffer, between the world who only sees the bimbo, and the real Lexy - like the buttler is 4 Bruce Wayne.
Hmm, I can't shake the feeling that Drifty had previously said there will be 8 episodes total, but I could be wrong... :unsure:
May 8, 2018
I really enjoy the romance scenes in this VN. That along with the story and the well written characters for the girls has made this join my top 5 (maybe 3).
Now i ofc can't wait until the next update hehe.
Is it mentioned somewhere approximately how many episodes it might end up with?
It's going to be 8 chapters long with a possiblity of an extra 9th chapter later on once the game is done.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
The premise of the wild speculation was that drifty set himself to do only 4 more episodes after the 1st 4 but his time frame would be too narrow to finish all routes in a satisfactory manner.
We are in alignment it is 8 episodes dev set time frame for this game, but we migth guess it is not
set in stone, mainly based on how gamers react to the actual development of characters in each episode.

the limited time that Drifty wants to finish this game in. He's set himself essentially 4 more episodes to not only deal with the chosen love interest, but to deal with Cece's condition, James' father whatever Steph may or may not behind the scenes, and Matt being evil. All that in 4 episodes is a tall order.
Hmm, I can't shake the feeling that Drifty had previously said there will be 8 episodes total, but I could be wrong... :unsure:
Holly is just tagged on by being Lexy BFF.
She has no interest in Mc, she does not have a care other than burning daylight with Lexy.
MC has no schedule or time frame of his own, but neither a set occupation,
all he and Holly have is Lexis party and time together.

Holly should be a fully romanceable character, not just for a threesome scene with Lexi.

I enjoyed the conversatio scenes where it's only her and MC, their chemistry seem to work really well.

Also her character appearance is the most attractive to me. Way prettier than most of the main girls. It's a shame she's only a side character because from what we know about her so far she's very interesting and could be main character material imo.


Aug 20, 2019
The game keeps showing me "no image found" on every single render since the start. Any idea what is the problem?
4.80 star(s) 604 Votes