- Indecent Wife Hana
- Fallen Eros
Looking for:
- Assistant Artist
Employment Type:
- Paid (Paypal only)
Work commitment:
- One-off first. Hopefully long term.
Preferred method of contact:
- Discord user: falleneros
- Send me a message.
Job Description:
- You will be responsible for coloring, organizing and polishing the illustration photoshop file following my guidelines. Check my game to see how it should look like at the end. A drawing tablet and Adobe Photoshop experience is required.
Additional comments:
- Please send a link to your portfolio. Be willing to do a small test before being hired.
- Indecent Wife Hana
- Fallen Eros
Looking for:
- Assistant Artist
Employment Type:
- Paid (Paypal only)
Work commitment:
- One-off first. Hopefully long term.
Preferred method of contact:
- Discord user: falleneros
- Send me a message.
Job Description:
- You will be responsible for coloring, organizing and polishing the illustration photoshop file following my guidelines. Check my game to see how it should look like at the end. A drawing tablet and Adobe Photoshop experience is required.
Additional comments:
- Please send a link to your portfolio. Be willing to do a small test before being hired.

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