YOUR BRILLIANT moves of the week
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Here are your Brilliant Moves of the Week from Subs of thechessnerd, enjoy!
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2k likes for Episode 3!! Which one was your favorite?
how could i not say the last one?
Road to 2k likes
That last game pulled the switch after taking away the guarding pawns for a sacrificed Rook. Simply brilliant!❤
Also known as the blackburne mate
The last game, tho. It always gives me chills when the classic brilliant move Nd5 is played to punish someone in the Sicilian Defense.
8:57 sir David gray is the manager and club hero of my favourite football club (⚽️) idk if this is the actual david gray but still
ahhh just seen this, i’m brilliant 6!!! thanks so much for this man, love your channel!
Mum must be very proud ❤️
12:24 i also saw the mate here although not the windmill to pick up the queen
That last game was nuts, if i played that otb i would quit chess fr
It is Gauri chess's immortal game
@@lakshya4876 cool, i like his videos
Awesome video! Thank you 🙏🙏🤍🤍
hi witty alien
indeed it was
No way 2 legends in one comment
Thanks Bebe
3 legends in 1 comment
0:35 and 1:13 im so happy i saw both of them in like 20 seconds
12:59 black can play rook to any square on the g file (that's not g1) . White can only defend with bishop to f3 and bishop takes with checkmate. The whole windmill idea thing is pointless when you can just have checkmate in 2 moves. Also mate in 3 is pointless when you can have mate in 2.
i thought this too; this isn't true though since the pawn can block, and since it's defended by the bishop (which is then defended by the rook), there isn't a real checkmate in 2
13:35 bro bullied a 400 😭
Enjoyed the episode man! Keep making these!!!!
This is giving me huge impostor syndrome after seeing brilliant moves by 900 elo players I could never find
Last one is Gauri chess's immortal game
That's what I was thinking.
How can u submit games for this?
If rook goes to g7 why can’t pawn block the bishop? 13:11
the rook is checking the king the you cant move the pawn
Bro I remember
watching u playing in tournaments at 20k subscribers rlly glad too see u gaining this much subs 🎉❤
Thanks for your loyalty, Floyd :)
@@thechessnerd NO Problem bro
second game with 400s was crazy
Great video, thanks for the feature:)
9:37 it showed brillant for a sec
one time i was doing my 5ith game and i got a brilliant move by accident bc i didnt see the bishop attaking my rook
Where can I submit my own brilliants? In the discord?
these are so insane wtf
thanks for ur review my man 🔥
YOOOOOOOOOOO!! Congrats on making it to the video :)
What's the rating of the last over the board player
It's gauri chess's immortal game, he's a fm
The rooooooook😂
I did a rook sac to win a queen
Can I submit my game too?
How to send brilliant move
How can I send you my brillant games?
Can you give the last game please we wanna access it
Gauri Shankar vs. Igor Svetlik:
The 9th one was not very impressive. I found it very quickly.
I cant say which brilliant is best
Some of them are easy to find bro
Last one by far. It’s not even close.
@@alymustafa752 yep
@@hughpenner5051 not including last one
@@Wrawiie27 then yeah I agree it’s pretty hard to decide
That game of player named mkhlf is rigged bro. No way an 1100 can play that! I’m 1600 and I know.
But obviously these games are very cherry picked. 1 good game doesn't mean they cheat
That's daily rating bro My ath rapid is 1730
1100 isn't bad... it's possible see that movement, but is very hard. I'm 2000 and I know
I once played a brilliant move at 120 elo and I didn’t cheat😊
@@Enzyme02and was it a lucky brilliant (basically a blunder) or did you actually see it
May iask how do i send my game or where?
I wanted to share my best op brilliant in which I sacced a knight to attack it was an invisible brilliant but i missed that game in my database😢
[Black guy coughing and crying meme]
Where were my brilliants:(
wake up cheesnerd Posted!!;
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Sexy 😢 brilliant
I am here first
sorry to tell but nobody cares
7th comment
Where’s the magician? 🪄
My mom thought she made a brilliant move when bringing me into the world, only my father knows she blundered 🥲
My dad straight up resigned
My mother wanted to abort, but it is not advisable to do so
I learned alot of things and analyzed ty chessnerd😁♟️♟️