ZACH WOODS Grew Up in The Brigadoon of Pennsylvania

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Seth and Josh welcome the hilarious Zach Woods to the pod for their first full video episode! From books on tape during road trips, being obsessed with Miles Davis as a kid, visiting the Outer Banks, the love of hanging out in Walmart, and Zach’s distaste for vacations, this episode is full of hilarious childhood and family trip stories!
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    #familytrips #vacation #zachwoods

Комментарии • 191

  • @MMConsultinggroup
    @MMConsultinggroup Год назад +31

    "like a Thanksgiving float for the idea of depression" 😂😂. Zach Woods is so intellectually quick its hilarious

  • @bretscofield
    @bretscofield Год назад +179

    To all the other jackals, hello.

    • @mystinkybutt
      @mystinkybutt Год назад

      “Corrections: Family Trips Edition” coming soon? Please?

    • @-laydeeintrigue-
      @-laydeeintrigue- Год назад +13

      I come bearing googly eyes!

    • @SenatorRobinson
      @SenatorRobinson Год назад +9

      Standing by… ready to tackle flaws.

    • @bobbiecooper948
      @bobbiecooper948 Год назад +11

      I'm requesting animal flubs

    • @markbooth6706
      @markbooth6706 Год назад +2

      Will Josh let Seth sell Jackal mugs on the family trips merch site?

  • @robinboyd76
    @robinboyd76 Год назад +37

    Zach Wood is as delightful as I imagined him to be. What a great conversation.

  • @itslizmcmahon
    @itslizmcmahon Год назад +50

    Oh this is going to be fresh hunting ground for jackals.

  • @-laydeeintrigue-
    @-laydeeintrigue- Год назад +47

    My jaw dropped and I immediately stopped the audio pod!! Soooo delighted for the video!!
    Edit: Missing Josh's song though!

  • @tsc1945
    @tsc1945 Год назад +30

    Yippeedoodles…I’m so glad that I can FINALLY see you all!!! Keep this method up…even though I’ve always listened to the podcast but seeing you all is beyond fabulous!! One request: get JOHN OLIVER on again bc watching him laughing is something I live for! Love you both

  • @JanisHaddock
    @JanisHaddock Год назад +33

    Usually listen in the car so had to jump on to see Josh's Larry and Hillary imitation, Zach's cozy sweater and Axel's pirate patches! Love the show!

  • @prithamukherji4516
    @prithamukherji4516 Год назад +26


  • @primis82
    @primis82 Год назад +42

    Now I can finally tell who's talking 😂🎉

  • @ljohnson1908
    @ljohnson1908 Год назад +34

    12 year old Zach Woods arguing that Louie Armstrong was an Uncle Tom, made me laugh for a shamefully long time. 😂

  • @katylynnj
    @katylynnj Год назад +11

    This was top 3 funniest episodes. It had everything. Pirates, films to watch with mom recommendations, and even some family trips! Also, I vote yes on merch.❤

  • @jeanee1228
    @jeanee1228 Год назад +31

    Very glad that we get video pods now! Also Zach is one of the most endearing humans I’ve ever witnessed. I could watch 4hrs of this with him 🥹

  • @kstepko
    @kstepko Год назад +14

    I want a playlist of all of the parody songs!
    PS: For the rest of my life, I will sing “cheesecake cheesecake, cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake” during the musical break of “I Heard It Through the Grapevine”.

    • @LeftShoeOff
      @LeftShoeOff Месяц назад

      My husband and I will randomly burst into "cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake" while existing around the house.

  • @happyhappyamyp
    @happyhappyamyp Год назад +15

    ALSO, you all could NOT be cuter! Tousle that hair, Seth. Keep those glasses on, Josh. Keep getting snuggly in that sweater, Zach! Everything you're doing is hitting JUST RIGHT. Keep it up! 😍😍

  • @AtoZFarm
    @AtoZFarm Год назад +13

    It took me an embarrassingly long time to find this. 😂 Almost had to pull a Larry and ask for a link.

  • @pizzazombie2
    @pizzazombie2 Год назад +4

    Thank goodness we finally have a place for all of our corrections. 🐾

  • @sidneypudwill3785
    @sidneypudwill3785 Год назад +5

    I LOVE Family Trips!!! It's the best!! I really enjoy the guests, but I mostly enjoy the relationship between Seth and Josh. Keep the episodes coming boys!

    • @katebell1974
      @katebell1974 Год назад +2

      I think their relationship is so endearing and why people love them! And their relationship with their parents!

  • @pinecone8989
    @pinecone8989 6 месяцев назад +1

    I love Zach he has the most beautiful soul

  • @PopeLando
    @PopeLando Год назад +9

    And now, no more times when you're enjoying listening to Seth telling an anecdote and you suddenly realise "Oh that was *Josh* !"

  • @mayag9780
    @mayag9780 Год назад +11

    If there was a third, youngest Meyers brother, it would be Zach Woods

  • @LeelooDallas-44
    @LeelooDallas-44 Год назад +4

    Zach asks such insightful questions. Really knows how to keep the conversation flowing. Loved this!

  • @jbtoy
    @jbtoy Год назад +3

    I was flabbergasted when I saw this, thinking that it had been video all this time and that I had somehow missed it.

  • @gratefuljackal8183
    @gratefuljackal8183 Год назад +2

    So nice to have this on video now! Thanks guys 💙 I personally prefer it when the conversation flows freely with a funny guest, whether it's about trips or whatever else. And of course any time the Meyers parents can join 😄

  • @andrearees1547
    @andrearees1547 Год назад +11

    Josh, I missed your song at the end here! So I went back to the audio version and listened to it there! Great like always hits the spot at the end❣️

    • @ThisIsFiftyWithLil
      @ThisIsFiftyWithLil Год назад +3

      I'm sorta wishing merch (hoodies, sweatshirts and t-shirts) offered had the option of song lyrics choice printed on back.

  • @JS-TO
    @JS-TO Год назад +2

    Love this vodcast! In addition to Merch, can we get the "Family trips" jingle as a donwload for phone ringtone?

  • @karibrinkman-sull7239
    @karibrinkman-sull7239 Год назад +4

    I already love the audio only version of Family Trips, but love it even more as video! And I vote YES to you making merch available.

  • @heathered105
    @heathered105 Год назад +1

    OK oh my god, if mom and dad are the number one and two biggest fans of the Myers brothers, then I’m number three. They are the best. I listen to every podcast And Zach is killing me. The three of them talking about Noah’s ark. Literally making me cry with laughter. And when Zach refers to his sister during their toxic family trips as “physically trying to unmake herself.”😂😂😂😂 i’m not trying to be a kiss ass. This is all very sincere. And in the effed up world we’re in right now. All the smiles and respect and joy comes with a big hug right back. Love this!

  • @sandyleo4659
    @sandyleo4659 Год назад +2

    Ok the visual imitation of your parents was priceless. Love them!

  • @mkstiv
    @mkstiv Год назад +6

    So happy to be able to watch! ❤

  • @barbaradavis8880
    @barbaradavis8880 Год назад +5

    Oh, brothers, this is a wonderful episode. Insomnia has never been so enjoyable. So fun to SEE you, and Zach is fascinating. You’re all such good raconteurs! Oh, and the pirate thing Zach was describing, where they dragged the bad pirate under the boat, is called “keelhauling.” Love the show!

  • @AtoZFarm
    @AtoZFarm Год назад +6

    Also yes please to merch!

  • @lovetrioni
    @lovetrioni Год назад +1

    Don't be a furniture toucher 😂😂😂 Peter Capaldi is a hoot!

  • @kiki__21
    @kiki__21 Год назад +6

    Josh: We’re really going to try to focus on family trips
    Seth 2 min and 13 second into the interview: 10:53

  • @XtalMath
    @XtalMath Год назад +2

    what a bunch of lovely and kind people

  • @850kell531
    @850kell531 Год назад +3

    omg video?!?!?! thanks guys!!!!!! ❤❤

  • @AndreaMartin-g5g
    @AndreaMartin-g5g Год назад +4

    LOVED every second of this! please do this as often as possible!

  • @spinningnovagaming
    @spinningnovagaming 4 месяца назад +1

    Zach Woods is just delightful. Great episode!

  • @BRLambert4
    @BRLambert4 8 месяцев назад

    "If anything the romance of travel was an aphrodisiac"
    Most hilarious statement

  • @gratefuljackal8183
    @gratefuljackal8183 Год назад +1

    Love Zach Woods - excellent choice having him on 💙

  • @juneallisonramos4120
    @juneallisonramos4120 3 месяца назад

    Still one of my top three episodes and I am so so happy it is on video.

  • @adamw7594
    @adamw7594 11 месяцев назад +1

    This guys always entertaining...I like it.

    • @Kitty8791
      @Kitty8791 9 месяцев назад

      According to Silicon Valley . . . "[that] guy fucks!" 🤣

  • @mitze888
    @mitze888 Год назад +1

    Hey Jackals! What a guest and wonderful conversationalist! I related to so many things in this episode. For five years I was the middle of three girls, but I was the mediator. A Louisianan who has been living in New Hampshire for the last 17 years, I def see strength and resilience in New Hampshirites + Vermonters during winter. Louisianans would never go outside in the winter weather we have. My parents even warned I shouldn't let our son play in the snow because he was going to "catch a cold" or "get pneumonia." I didn't listen of course.
    The movie "On Golden Pond" (shot in NH) is a good depiction of what it's like to go back "home" and how it's more going back in time. Loved this!

  • @andrearees1547
    @andrearees1547 Год назад +7

    Love that we can watch you guys now too🥳 Really enjoy this show! Greetings from a German fan😊

  • @rikkiechambers4959
    @rikkiechambers4959 Год назад +2

    Sigh .. this was so nice you guys .. and fyi Seth , I also always thought pirates were maybe embarrassed by their lost mangled eyes and that was why they wore the patch lol.. I love history and pirates so the bent of this pod was so fun !! And he seems like such a very nice guy .

  • @EllysThoughts94
    @EllysThoughts94 Год назад +1

    Wow Josh really is so handsome @_@ What a treat to have the pod on video!

  • @HeffalumpRenee25
    @HeffalumpRenee25 Год назад +1

    Yas to sweaters!

  • @vorpled
    @vorpled 7 месяцев назад

    I love Zach more and more each time he talks. (If you are wondering what to watch next, Zach has a great episode on TYSO)

  • @porcelina_zero
    @porcelina_zero Год назад +3

    Dammit Seth, as soon as I saw the sweatshirt I jumped up to get my credit card. I WANT MERCH

  • @susanrobbins6687
    @susanrobbins6687 Год назад +3

    Love the Meyers, and it was a technical tilting at windmills struggle to find the video channel. YT search sucks! Even google flamed out. Have front row tickets to see Seth in BTV Friday. So excited! We won’t make you ski more than one run Seth, thanks for coming up to Vermont!

  • @epichaiku
    @epichaiku Год назад +2

    Really needed the serotonin boost today! So excited to see your faces. Axel burying his glasses... I think I would have done that as a kid too.

  • @anneayres8562
    @anneayres8562 Год назад +4

    Love seeing the boys and their guest! However, it is more time consuming because I want to watch. I can do more stuff around the house when I listen only. May have to switch it up from week to week.
    Love the show. I especially love the same questions asked to every guest. Nice schtick.

  • @gemmabiancucci8453
    @gemmabiancucci8453 Год назад +3

    I'm sorry that I didn't know until now who Zach Woods AND I'm thrilled to have heard him on the show. I love the conversation you all had and Zach was so curious and quick witted, a great guest that matches you both well! If Wikipedia is correct about Zach's dad being a Psychiatrist , I'd love to hear how he experience the trio of kids and Zach starting arguments on family road trips. Zach you are very articulate. I'm a fan! Seth and Josh love you both and Axel arghhhhh😎🤓🧐🏖

  • @annajanet6062
    @annajanet6062 Год назад +6

    I was wondering what you were going to do with the opening sting in terms of visuals! If you change it up in the future, I was hoping to see some more family trip pictures from your family (a la Family Ties opener).
    Also, the movie "3-Iron" is a South Korean movie from 2004 about a home burglar who becomes invested in the lives of the people he burgles.
    Love listening to you two and now getting to see you only adds to the enjoyment!

    • @epichaiku
      @epichaiku Год назад

      Yes! I was trying to remember what movie the random images in my head were coming from. 3-Iron is so great!

  • @JanetWarrington
    @JanetWarrington Год назад +1

    I have listened to every one of your pod casts and didn't think they could get any better but the video is such a fun enhancement. Please add Josh's music!

  • @ThisIsFiftyWithLil
    @ThisIsFiftyWithLil Год назад +2

    Yay! Nothing like driving into northern New Hampshire from home in Vermont only to learn, upon arriving at my destination, that Family Trips is now uploading episodes on the channel. And this on the same week that I'll finally get to redeem the best Christmas gift my husband has ever given me... 33 years, guys; my engagement ring doesn't count because he lost it... tickets to The Flynn to see Seth! Second, "Yay!" Good episode, I really enjoyed Zach's trip stories with off-topic tidbits thrown in. I hope Larry was okay with that.

  • @lynnmillerhandbells
    @lynnmillerhandbells Год назад +3

    Brigadune has been bothering me all day. Thanks for changing it.

  • @erintheokay
    @erintheokay Год назад +2

    I'm glad we get the video now because while I know you two sound similar, I'd never realized how similar you sound until the pod.

  • @samanthab1923
    @samanthab1923 Год назад +1

    My parents bought a house in Yardley back in the early 90’s. ❤️

  • @chimdi
    @chimdi 9 месяцев назад

    Zach has such depth, I loved this conversation and all the strange places it ventured!

  • @flyinv3663
    @flyinv3663 Год назад +1

    Right on! Thank you, Boys. For the visual, I'm saying.

  • @InformationLiesAtTheEdges
    @InformationLiesAtTheEdges Год назад +1

    So Seth has a pencil in his hand during Family Trips too! 😏

  • @tch5078
    @tch5078 Год назад +2

    Boycott Family Trips until Corrections gets extended!!!!! Fight the Power!! :~)

  • @kimcheelove
    @kimcheelove Год назад +1

    i'm guessing they can't add josh's songs at the end bc of copyright issues. i listen to the podcasts when i drive, but so nice to have the video! and to see the jackals assembling!
    maybe because my two brothers "sound the same" to others, I've never had trouble telling seth and josh apart while listening. then again, i've been a fan of seth's since his early days at snl, so maybe it's just the familiarity for me. love the podcast!!

  • @lovetrioni
    @lovetrioni Год назад +1

    Yay video. Loved this episode ❤❤❤❤

  • @imkaramarie
    @imkaramarie Год назад +3

    You guys make my work day significantly better! Love the show!

  • @Shehulk88
    @Shehulk88 Год назад +2

    What a great episode to add to RUclips!

  • @alisonlewis2123
    @alisonlewis2123 Год назад

    Yes, Please! We Want Family Trips Merch!! Really want a t-shirt to wear on my family trips! 😃

  • @rikkiechambers4959
    @rikkiechambers4959 Год назад +1

    Ok here is the video 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 hell yes !!! This is the best !! I’m so excited to see your faces and be able to comment !! Hello to any other Jackals in the place . Been listening since the first podcast and I so enjoy this format . Sadly I’m not much of a tv or movie person so I don’t always know your guests tbh lol but the family vacations are great subject matter because then I get to know them for who they really are .. Sofi and Poshi rule and I adore your parents as well Hillary and Larry are great fun and so supportive . Thank you thank you thank you for the video version of this podcast 💙💚💜❤️

  • @TheLettybird
    @TheLettybird Год назад +4

    The closest I can think of to a film about a cat burglar falling in love with the house he’s robbing, is a French film called Tenue de soirée in which a burglar breaks up a fight between a couple and then becomes their lover and teaches them to become burglars. It of course stars Gerard Depardieu.

    • @gal1885
      @gal1885 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @Kitty8791
      @Kitty8791 9 месяцев назад +1

      So there was a TV movie by that name in 1983, but the film version Depardieu was in, in 1986, is titled Ménage, if anyone is looking for it.
      P.S. some others here suggested the Korean movie 3 Iron.

    • @TheLettybird
      @TheLettybird 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Kitty8791 Ah, IMDb let me down on the name of the movie. 🙄

  • @karenwagner6880
    @karenwagner6880 Год назад +1

    Oh man - had a great time watching the vodcast UNTIL it reached the end and… NO JOSH SONG!! I backed it up to be sure. Then I went to the podcast, FFW to the end, and THERE IT WAS! I hadn’t realized how much I look forward to those wonderfully creative little dessert morsels until it wasn’t there! Well done as always, lads - just please don’t forego the songs!

  • @can-7191
    @can-7191 Год назад +1

    🎉Happy to see the first video podcast!!

  • @The0vum
    @The0vum Год назад +1

    I think we need to see a little of Jeff Tweedy performing the theme song.

  • @MattRumm
    @MattRumm Год назад

    Wow, you two are really sweet 😊 I don't think I've ever seen Seth chatting without a script, and seeing them chatting as brothers is strangely cute to me. I'm watching a 50 year old man talk to his brother, and I actively think it's cute. I'm so old 😂

  • @brookesjoquist6225
    @brookesjoquist6225 Год назад

    Family Trips merch please!!
    Zach Woods is a national treasure.

  • @nemomonteflores3890
    @nemomonteflores3890 9 месяцев назад

    Love this family and how they love one another ❤

  • @sadronweasley
    @sadronweasley Год назад +1

    I can finally see yall

  • @revimack3764
    @revimack3764 Год назад +1

    Love the vodcast!

  • @jessicarenfrowilson1826
    @jessicarenfrowilson1826 Год назад +1

    I think this was my favorite episode so far!

  • @linalewis-arevalo1020
    @linalewis-arevalo1020 11 месяцев назад

    I had never heard of Zach Woods before this episode, and wow, what a lovely person!

  • @jennifercherry248
    @jennifercherry248 Год назад +1

    Have Conan O'Brien on Family Trips!!
    Love the pod 😊

  • @kokokrunchie
    @kokokrunchie Год назад +2

    Would love to buy a Family Trips sweatshirt!!!

  • @natalielehmkuhl3299
    @natalielehmkuhl3299 Год назад +2

    Merch please! I want to wear it to your show at this beacon in March!

  • @cindykaye7985
    @cindykaye7985 Год назад +1

    Love this...Josh has on a filter and looks 12 y/o

  • @mm_A
    @mm_A Год назад

    Very happy to have the video! Audio podcasts put me directly to sleep

  • @patrickbyrd9928
    @patrickbyrd9928 Год назад +1

    Love the pod!
    When will the HAIM sisters & parents be on LNSM as agreed to last year?

  • @ShariPaladino
    @ShariPaladino Год назад +1

    Also hope you can have Rory Scovel on the podcast & Maria Bamford.

  • @ShariPaladino
    @ShariPaladino Год назад

    Yay! So happy you guys added the RUclips of the interviews. I listen on my walks in the morning and weekends - but it is nice to know there is another option. I love Seth and family on late night- I’m a big fan. I enjoy the friendship and warmth that comes across your podcast… it’s cozy? I hope not a cringe word- but it’s sweet and familiar and feels like I’m out with friends- I really liked this interview with zach woods- I kept smiling and then simultaneously looking up at people along the trail… and feeling embarrassed- because people on trails in the Bay Area don’t smile at each other. Was one of my favorite interviews.

  • @Maenad48
    @Maenad48 Год назад +1


  • @outdoor_jared
    @outdoor_jared Год назад +2

    What, no Josh post interview song!? Got to go to the podcast for it

  • @media_gyrlakaanotherskywal8898
    @media_gyrlakaanotherskywal8898 Год назад +1

    I want one of those hoodies! Bring on the merch!

  • @dmghunt
    @dmghunt Год назад +1

    Now whenever I get stuck in a middle seat I'm going to hope it's between Hillary and Larry :D

  • @orsygodri1155
    @orsygodri1155 11 месяцев назад

    We need more video podcasts like these :D

  • @moonstoneway2694
    @moonstoneway2694 11 месяцев назад

    Hilarious! Thanks.

  • @pamzulauf8218
    @pamzulauf8218 8 месяцев назад

    I'm a big fan of your podcast! I'm wondering if Josh's awesome songs are going to be part of the video version?? Thanks for the respite from reality!

  • @madalinegonzalez2186
    @madalinegonzalez2186 Год назад

    I'm so excited for this video podcast! Love Seth Meyers!

  • @kimcheelove
    @kimcheelove Год назад +1

    jackals, unite!!

  • @Pattymelt415
    @Pattymelt415 Год назад +1


  • @AtoZFarm
    @AtoZFarm Год назад +9

    I promise to be nice in the comments, but am I allowed to leave corrections? 😂

  • @LemonZest
    @LemonZest Год назад

    Love the new video format. Please add the song at the end!

  • @allthingsying2336
    @allthingsying2336 11 месяцев назад

    I love this ❤