WEIRD, WEIRD, WEIRD - My Snow White Review

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • The long-awaited Snow White has officially arrived. The apple was poisoned over two years ago, but the fatal effects are only just now sinking in.
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    • Rachel Zegler and Gal ...
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Комментарии • 700

  • @SlayingSuperNerdX
    @SlayingSuperNerdX День назад +286

    Disney was more inclusive when it wasn’t trying to.

    • @finwefingolfin7113
      @finwefingolfin7113 День назад +17

      Sometimes now I feel like we're all living inside a bad mockumentary of reality

    • @JohnDoe003
      @JohnDoe003 День назад +4

      Just FYI: Disney nor any company has to be "inclusive" if they don't want to be.

    • @Blu3ee251
      @Blu3ee251 2 часа назад

      I wanna know wht part of the matrix is thiss😭🙏🏻

    • @SlayingSuperNerdX
      @SlayingSuperNerdX 2 часа назад

      @@JohnDoe003 I know, but Disney was more inclusive of other cultures before all the woke stuff

  • @ogmetric
    @ogmetric День назад +333

    Snow White and the 7 billion empty seats.

    • @chasehedges6775
      @chasehedges6775 День назад +4

      I think you mean Modern Disney’s Snow White😂😂😂

    • @Mistyy_skies
      @Mistyy_skies День назад +3


    • @JohnDoe003
      @JohnDoe003 День назад +4

      Snow Woke and the seven jokes

    • @martinnunez836
      @martinnunez836 День назад +7

      $300 million to make a cgi movie ? 🤔🤔

    • @Mistyy_skies
      @Mistyy_skies День назад +3

      @ omg 💀💀💀 YES

  • @half-blood_brownie
    @half-blood_brownie День назад +141

    I wish we had the dailywire snow white movie to compare.

    • @saulgoodman2018
      @saulgoodman2018 День назад +1

      That was all a troll.

    • @arinerm1331
      @arinerm1331 День назад +15

      @@saulgoodman2018 No, they were seriously going to produce it, but they couldn't come to terms with Brett Cooper after The Pendragon Cycle filming, while she **still** shot two Comments Section videos per day in addition to her role in that series. Jeremy Boreing blew that opportunity straight down his leg, leaving a clear shit plume soaking through.

    • @Ian.Murray
      @Ian.Murray День назад +5

      @@arinerm1331 Any evidence for these claims? This doesn't pass the smell test.

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад +4

      Yes 100 X Yes! I remember them saying that they were indeed "just gonna have to wait until the Disney version releases" so that they could follow it up and basically 1up and dunk on it while riding the hot topic controversy and internet algorithm.
      And I was very much looking forward to seeing it despite my personal irritation to Brett Cooper LoL

    • @saulgoodman2018
      @saulgoodman2018 День назад

      @@arinerm1331 The whole thing was a joke. They were never going to make it.

  • @Twist_Ed_
    @Twist_Ed_ День назад +125

    It’s WEIRD how the movie still got released after what they received. lol

    • @rynejones8513
      @rynejones8513 День назад +3

      i've heard they needed to release something to stop the snow white ip from going into public domain. they would have preferred it not have been a bomb like this was, but if that was the main goal it had to be released.

    • @Vadadu-g3t
      @Vadadu-g3t День назад

      @rynejones8513 Don’t think that’s how that works… this is a different movie. It’s not like there’s general “Snow White IP” since it’s based on a fairy tale by the Grimm brothers, not an original Disney creation. They can’t own “Snow White.” That’s why you get non-Disney Snow White movies, like the one with the actress from Twilight.

  • @apostateunion
    @apostateunion День назад +12

    Girl I wanna see Brett Cooper as Snow White not some Columbian Hispanic feminist who rewrites the story.

  • @mattcollins3591
    @mattcollins3591 День назад +105

    That’s Hollywood, baby!

  • @justalittlebitmo
    @justalittlebitmo День назад +52

    I agree with you. It's hard to separate Snow White the character from Rachel Zegler the actress. Also, love love love how you edited the bit from The Office 😂😂😂

  • @allysonwolf5721
    @allysonwolf5721 День назад +69

    I think they were supposed to be the dwarves, the 7 bandits, but people were so angry they decided to take another year and add the CGI dwarves.

    • @JoeFanik
      @JoeFanik День назад +4

      Gonna be honest, it would’ve been worse if the bandits actually were the dwarves.
      Thank you Peter Dinklage for refusing to have midgets hired as dwarves

  • @Cheyennney
    @Cheyennney День назад +48

    I don’t know who this movie is targeting. My daughter (5) even wanted to see The Little Mermaid. She has no interest in this whatsoever and she does like and has watched the original several times. Older kids don’t want to watch it. Most adults don’t want to watch it. Nobody asked for this.
    And then Rachel’s personality is just impossible to look past.

  • @Valkron11
    @Valkron11 День назад +69

    Rachel is so worried about her future in Hollywood that her back hair is standing on end

    • @combatcarl
      @combatcarl День назад +4

      Got'em 😂

    • @marcosyy87
      @marcosyy87 День назад +8

      She can still play lord Farquad on Shrek live action 😆

    • @Krayd-q5j
      @Krayd-q5j День назад +6

      Weird. Weird.

    • @ep9421
      @ep9421 День назад +5


    • @norbucso
      @norbucso День назад +5

      Her career is over.

  • @erikamohrmann7986
    @erikamohrmann7986 День назад +67

    Starting to think the only tickets this movie sold was to Daily Wire people

    • @BlueDauntless
      @BlueDauntless День назад +6

      I think a lot of the tickets were definitely so people could make content.

    • @Swift2Grift-e8t
      @Swift2Grift-e8t День назад +1

      Easily entertained.🍿

    • @PegasusLover-zm7nl
      @PegasusLover-zm7nl 21 час назад +1

      @@Swift2Grift-e8t 😏 the squad of hate watch just like a certain channel

    • @joannaksyta1215
      @joannaksyta1215 6 часов назад +1

      Instead of watching all their „brilliant” reviews I would preferer the Snow White adaptation DW promised. In this context all their criticism towards Disney’s movie is pathetic.

  • @combatcarl
    @combatcarl День назад +52

    Snow white is the new 007
    0-seats filled
    7-dollars made

  • @CaptainCJ97
    @CaptainCJ97 День назад +43

    Remaking good/ great films instead films that bombed at the box office will never make sense to me

    • @Zminator1986
      @Zminator1986 День назад +5

      Or dumping hundreds of billions in one movie. Just why?

  • @chasehedges6775
    @chasehedges6775 День назад +40

    Just watch Mirror, Mirror(2012) instead. It’s Very underrated and fantastic and Lilly Collins and Julia Roberts and the dwarves were Wonderful. 10/10’ movie

    • @risingdragonfly
      @risingdragonfly День назад

      Accurate, back when they were not afraid to give roles to men with dwarfism.

    • @BlueDauntless
      @BlueDauntless День назад +6

      That movie was fantastic! I particularly loved the dance scene at the end!

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад +2

      Man, haven't heard about that movie in a minute LoL
      Over a decade old! Wow

    • @chasehedges6775
      @chasehedges6775 День назад +2

      @@BlueDauntless Same

    • @chasehedges6775
      @chasehedges6775 День назад +3

      @@MansLaughter365 It’s very good

  • @meekhaeltennyson7910
    @meekhaeltennyson7910 День назад +15

    I permanently checked out of everything Disney after episode one of the Acolyte.

    • @IAMYOLO2020
      @IAMYOLO2020 День назад

      Really, I stopped caring about live action remakes since Mulan in 2020

  • @justalittlebitmo
    @justalittlebitmo День назад +20

    Pretty sure the CGI dwarves made it in later during reshoots. I think those bandits *were* intended to be the reimagined dwarves, but they pushed back the movie release a full year after all the backlash...

  • @SuperSpieth
    @SuperSpieth День назад +34

    One book I recommend is Saving Cinderella by Faith K. Moore, which goes into the symbolism in the original Snow White movie as well as Cinderella and other Disney Princesses.

    • @jezycooke2998
      @jezycooke2998 День назад +7

      Andrew Klavan's daughter, I have it on my list

    • @SuperSpieth
      @SuperSpieth День назад +2

      @@jezycooke2998That’s her alright! 👍

  • @NormanF62
    @NormanF62 День назад +18

    The problem is Disney hasn’t made a hit in 40 years. Its magic touch and inspired storytelling disappeared. Somewhere along the way, it began mining its beloved classics for money and not because there was a good reason to remake them. Derivative movies will never be as exciting as telling new, original stories. Disney was one of the great American studios and its impact on our culture has been profound. In Snow White, people saw dreadful,mediocrity instead of greatness. Its sad because it feels like the company’s golden age is well behind it.

    • @joannaksyta1215
      @joannaksyta1215 8 часов назад +2

      Frozen was a big hit back in 2013, so I guess you exagerrated a little with those „40 years”.

  • @aintgotnotltc
    @aintgotnotltc День назад +12

    Gal gadot’s song made me feel like I was watching a parody

  • @alphahuskyy
    @alphahuskyy День назад +10

    "Snow White is called "Snow White" because of her fair, pale complexion, which is often described as being as white as snow. The name is symbolic of her beauty and purity, which is central to her character in the fairy tale. In the story, Snow White’s beauty, kindness, and innocence contrast with the evil queen’s jealousy, which is a key theme in the narrative. The name "Snow White" reflects this innocence and her radiant, almost ethereal appearance."
    - ChatGTP
    🤣🤣🤣🤣 nothing of the above resembles 2025 Snowhite
    are young girls gonna grow up hating men now?

  • @samking2094
    @samking2094 5 часов назад +2

    I wouldn't be surprised if The Seven Bandits were originally meant to be The Seven Dwarves, but due to the ridicule and backlash they changed it up to having CGI Dwarves and rewrote the Seven Characters to be Seven pointless Bandits instead... Well, despite Snow White bombing at the box office, at least many RUclips content creators did make money from the movie! So every Disney ish show from The Acolyte to Snow White does at least make some people money while providing lots of good content for us RUclips watchers!

  • @lilbabyszb
    @lilbabyszb День назад +19

    I don't understand why they want to make children movies so political. Like even Wish when they all rebel against the King. Disney as always showed kids to fight for what was right, but never in a political way.

    • @joannaksyta1215
      @joannaksyta1215 8 часов назад +1

      I completely forgot about „Wish”, it was so bad. „Encanto” was nice, though.

    • @GaryTongue-zn5di
      @GaryTongue-zn5di 2 часа назад

      Snow Whit isn't a Children's Movie, dumbass. Never was. Most movies aren't.

  • @NathanSlaymaker
    @NathanSlaymaker День назад +14

    They definitely rewrote the story after the kerfuffle. I would bet a large sum of money that the dwarves were not in the movie at all, & the bandits Were their replacements, & that she wasn't going to be saved by the prince Or the bandit leader, but they wrote that part in bc they saw how bad the backlash was & tried to reclaim a little good faith.
    I think she was originally going to be adopted into the bandit troup, become their "fearless, fair, brave, & true" leader, & that their combined love for her was what woke her from her poisoned sleep.

  • @diegopansini3152
    @diegopansini3152 День назад +10

    The most successful thing that came out of this movie was the AI Chat Music about the comments 😂

  • @wyattmann8157
    @wyattmann8157 День назад +12

    Walt is spinning in his cryo-chamber…

  • @Pookasoul
    @Pookasoul День назад +13

    At least they finished and released the movie. Would have loved to see The Daily Wire bring a project to fruitition for once... Would have been nice to compare your Snow White's ratings with Disney's dumbsterfire.

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад +2

      That's what I'm saying! Release the Cooper cut! Please Daily Wire!! Please!

    • @stevemiller5725
      @stevemiller5725 День назад

      @@MansLaughter365What Cooper cut? Brett had a chance to be a freaking star and she decided to instead go full farm hand and throw away opportunity of a lifetime. It was a stupid move by her.

  • @scottybreuer
    @scottybreuer День назад +8

    They definitely did reshoots. Who knows what trash they would have had if Zegler hadn't opened her big mouth?

  • @LostHate
    @LostHate День назад +33

    Snow Woke wasn't a box office success?

    • @DG90z1
      @DG90z1 День назад +5

      Whaaaaatt no way, who would’ve thought

    • @joannaksyta1215
      @joannaksyta1215 6 часов назад

      How about the DW’s Snow White? Oh, wait…

  • @mexiwolf009
    @mexiwolf009 21 час назад +2

    I can’t wait for the Daily Wires version of Snow White starring….. oh wait. 😅

  • @astolatpere11
    @astolatpere11 День назад +9

    A crime was committed. Whoever did that poor girl's hair and whoever designed her clothes failed.

    • @Vadadu-g3t
      @Vadadu-g3t День назад +2

      @astolatpere11 But we can’t just fail to prosecute the makeup artist

  • @khloiotaku6073
    @khloiotaku6073 День назад +10

    The reason Disney didn't deny the whole "7 magical creatures replacing the dwarves" thing was because it was true.
    But after backlash they added in the dwarves and reshot scenes to work them in as well as the love story part, I imagine.
    You can't exactly have actors filming for months in major roles and then just cut them out completely.
    Those thief characters were always gonna be in this film, it's just that their importance and role has slightly changed.

  • @macypantana
    @macypantana День назад +10

    Can’t wait for the princess and the frog live action with a white actress!!!

  • @vendingguy47
    @vendingguy47 День назад +11

    It looks like all the costumes came from Spirit Halloween.

  •  День назад +18

    Where's your prince (audience) who'll save your movie now, Snow Woke?

  • @aintgotnotltc
    @aintgotnotltc День назад +7

    The writer and director are to blame for this. I watched it today and the only good scene was the whistle song and the duet with the male love interest. I hated a lot of the movie but especially the ending when the fairytale ended as her becoming Queen (no king??). And then the camera panned to snow white’d face and completely blocked Jonathan behind her.

    • @joannaksyta1215
      @joannaksyta1215 8 часов назад

      No King, because she was the only descendent of the royal couple thus was the heiress to the throne. Who would be that „King”, Jonathan? He didn’t even have any royal blood that we know of. Also, the king is always more important then the Queen. The king’s wife is a queen, but if the ruler is female, they don’t give her husband a „king” title, because that would make him superior. If they made Jonathan the king, that would mean his title was higher that the actual heiress’ queen title. If they get married he will likely become prince consort but that’s it.

    • @aintgotnotltc
      @aintgotnotltc 8 часов назад

      @ they didn’t even get married in the movie, the book ended with a photo of her by herself. In that case I’m not sure what was the point of the love story in the movie😅

  • @howardbeale661
    @howardbeale661 День назад +6

    Jonathan took an arrow for Snow White...
    ...but then, that's the 'bare minimum,' isn't it?

  • @sarahtruthseeker3698
    @sarahtruthseeker3698 День назад +4

    “She’s not going to be saved by the prince” gets saved by prince not once but twice. Lmaooooooo

  • @brainfellow5140
    @brainfellow5140 День назад +16

    Brett's Snow White _trailer_ was far and away better. Wish DW would have made the full movie.

    • @EEsYouTubeChanel
      @EEsYouTubeChanel День назад +2

      Brett already made her video on this movie. So sus this one came out three hours ago...

    • @thomasyim9953
      @thomasyim9953 День назад +5

      @@EEsRUclipsChanel she has to do everything to get views, this is an obvious choice

    • @PhilosophicallyAmerican
      @PhilosophicallyAmerican День назад +9

      @@EEsRUclipsChanel It's a big story. No duh both channels are going to cover it. I swear you haters grasp at the smallest straws.

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад

      Yes! Please release the Cooper cut!

    • @HarringJess
      @HarringJess День назад +1

      I'm assuming they made the trailer to troll Disney, but I agree, I wish they made a full movie, too

  • @Video81501
    @Video81501 День назад +23

    Reagan, you are doing great! Ignore the haters.

  • @amanwithnoname101
    @amanwithnoname101 День назад +9

    There are millions of pale skin Latinos. They chose a brown one due to the stereotype of what a Latino must look like.

  • @bbdavis
    @bbdavis 5 часов назад +1

    Vanellope was a better strong feminist character than Zegler could ever even imagine being. 🤦‍♂️

  • @andr3wl3vy
    @andr3wl3vy День назад +7

    Am I the only one to realize this new snow white was a movie about snow white and robinhood?

  • @stephaniephouotrides2435
    @stephaniephouotrides2435 День назад +11

    The biggest joke is that Gal Gadot would be jealous of Rachel Ziegler's looks 😅

  • @Vadadu-g3t
    @Vadadu-g3t День назад +5

    Why is this said as though Disney actually DIDN’T intend to replace the dwarves with the random hobos and only changed it due to the backlash? It’s obvious that’s what happenes

  • @MansLaughter365
    @MansLaughter365 7 часов назад +1

    Where is Brett Cooper's version of Snow White? When do we get to see the Daily Wire presentation of Snow White?? Please give the people what they want and deserve!
    # Release the Cooper cut

  • @nicolejones9268
    @nicolejones9268 7 часов назад +1

    Amala Ekopunbi (sorry I know spelled that wrong ) also did a really good video on this subject

  • @JMolterFilms-fi3se
    @JMolterFilms-fi3se День назад +7

    I think what happened is the 7 bandits were replacing the dwarves, but after the backlask they added the dwarves and a couple old songs back in, reshot half the movie and cut alot of the bandits scenes. Thats why its so sloppy, competing visions. Who knows what the original looked like. I think they reshot a ton.

  • @jaydbakes
    @jaydbakes День назад +14

    Off white and the seven pronouns should've been huge I don't understand

    • @SalSagev-n3s
      @SalSagev-n3s День назад +3

      Did you come up with that? 😂 Off white and the seven pronouns? 😂

    • @gumdeo
      @gumdeo День назад +1

      Seven pronouns 🤣

  • @sethdon1100
    @sethdon1100 День назад +16

    7:30 If you love princess stories there is one story that I would recommend: One Piece Alabasta Saga. It’s REALLY GOOD.

    • @luis46789
      @luis46789 День назад +1

      Also Shirahoshi, in the fish man island arc

    • @crobeastness
      @crobeastness День назад

      Ya but the fish man island arc is trash. Alabasta is peak one piece. It's top 10 if not top 5 best arc one piece arcs.​@@luis46789

  • @jadoyon
    @jadoyon День назад +4

    The guy was originally a very minor part and the 7 DEI hires originally were the dwarves, but because of the backlash Disney completely re-wrote the movie and reshot most of it. That's why it cost so much to make, they effectively made 2 movies - the super woke one that never saw the light of day and then this version they tried to save face with.

  • @leejproductions27
    @leejproductions27 День назад +9

    Talk about missing the elephant in the room. The movie was about a communist society. In which Snow White divided the agriculture wealth the Fairest. Hence the Fairest in the Land. The evil Queen changes the society to an autocracy where she gets everything.

    • @Zminator1986
      @Zminator1986 День назад +2

      Given the story takes place in Germany, it sounds like the movie took Germany through its Austrian painter phase and its East Germany phase by the end.

  • @ReidusQuitzed
    @ReidusQuitzed День назад +6

    Finally something both the left wing and the right wing agree on. This movie sucks

  • @Caleblovingking1
    @Caleblovingking1 День назад +8

    Actually you can see Andrew was uncomfortable with Rachel on the promotion of the film, honestly i pity him and how he still continued even when he knew he was acting a character that was hated by everyone working on it.... Like this girl just made everyone around her uncomfortable yet she is everything the left loves, she's their poster child but even they couldnt gett on her side with this steaming pile of junk

    • @cjgamer6356
      @cjgamer6356 День назад

      She didn't make anyone uncomfortable that's a lie

  • @tokyosan7906
    @tokyosan7906 День назад +3

    LOL that comment about them finally making a movie nobody will pirate hit hard lmao

  • @well_and_nourished
    @well_and_nourished День назад +5

    Isn’t it ironic… to get a Disney+ advertisement on this video😂

  • @maistromaitrix3356
    @maistromaitrix3356 День назад +9

    This is truly your show now. Great job, Reagan!

  • @margaret-mure
    @margaret-mure День назад +8

    You know what’s also weird? That something happened to the BC Snow White that DW got us all excited for and they won’t tell us why.

    • @bystandergirl-d8u
      @bystandergirl-d8u День назад +7

      Ummm....Brett left, that's why?

    • @saulgoodman2018
      @saulgoodman2018 День назад +1

      The whole thing was all a joke.

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад +1

      No. They were waiting to release it right after the Disney version so they could capitalize on the hype.

    • @saulgoodman2018
      @saulgoodman2018 День назад +1

      @ No they weren't.
      That is why we known of no one else in there but Brett?

    • @HarringJess
      @HarringJess День назад

      I agree! I wished for a full movie LOL! I think that the trailer was only made to troll Disney, but I'm still holding out

  • @mikeaninger7388
    @mikeaninger7388 День назад +4

    “Sand beige” as I sit on the beach 😂

  • @samking2094
    @samking2094 5 часов назад +1

    Someone like Helena Bonheim Carter would've been great as the Wicked Queen as she's beautiiful, although getting elderly, but she's a great actress and she'd be perfect for the role whereas Gal Gadot is clearly more beautiful than Rachel Zegler and she's not able to act like a Wicked Queen. Disney's casting from Zegler to Gadot to the CGI Dwarves is a total ish show!

  • @GFY94
    @GFY94 День назад +4

    And what did we learn kids?
    Go woke go brokeee

  • @NickMcFadden-o1k
    @NickMcFadden-o1k День назад +32

    1: Quality vid Reagan!
    2: For all of you Reagan haters, where's your proof? You guys do know that most if not all of the rumors came from former employees and anti DW people who are frothing at the mouth to see the DW fall because they make more money than them. And people who leave a company almost always leave on bad terms unless they retired.
    3: Didn't Jesus say we should love our enemies and not spit on them and wish death upon them? You guys do know that your behavior on earth will affect your place in Heaven, right?

    • @thomasyim9953
      @thomasyim9953 День назад +1

      HI DW Plant, we don't wish a death , we just wish she shouldn't be the host position that she don't deserve , she just super fake and inauthentic WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD. It's ironic the host don't realize you are just as hated as Snow White because you have all the attribute of Richael Zelger of your own. The paid shill try to spin the narrative won't work,

    • @thomasyim9953
      @thomasyim9953 День назад +6

      you don't need to be Anti-DW to rated this new host fairly, which is AWFUL. Just like you don't have to be Anti-Disney or even Anti-woke to hate new Snow White

    • @Mark-y3g8n
      @Mark-y3g8n День назад +7

      Sadly, you're not addressing Christians when you're talking to Reagan's trolls. They DON'T believe.

    • @NickMcFadden-o1k
      @NickMcFadden-o1k День назад +11

      @thomasyim9953 You do know that the door is right there, right? And also the more you guys insult Reagan the more it makes her look tougher than you because it shows that she can march through trash with out flinching. In other words it makes her look cool and it makes you look like a clown. Don't you have a job at TJ Maxx?

    • @zaf-s3m
      @zaf-s3m День назад +3


  • @Mistyy_skies
    @Mistyy_skies День назад +5

    Snow White was an actual German princess who the animated movie was made about. The live action is offensive tbh

  • @vendingguy47
    @vendingguy47 День назад +17

    Weird, weird

  • @High_Caliber
    @High_Caliber День назад +3

    It's so creepy how the daily wire just face replaced with a lesser face.

  • @Ricardo0954
    @Ricardo0954 День назад +8

    I saw the movie yesterday and I didn’t think it was absolute garbage like I saw a lot of people online saying, but it wasn’t great either or amazing, what I call this movie is alright

    • @fueledbyramen666
      @fueledbyramen666 День назад

      bc u cant even tell what scenes were replaced after everyone got upsset u can tell by the lighting it waant the original garbage it wa meant to be

    • @fueledbyramen666
      @fueledbyramen666 День назад

      u didnt think it was ba bc it got "fixed"

    • @purdybby
      @purdybby День назад +2

      Agree it was ok… not great but not awful

    • @Ricardo0954
      @Ricardo0954 День назад

      @@purdybby 🤝

  • @alexlugibihl2915
    @alexlugibihl2915 День назад +2

    Guess they're making this a tax write off

  • @JamesLettetman
    @JamesLettetman День назад +17

    Congratulations on going from 3.89 million subscribers toto 3.88 million subs
    🤣 🤣 🎉🎉🎉

    • @bystandergirl-d8u
      @bystandergirl-d8u День назад +1

      You thought it will go lower, right? Sorry you're disappointed...

    • @thomasyim9953
      @thomasyim9953 День назад +4

      she's still losing sub so far, this vid's temporary views bump don't help at all

    • @JamesLettetman
      @JamesLettetman День назад +2

      @ it was at 3.89 for the past two weeks. The channel hit 3.88 a few days ago so it did go lower 🤣

    • @JamesLettetman
      @JamesLettetman День назад +4

      @ 📠 Can’t wait for 3.87 🤣

    • @Mark-y3g8n
      @Mark-y3g8n День назад +3

      ​@@JamesLettetmanThere's not much to do in a group home,hmmm?

  • @AkaneRegal18
    @AkaneRegal18 День назад +4

    It's so unfortunate because Rachel is actually really talented, in both acting and singing. But her personality was her downfall.
    She never should have been casted as Snow White. Even her singing voice doesn't match Snow White.
    Her voice is too strong.
    She has no sweetness and innocence that is Snow White.
    At least with Ariel, despite not looking like the animated, Halle Bailey acts and sings like Ariel. She actually embodies Ariel. I have such a soft spot for her Ariel because of that.
    Yeah both movies doesn't even look great and the stories are worse than the animated version at least Ariel has a redeeming qualities in term of her personality and singing.

  • @TheSweetMommaGanj
    @TheSweetMommaGanj День назад +3

    If they didn’t want a prince situation they should’ve made a movie off the time with the dwarfs. I watched the original Snow White last night and the dwarfs are so cute. Each of them could have had great character development and a fresh view on the story. Once upon a time did that a little bit. I really don’t think we need to remake and remake and remake to infinity the same stories but I also don’t think the story needs to be changed. Elaborated yes, that has opportunity to make a beloved movie even more loved by giving a deeper dive into the characters. Like maybe dopey is actually a secret reader and just acts in front of his friends because he’s the comedian in the group and loves seeing his friends smile. And why is grumpy so grumpy. The wash up moment in the original movie would be so stinking cute in live action with real actors that want to fill the part that have dwarfism. That was shocking that they chose to not use the real actors when there’s actors that wanted to be a part of it. The new movie is a big no from me.

  • @ryang54712
    @ryang54712 День назад +10

    Can’t wait to see the Brett cooper Snow White!

  • @BrysonAllen-tj4qq
    @BrysonAllen-tj4qq День назад +5

    Gal Gadot was horrendous in it

  • @christinajones6500
    @christinajones6500 День назад +5

    Why do they always race swap the princess but the prince is always a white dude?

    • @yorky1982
      @yorky1982 День назад

      They can't have a black man kiss a Caucasian woman

    • @HarringJess
      @HarringJess День назад

      Gr8 point lol

  • @southernyankeehomestead3230
    @southernyankeehomestead3230 День назад +7

    So are we taking bets on what Disney is going to blame for the box office failure? Toxic masculinity or dumb audience?

  • @napierengineering8257
    @napierengineering8257 День назад +7

    This is still so weird how she just sounds like she is mimicking Brett Cooper. It’s the same show and same cadence. Why wouldn’t they change the format? So weird

  • @gamerz8220
    @gamerz8220 6 часов назад

    Imagine having no social media or RUclips and then this movie shows up in theatre's would the hate and boycott still existed?

    • @Rubberbandman0529
      @Rubberbandman0529 3 часа назад

      I guess that is a good thing about social media and RUclips, people get to see what is really going on with the movie and if the actors are likeable or not and things like that

    • @gamerz8220
      @gamerz8220 3 часа назад

      @Rubberbandman0529 I mean when I was younger I didn't worry much about how or what kinda movie or a video game I'm experiencing I would have my own opinion weather I've liked it or not, today when I see those reviews I found out the games or movies I've watched alot might have hated them, these things like review bombing the thing even before it was released didn't exist back then times were simple and better back then

    • @Rubberbandman0529
      @Rubberbandman0529 3 часа назад

      @@gamerz8220 true. Was a lot different back then

  • @PegasusLover-zm7nl
    @PegasusLover-zm7nl День назад +10

    i think Brett would easily reach a million views in this topic ( if she release an episode to talk about this film on thursday i think it would reach 700K at minimun for 24 hours) ,meanwhile this host would still get sub 30k , like only around 5% of what Brett been getting ( listen she already have a solid base of audience by now on the same position of Reagan over 3 months of hosting this show,i think she would easily crack 100k or even 200-300k on viral topics)

    • @bystandergirl-d8u
      @bystandergirl-d8u День назад +3

      Except she can't be bothered or doesn't have the post every day...Not the same without a full staff propping you up...

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад

      Dear Daily Wire, please release the Cooper cut!

  • @algame3
    @algame3 День назад +5

    I remember you guys were trying to make a snow-white movie. What happened to that?

    • @HarringJess
      @HarringJess День назад

      I think that the trailer was only made to troll Disney, but I'm still holding out

  • @SpiritofAloha11
    @SpiritofAloha11 День назад +14

    It's gotta be so refreshing for reagan to dump on someone else's failed video endeavor.

    • @thomasyim9953
      @thomasyim9953 День назад +1

      she's been getting most views from those type of vid, may be the strong irony "helps"

    • @Ian.Murray
      @Ian.Murray День назад +3

      Then why are you here, boosting the algorithm?

  • @Durtle-ov2ch
    @Durtle-ov2ch День назад +7

    so where was bretts when yall said you were making one? weird, weird...

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад +2

      # Release the Cooper cut!

    • @stevemiller5725
      @stevemiller5725 День назад +1

      They were supposed to film it, but Brett was stupid and walked away from an opportunity of a lifetime.

  • @remora8829
    @remora8829 День назад +9

    I'm black, and I agree Snow white should be a white, blonde, blue eyes, 10 out of 10, pretty white girl.

  • @saulgoodman2018
    @saulgoodman2018 День назад +3

    If they remake Urkel today. He'll be in jail.

  • @missvegangamer
    @missvegangamer День назад +1

    Man! When you said that Andrew’s scenes got cut out like Rachel said, that reminded me of the scene from Mr. Beans Holiday where the French actress was excited to see herself in the movie but ended up being cut and she got upset. I think Disney did Andrew dirty.

  • @nerdwarp2420
    @nerdwarp2420 День назад +4

    At least everyone finally agrees on something, this movie is meh.

  • @Suzuki_Hiakura
    @Suzuki_Hiakura День назад +3

    Was watching an extra video (podcast) from critical drinker where one in the group mentioned being the only one in the theater, and they referenced a great deal they had problems with the movie. Honestly, I had no intention of seeing this movie, and after what little I heard, I have even less reason to see it.

  • @Video81501
    @Video81501 День назад +6

    When was the last original Disney movie? Trying to remember. Tangled?

    • @aintgotnotltc
      @aintgotnotltc День назад +2

      I think it was Wish. It was a flop

    • @NickMcFadden-o1k
      @NickMcFadden-o1k День назад +8

      Tangled was a beautiful movie, it perfectly mixed modern Disney with new Disney, man I wish Hollywood and Disney would just get the message.

  • @geocouldfly1
    @geocouldfly1 День назад +13

    Brett whoops Rachael as Snow White

  • @SanjeevKumar-ik7xs
    @SanjeevKumar-ik7xs День назад +5

    Is the dailywire snow white still happening??

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад +1

      I hope so! LoL

    • @HarringJess
      @HarringJess День назад

      I think that the trailer was only made to troll Disney, but I'm still holding out

  • @stephenmaher1029
    @stephenmaher1029 День назад +4

    Disney hasn’t seen a penny from me in years

  • @BlueCollarBabe25
    @BlueCollarBabe25 День назад +3

    Thank you for covering this Reagan! I didn’t realize the prince was still in the film at all and that he had such a pivotal role or that the men we thought were dwarfs at first were I fact bandits! I don’t know how they could’ve let this film sabotage itself so badly years before it ever came out, whether or not it would have flopped anyway!

  • @HughJorgan1
    @HughJorgan1 День назад +8

    Reagan's air quote game just keeps getting better lol!

  • @1_Small_Voice
    @1_Small_Voice День назад +8

    Reagan is the Rachel Zegler of the Daily Wire

  • @LuxDragon
    @LuxDragon День назад +6

    "Long awaited"... you're way too kind. It's more like "long since dreaded".

  • @SevenEllen3
    @SevenEllen3 День назад +2

    Lucky children here in England aren't named after the weather on the day they're born on, or we'd all be called things like "Rainy Day", "Overcast", "Bucketing It Down", and "Drizzle."

  • @darcyjo6832
    @darcyjo6832 День назад +2

    Zegler is just soooo unlikeable. She said if we didn't agree with her political stance that we should not follow her because she doesn't need our business. I'm just honoring her wishes. Apparently billions of others are too.

  • @528Circle
    @528Circle День назад +4

    I’d watch Gal watch paint dry. I think she’s as close to perfect beauty as there is.

  • @markdesign6839
    @markdesign6839 День назад +4

    Where is RZ now? - is she hiding?

    • @MansLaughter365
      @MansLaughter365 День назад +1

      Hiding in the mirror dimension. Post credits scene had the Evil Queen come back and trapped her in the magic mirror, and replace Snow White as a doppelganger. 😅

    • @markdesign6839
      @markdesign6839 День назад +1

      @@MansLaughter365 Problem solved!

  • @ryanjones358
    @ryanjones358 23 часа назад +2

    She would've been dead at the beginning of the movie if he didn't save her? I don't see the problem here.

  • @hotsauce1328
    @hotsauce1328 День назад +11

    The Comments Section and Snow White have something in common. Both should have simply changed the show title if both are just gonna be poor imitations of its original.

    • @Ian.Murray
      @Ian.Murray День назад +3

      Touch grass, then cope!

    • @zaf-s3m
      @zaf-s3m День назад +2

      Reagan is the Rachel Z for DW. and Both are DISGUSTING to the EXTREME.

    • @outlanderoutlander8322
      @outlanderoutlander8322 18 часов назад

      ​@@zaf-s3m get over yourself

  • @ameliakleinendorst8616
    @ameliakleinendorst8616 День назад +6

    Lauren. I think I’m starting to like your show :) it wasn’t that I didn’t like it before - I needed a little break after Brett left to get me out of missing her and start fresh with a new host. I think you’re doing a great job. I hope that you’re not measuring your worth on what is happening with this show and the fallout with Brett. I pray that you’ll have success in the show and for your personal life.

    • @Ian.Murray
      @Ian.Murray День назад +2

      Her name is Reagan.

    • @ameliakleinendorst8616
      @ameliakleinendorst8616 День назад +1

      @ I’m so sorry I have a friend with the same last name named Lauren!! I am so embarrassed!!!! Sorry, Reagan!!!!!

    • @Ian.Murray
      @Ian.Murray День назад +1

      @ An honest mistake, no worries 😄

    • @zaf-s3m
      @zaf-s3m День назад +3

      Reagan = DISGUSTING

  • @MamaSnuggles
    @MamaSnuggles 9 часов назад +4

    What happened to this channel, where is Brett????