Paul Morphy's 5 Most Brilliant Chess Moves

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 560

  • @chess
    @chess  5 лет назад +96

    Learn more about Paul Morphy's life and chess games here:

    • @chessstudy8362
      @chessstudy8362 5 лет назад +3

      This is my fevorate play series..
      Keep serving such a valuable things...
      Love you

    • @jdrodrigues7
      @jdrodrigues7 5 лет назад +1

      As a player who has defeated Masters and was offered a Harvard "B" team spot, I have reached that skill and performed all of the tactics displayed in this video. Since you wish to okay like that and I am here, I will share two basic ideas to help you skyrocket in skill within 100 Blitz games. Firstly, try to play a whole game from at least the mid-game with only Double Attacks where one flows into the next. Secondly, gain and stack initiative but don't use it for a long as possible only using it when the Chess board tells you not when you can't keep track on plans. Good luck! My highest Harvard Chess Club ranking during a single tournament was a 2200 one where I went undefeated versus registered Experts beat a 2375IM. It was a 21 person tournament. Those two ideas is all you need until IM skill.

    • @afbanales
      @afbanales 5 лет назад +1

      First example...please explain why the queen simply cant take the rook?

    • @gracewu6792
      @gracewu6792 4 года назад

      These moves are like the best moves I have ever seen

    • @k0rgkr0ss2
      @k0rgkr0ss2 4 года назад

      Great!but I hope they have the same era with magnus

  • @Amirreza_Karimi
    @Amirreza_Karimi 4 года назад +535

    "Chess can be artistic pursuit, but when Morphy was playing, it was something glorious to behold."

  • @thomasfriedl3137
    @thomasfriedl3137 4 года назад +163

    Paul Morphy was so ahead of his competition that he had no competition

    • @davidcopson5800
      @davidcopson5800 3 года назад +1

      What if he wanted to enter a competition?

    • @IlluminatiM06
      @IlluminatiM06 Год назад

      ​@@davidcopson5800he played all strong players at his time and destroyed them like ragdolls so yeah . Also he had played 1st American chess congress where he crushed everyone

  • @uchiham284
    @uchiham284 5 лет назад +560

    I really enjoy these series

    • @uchiham284
      @uchiham284 5 лет назад +2

      @@davidschneide5422 yea that would be great

    • @annayartseva
      @annayartseva 5 лет назад

      me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @brockobama257
    @brockobama257 4 года назад +413

    If Paul Morphy and Michail Tal ever got together I would pay my life’s savings to watch their game

    • @jurjenvanderhoek316
      @jurjenvanderhoek316 4 года назад +26

      So how much did you save in your life?

    • @DotyFuzz
      @DotyFuzz 4 года назад +35

      @@jurjenvanderhoek316 don't be an ass

    • @dusanninic9572
      @dusanninic9572 4 года назад +11

      Mikhail Tal would win that match!
      He was crazier genius !

    • @jansnauwaert1785
      @jansnauwaert1785 4 года назад +7

      @@dusanninic9572 Nope, Morphy. Tal was an idiot.

    • @dusanninic9572
      @dusanninic9572 4 года назад +4

      Can you prove that ???

  • @andrewptob
    @andrewptob 5 лет назад +484

    Imagine if Morphy actually studied the game and didn't give it up at 23! Greatest over the board chess mind ever.

    • @uncookedbert3216
      @uncookedbert3216 5 лет назад +6

      Morphy did study.

    • @ahmadshokry5945
      @ahmadshokry5945 5 лет назад +105

      @@uncookedbert3216 by our standards no he didn't, there was very little theory back then compared to what a child would learn now in children chess club

    • @andrewptob
      @andrewptob 5 лет назад +64

      @@paulmorphy6187 Watching Morphy get all of his pieces into a game/attack is truly artistic. So far ahead of his time that it's kind of shocking.

    • @morfi3395
      @morfi3395 5 лет назад +85

      Indeed...and imagine if he would have had stronger competition, a coach , played more often than 3 or 4 games on a Sunday!...people who deny his brilliancy by comparing him with the current computer kids are just not getting it.

    • @morfi3395
      @morfi3395 5 лет назад +22

      @@uncookedbert3216 not really....played on Sundays and his first book was touched when he was 19.

  • @gillrowley
    @gillrowley 4 года назад +41

    You know you're good when you're Fischer's favorite player.

  • @fretho8410
    @fretho8410 3 года назад +39

    Morphy's playing style was so flashy. He had an almost uncanny talent for the game despite having access to very little chess theory. The fact that his games are still analyzed and continue to fascinate more than 150 years later speaks for itself. He was indeed the epitome of a chess genius.

  • @michaelbaker9347
    @michaelbaker9347 5 лет назад +202

    I would suggest Tals 5 greatest moves, but i dont think its possible to narrow it down to 5. anyways, awesome series Simon! looking forward to more from you and your editors

    • @noahskalbak547
      @noahskalbak547 5 лет назад

      michael baker Me to

    • @Khookies-lp2lu
      @Khookies-lp2lu 4 года назад +8

      Oh wow. Geniuses Debating. Not to mention they finished it in a civilized way. What a rarity

    • @mtemikibasa1072
      @mtemikibasa1072 4 года назад +2

      Tal should be 10 atleast, he was a father of brilliancies

    • @hamidurrahman8736
      @hamidurrahman8736 4 года назад +1

      Hi guys, the video is all about Paul Morphy's 5 greatest chess moves. Talk about that. Please don't make irrelevant comments.

    • @Khookies-lp2lu
      @Khookies-lp2lu 4 года назад +5

      @@hamidurrahman8736 dude, they are making suggestions. Please, read the context. Thanks for being civil about it though, most people would have been hostile

  • @ginyouforce616
    @ginyouforce616 3 года назад +8

    What a genius.A player from the 19th century attracting 300k views; much more than many of today’s top players.

  • @jacoboribilik3253
    @jacoboribilik3253 4 года назад +17

    Morphy's third game was played by him blindfolded at the age of 12 at his birthday party, that is totally true, look it up if you don't believe me. Such an outstanding player.

    • @anthonybeaucher427
      @anthonybeaucher427 3 года назад +1

      You mean the fourth game? The third game was played against Louis Paulsen in the finals of the American Chess Congress...I think Morphy was around 20. I know the fourth game was played when Morphy was 12. I don't think he was blindfolded though, and seeing how it was played on October 28th while Morphy's birthday was in July, I doubt it was played at his birthday party.

    • @Godlessgaming79
      @Godlessgaming79 2 года назад

      ya butt Hans Niemann would have crushed him

    • @probium2832
      @probium2832 2 года назад +1

      @@Godlessgaming79 Ah yes Hans Niemals. Wonder if the cheating scandal is in his favour, or Magnus's

  • @smhollanshead
    @smhollanshead 4 года назад +49

    Paul Morphy, the greatest chess master of all time!!!’

    • @donkbonktj5773
      @donkbonktj5773 3 года назад

      @Thomas dxb no shit magnus would crush morphy..

    • @donkbonktj5773
      @donkbonktj5773 3 года назад

      @Thomas dxb Something doesn't add up. It's very irrelevant to say that Magnus is stronger than Morphy with the resource difference (like your comment said why Magnus is stronger). That's my point with my first reply. English is not my first language.

    • @mrskinszszs
      @mrskinszszs 3 года назад

      @Thomas dxb give morphy the access magnus has to PC learning, and teams of 2800+ super GMs and Morphy would crush Magnus. Evaluating from a pure talent level, Morphy is the greatest player to ever touch the game.

    • @alfikri3283
      @alfikri3283 2 года назад

      @@donkbonktj5773 difference era bro, magnus play in computer era that easy to improve his skill by learn from computer but if magnus play in morphy's era morphy would crush magnus but if they played in this era magnus would win easily

    • @Godlessgaming79
      @Godlessgaming79 2 года назад

      no way Hans Niemann would have crushed him

  • @sacriste
    @sacriste 4 года назад +6

    This is a great series, please add more of the classics: Capablanca, Alekhine, Tal, and the modern champions Anand, Kramnik, Topalov. Also Shirov and Short.

    • @rhyschen
      @rhyschen 4 года назад

      And Bobby Fischers Best Moves/Games as well.

  • @rickiovine2170
    @rickiovine2170 3 года назад +2

    Do more Morphy like this! You had me LMAO with that bit of pasting the board to your hand showing off the masterful position of Morphy’s Bishops as your own and parading around town! Great stuff.
    This was a year ago so I am sure you have more on my 2nd favorite American of all time.

  • @aimeduquet4879
    @aimeduquet4879 5 лет назад +35

    Thanks Simon. Love those videos!

  • @user-th2cp8uh8r
    @user-th2cp8uh8r 3 года назад +2

    Modern High Elo: "Oh, I've seen this move, Im gonna use this move that I have learned to counter this move"
    Paul Morphy: "oh shit, what do I do?(proceeds to solve the problem in a matter of seconds)".
    This was the real STRATEGICAL chess, no chess theories, just straight up impromptu chess playing and predicting the enemy's next move.

  • @michaelmendillo4614
    @michaelmendillo4614 5 лет назад +4

    I never get tired of watching Paul Morphy games, moves or anything else that includes the man , what a guy ! 😁✌

  • @erikthehalfabee6234
    @erikthehalfabee6234 5 лет назад +76

    1:45 Black has sacrificed so much that he's still down a bishop if the Queen takes the rook. Isn't a perpetual the most Black has here?

    • @surreptitiouswritings
      @surreptitiouswritings 5 лет назад +3

      I was thinking the same thing. a few of the positions here looks like the response suggested or played weren't the best moves

    • @bookskamaki
      @bookskamaki 5 лет назад +15

      he is a ginger, you understand that he is full of shit sometimes

    • @smtparwatisahu2596
      @smtparwatisahu2596 5 лет назад

      Erik, after Qxb4 and Qxb4, white king is really naked, might be winning

    • @erikthehalfabee6234
      @erikthehalfabee6234 5 лет назад +4

      @@smtparwatisahu2596 and how is black going to bring in the bishop to win the game? It looks like a perpetual at most because of the vulnerable king.

    • @smtparwatisahu2596
      @smtparwatisahu2596 5 лет назад +5

      @@erikthehalfabee6234 it's also about the pawns...2 white to 7 black is a huge advantage

  • @ZeroFanatic
    @ZeroFanatic 4 года назад

    By the last one (specifically 8:54) if u move knight to E5 it would stop the check, stop the pawn from advancing and at same time would threaten the white bishop

  • @kimandrews6106
    @kimandrews6106 5 лет назад +4

    Great video. Morphy was the genius to top all chess geniuses.

  • @rexhepiveli5343
    @rexhepiveli5343 4 года назад +1

    Your comments are funny and intelligent at the same time.
    Your channel is pretty addictive. Now, I really enjoy watching chess.

  • @giriiyer3968
    @giriiyer3968 5 лет назад +1

    You are right Paul Morphy is a joy to behold not tahl not Fischer came up with such stunners unarguably the two greatest of the modern era and I follow them

  • @StevenStJohn-kj9eb
    @StevenStJohn-kj9eb 4 года назад +16

    As surprising as a Morphy move, I was surprised when Simon was joking about how they resigned in the old days that he does a pretty poor British accent. Is that possible? Can a Brit do an unconvincing British accent? Great video BTW.

  • @steves672
    @steves672 4 года назад

    The most brilliant and most entertaining comments about magic chess moments I've ever heared. Brovo Simon!

  • @myleshubert3540
    @myleshubert3540 5 лет назад +2

    Idk how many times I've watched this particular top 5.. but I just love chess, love Morphy, love your top 5s...

  • @jasper5016
    @jasper5016 4 года назад +1

    Subscribed just for your commentary. Paul M. was ahead of his time. What a great chess player!

  • @brentsarbon2551
    @brentsarbon2551 4 года назад +7

    6:42 queen e6 was more beautiful than c7

    • @piFFD513
      @piFFD513 4 года назад

      If disagree. I like how it looks like none of the pieces are connected/supported. It's almost like , " is this checkmate?"

  • @joeb4142
    @joeb4142 5 лет назад +31

    The pride: Morphy’s chess brilliance
    The sorrow: that hair

    • @Gos1234567
      @Gos1234567 4 года назад +1

      Hey hipsters kill for a style like that!!

    • @SugeKnightMista
      @SugeKnightMista 4 года назад +1

      Flatulence as a strategy?
      It's diabolical

  • @AnnoShark
    @AnnoShark 5 лет назад +7

    Simon Williams and whoever edits these videos are doing such a great job with these videos :D
    If i would be able to be a GM i really wish that i would be like GM Williams

  • @roppis9258
    @roppis9258 4 года назад +13

    5:37 I was thinking it will be something absurd like Re8 and then it was lmao

  • @Alphaphenomenal
    @Alphaphenomenal Год назад

    Morphs game are the literal definition of pure talent , his ingenuity lives in forever

  • @henrynavarra3260
    @henrynavarra3260 Год назад +1

    A very good and entertaining video from sir Simon Williams.. teo thumbs up for this video

  • @matteopriotto5131
    @matteopriotto5131 5 лет назад +11

    Top 5 Tal, Karpov, Lasker or Capablanca please

  • @ProfJohnStats
    @ProfJohnStats 5 лет назад +2

    Great videos, I like the "5 most brilliant" series. I wanted to ask if you could make a video of forced draw where something like "take my bishop" (if you take, draw) or "take my piece" (if you take, draw). I once saw this game where a bishop kept chasing the other bishop begging to be taken to draw. I never found the game again for 15 years now.

  • @timothysmith8047
    @timothysmith8047 3 года назад

    That first example was unreal. That was awesome

  • @herbertmische8660
    @herbertmische8660 2 года назад +3

    Great, fantastic and immortal Paul Morphy!!! Respect forever!!!

  • @darshanmane
    @darshanmane 4 года назад +5

    I thought mikhail tal was only magician. But paul morphy is also a silent killing magician.

  • @wasekbillah8637
    @wasekbillah8637 3 года назад

    Man! You voice and style of delivering is so stress relieving. Take love.

  • @BillTatireta-g1k
    @BillTatireta-g1k Месяц назад

    Bob Fischer applied Paul Mophie Style of play...a lot of stunning sacrifices.

  • @adamfirth3082
    @adamfirth3082 5 лет назад +1

    Omg at 7:00 that position looks eerily similar to alpha zeros positon against stockfish in a match i saw on agadmators channel

  • @AeonQuasar
    @AeonQuasar 4 года назад +2

    2:01 is the game over there though? Sac the queen for the remaining Rook and you have a Queen and Bishop vs 2 rooks and 2 bishops. That's fairly equal in my mind. The amount of pawn difference though, but 2 rooks should be able to make quick work of it even the playing field.

    • @isakmaaan0326
      @isakmaaan0326 3 года назад +1

      It’s -6 for black so yes the game is basically over

  • @Ash-rx5wl
    @Ash-rx5wl 4 года назад +7

    Morphy is the GOAT, nothing more to say.🔥🔥

  •  5 лет назад +1

    Enjoyed it. I subscribed. Thanks

  • @mohammadyassersabtal6501
    @mohammadyassersabtal6501 5 лет назад

    The videos are more shockingly surprising than the video titles... Good job!

  • @hisyamkawilang
    @hisyamkawilang 4 года назад +2

    Morphy deserves top 100 moves.

  • @davidcharles7106
    @davidcharles7106 4 года назад +6

    02:01 - I wonder if white can make an effort to hold on by playing queen takes rook?

    • @GOLEM-yf4mx
      @GOLEM-yf4mx 4 года назад +1

      he can but big disadvantage like -6

    • @manan21
      @manan21 4 года назад

      Plus 3 pass pawns

  • @Ahsan_Habib_S
    @Ahsan_Habib_S Год назад +1

    4:20 why not bishop takes f2,next move bishop g2 was unstoppable mate!

  • @sureshgogada9996
    @sureshgogada9996 4 года назад

    i watched more of this top 5 moves in chess...some of them i able to guess, but this top 5 are out of now where... simply magical

  • @Whatthefk189
    @Whatthefk189 4 года назад

    That two bishop checkmate. That’s a dream, Morphy definitely knew how to attack and sacrifice

  • @bartleysen5477
    @bartleysen5477 5 лет назад +1

    6:40 👑 e6 is also #

  • @nicolasgoossens
    @nicolasgoossens 5 лет назад +1

    In the second game, after using the bishop to take F3, White king backs up again. (jojo) I can't get my head around why he didn't use the bishop to take the rook on D1. Folowing up with the more elegant check by using his rook from E8 to E1, forcing white to go in between and sacrifice the queen, ending up in checkmate...

  • @smason
    @smason 5 лет назад +3

    Move #5 might be the most brutal thing I've ever seen on the board. o_O

  • @faizanzahid490
    @faizanzahid490 4 года назад +1

    Finally the video i was waiting for and still waiting for legends like capablanca

  • @grousetheghoul2754
    @grousetheghoul2754 4 года назад +2

    Without Paul Morphy modern chess would be impossible. I forget who said that, but he was right.

  • @agartwisted7896
    @agartwisted7896 4 года назад +1

    Simon in every intro: “one of my favourite players of all time”

  • @pfsloan2597
    @pfsloan2597 5 лет назад +6

    Hysterical commentary and ole' timey video.

  • @이관모-p8s
    @이관모-p8s 4 года назад +2

    What a brilliant 1st move!!! I clap for a while. He is such a genius about 150 years ago.

  • @vozamaraktv-art5595
    @vozamaraktv-art5595 5 лет назад +4

    It hurts so much when you see people belittling and making fun of this absolute genius of chess player!!
    They say Morphy would lose terribly to any modern GM.
    Well then , explain to me why, the mighty Bobby Fischer himself said, that nobody sees the whole board like Morphy does (Meaning his intuition).

  • @jacobgodde6576
    @jacobgodde6576 5 лет назад +1

    6:20 he is such a magician that the knight turns into a queen

    • @DarthVader-wk9sd
      @DarthVader-wk9sd 5 лет назад

      Did you actually have trouble understanding that?

  • @ser_702
    @ser_702 3 года назад +1

    For game #5, Knight e5 instead of taking Queen is scary for white. Although white would win, it's a very long line of specific moves you'd have to follow to not give up your lead to black and it involves a white queen sacrifice from white, which I'm sure people wouldn't think of doing. Except Morphy 🤣

  • @farisuae1632
    @farisuae1632 5 лет назад

    Thank you very much Captain Simon Williams for this video and please continue

  • @aaronjacobdavid6776
    @aaronjacobdavid6776 3 года назад

    in 3:36, if the black queen eats the rook in f1, either queen or king takes the rook, it'll also end in a checkmate, i also think it is much faster.

  • @robertreid2931
    @robertreid2931 3 года назад

    What?? No Opera House game? That's the game that made me fall in love with chess and see it as more than simply making legal moves.

  • @giriiyer3968
    @giriiyer3968 4 года назад

    I think in the second game there was a refutation without losing the queen pawn from f2 to f3 covering the queen and an escape square for the king but I'm not sure about the continuation after that

  • @FloydMaxwell
    @FloydMaxwell 4 года назад

    3:27 - black queen takes rook on f1. White queen takes black queen. Rook on e6 to e1.
    If white queen takes rook, other black rook takes with checkmate.
    If white queen doesn't take, black bishop to c1, then to a3.

    • @LeventK
      @LeventK 4 года назад

      How can bishop go c1?

  • @Randy1337
    @Randy1337 4 года назад

    I am proud that I saw the second one with Ng3

  • @espenbgh2540
    @espenbgh2540 2 года назад

    Paul Morphy was mentioned in the chess books I read, but only now do I see how brilliant he really was.

  • @averychurch3898
    @averychurch3898 4 года назад +4

    I see why Paul Morphy was considered the best chess player

  • @turkiyett0928
    @turkiyett0928 5 лет назад +5

    1:55 Qxb4 only move 6:17 Qxg7?!

  • @gracewu6792
    @gracewu6792 4 года назад

    The second example was awesome. ( and the cherry on the top of Morphys cake was a good one

  • @part-timejaffa6045
    @part-timejaffa6045 5 лет назад

    Been loving this series. Great stuff

  • @aleksandaraleksandrov412
    @aleksandaraleksandrov412 5 лет назад

    Hello, I would probably check mate the black king with Qe6 , I didn´t see the Qc6-checkmate, but it is also nice.I mean the game that started with Re8. Here are brilliant moves, brilliant play, and Fischer himself said once ,,Probably Morphy was the greatest genius of them all,,. Cheers from Bulgaria,Simon and bring us more!

  • @arkanoid7551
    @arkanoid7551 5 лет назад +33

    8:51 that's kind of an engine move isn't it? :D

    • @AbhishekTiwari-xt1kt
      @AbhishekTiwari-xt1kt 5 лет назад +1


    • @LeventK
      @LeventK 4 года назад

      Whatever you else play you lose so

    • @arkanoid7551
      @arkanoid7551 4 года назад +1

      @@LeventK Right, that's why next best move is resign. Some engines, especially the more primitive ones, play desperado moves in similar circumstances.

  • @namikazeswapnil671
    @namikazeswapnil671 4 года назад +1

    The effects simon give is soo funny😂

  • @FloydMaxwell
    @FloydMaxwell 4 года назад +1

    That first Morphy moment is definitely an all-timer

  • @matholympiad8384
    @matholympiad8384 4 года назад +1

    Hey i wanna ask something in 4:23 why he didnt played Rg2 there was a unstopable 3-move mate if Qe2 we will take by queen by rook if he plays any move like Qd3 we simply take pawn on f2 check Kg1 forced Rg2 and we simply mate on Rg1 if he moves Qxb6 Rxh2!! and there is nothing to stop Rh1#

  • @adityakumari4088
    @adityakumari4088 3 года назад +6

    "Morphy was probably the greatest of 'em all."-Bobby Fischer. Morphy, the only player I like except Fischer. I won't say other players are not good but he was just simply unbelievable.

  • @arnejoppien
    @arnejoppien 4 года назад

    Minute 1:31: after 1...Qa4+ White should play 2.Kc1 with equal chances after ...Bxb4 3.cxb4 Rxb4 4.Qg5. But Bird played 2.Kb2?? Bxb4 3.cxb4 Rxb4+, allowing Black to give this decisive check.

  • @Cod4Wii
    @Cod4Wii 4 года назад

    Morphy has the most beautiful works of art in chess games ever.

  • @jurjenvanderhoek316
    @jurjenvanderhoek316 4 года назад +1

    When people ask me to "like" them, i never do it ... Liking is something that should come naturally, isn't it?

  • @TheNice1263
    @TheNice1263 5 лет назад

    Oh.what a delight to see Morphy in this way

  • @rmetz_r6210
    @rmetz_r6210 3 года назад

    “The naked white king” when Simon said that I was bursting out in laughter

  • @Clifton100
    @Clifton100 5 лет назад +9

    Uh oh, Simon's chess hero is the same as Ben Finegold's... World upside down.

  • @giriiyer3968
    @giriiyer3968 4 года назад

    I'm not sure but I heard some where that when they ran his games through an engine one of his games got four exclamation marks for his brilliancy moves the highest till date

  • @afifkhaja
    @afifkhaja 5 лет назад +1

    Morphy's tactics seem even more impressive than Kasparov's, Karpov's or Carlsen's. About to watch the Fischer video. This playlist is great!

    • @nischay4760
      @nischay4760 4 года назад +1

      Because they dont get the chance to show such tactics as often since their opponents notice them too

  • @arunjyotidas7
    @arunjyotidas7 4 года назад

    I really love your commentary... Hats off guy..

  • @JackySupit
    @JackySupit 3 года назад

    wow!!! this are truly 5 magic moves!!! thank you sir for sharing this!

  • @mamorossmenomacskamenet
    @mamorossmenomacskamenet 2 года назад

    Whaaaaat the 5th example blew my mind.

  • @jalapablocrypto
    @jalapablocrypto 7 месяцев назад

    Botvinnik himself declared that since Paul Morphy nothing new has been improved in the open game. Let that sink in. This without any computer databases or team of super GMs to aide him. Just a regular kid in mid-19th century Louisiana playing a 'parlor game' to pass time before he could legally practice law.

  • @shashikala4602
    @shashikala4602 4 года назад

    My problem is that I do not understand algebraic notation, so please make a video on algebraic notation (nick de firmian) in particular from the book please

  • @robertotoy5586
    @robertotoy5586 2 года назад

    Morphy's move are really something different to the new chess players, definitely my favorite player of all time considering the age the lived in. Jesus Christ THAT was interesting chess, nowadays its more tactical and "boring"

  • @zarifshoeb
    @zarifshoeb 5 лет назад +1

    2:02 just play queen captures rook and you have more than enough compensation for the queen - two rooks and two bishops

    • @vymicrowave
      @vymicrowave 5 лет назад

      Black has 5 extra pawns.

    • @zarifshoeb
      @zarifshoeb 5 лет назад

      @@vymicrowave well okay you got a point

  • @noxnc
    @noxnc 5 лет назад +1

    Top notch collection.

  • @gr3759
    @gr3759 3 года назад

    You are awesome!! I like the way you deliver the contents. It only inspires me to fall in love with English 1% more than chess.

  • @tematatata
    @tematatata 4 года назад

    these series is brilliant!

  • @andrewroberts8139
    @andrewroberts8139 3 года назад

    Nice to see a chess presenter who has a real gift for entertainment - not all of them do! Also he kindly bought me a drink once, so I can't say anything bad about him!

  • @einderlicht
    @einderlicht Год назад

    for me, Ng3 is the most beautiful move of all time

  • @claytonbenignus4688
    @claytonbenignus4688 3 года назад

    In the Bird vs. Morphy game, Bird isn't dead yet. After QxR, QxQ check, Bird has 3 pieces for his Queen though he is five pawns down. Bird was a tougher player to beat than most. I am not convinced that this is a decisive advantage against Bird.

  • @parwaazjoshi
    @parwaazjoshi 5 лет назад +1

    plz do top 5 moves of Mikhail Tal

  • @intergalacticdegengypsy6135
    @intergalacticdegengypsy6135 5 лет назад

    That last one was sick