53% (398 votes)
zmeena orr
I wasn’t going to drop this brand new sextape out of respect because this nigga said he had a girlfriend but his bitch just texted my phone talking hella shit sooo… SURPRISE BITCH I FUCKED YOUR NIGGA!!! AND HE COULDNT EVEN HANDLE THIS GOOD ASS PUSSY AT THAT!!!
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«I want to know how much is she paying niggas to make a fool of themselves»
«I’m glad the camera person exposed her fake ass just stick to solo if you going to keep doing the fake shit»
«I love when he spat in her fat asa i would eat the poo that come out da ass»
«Nice booty fuck cummed all over myself»

«She need to stop making fake sht alr ????????♂️»
«Her videos suck camera angles suck really looks like she be faking her BG scenes.»
«She be scamming like a mf they dry humping»
«This Chick Stay Having Fake Sex.. Why Even Tape This Bullshit !!»
«This Shit ass»
«Her videos are the worst. So fake.»
«Ninjas really don't be fucking her, they be really just humping, i guess that's why they call it acting»
«I just dont understand why fake it like whats the point might as well fuck????????♂️????????♂️»
«She Trash asf why y’all niggaz keep her paid is beyond me»
«Straight trash!!!!»
«Bruh she always having fake sex i been wanting to see those fat brown round chocolate cheeks being clapped for so long and she ova here STILL havin fake sex ever since that pressure "sex"tape.. wow»
«Bruh????????♂️,this bitch over here pretending to have sex.She get on my mf nerves»