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Sep 3, 2014 3:10 PM

Jan 2014
~~Cute, cute, cute.. I can't even.. ^ - ^

I just wonder what will happen to that blonde guy... Hmmm
Sep 8, 2014 2:27 PM

Jun 2013
The episodes just keep getting better and better, and i can honestly say i love all 5 of the main characters, though a ccouple of them are severely underdeveloped so far!
Sep 12, 2014 10:56 PM

Dec 2013
I hope all the mystical charades and Jedi mind tricks Kou is playing on Futaba has some relevance to his back story...
Sep 14, 2014 3:59 AM

May 2014
Well, that is a way to teach such an important lesson. Well done Kou.
Oct 2, 2014 8:18 PM

Sep 2011
Oct 4, 2014 4:36 AM

Dec 2010
It was a great and heartwarming episode.

But Futaba was really annoying when she followed Kou imo. I don't know how she manages to feel alright about it.
Oct 4, 2014 7:56 AM

Apr 2012
Loved the development between the three girls. <3
Futaba kinda annoyed me though, in the latter half.
I understand that she wants to be closer to Kou, but it seemed a bit far-fetched to stalk him to a shady place like that....
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Oct 10, 2014 7:12 AM

Apr 2013
A decent episode but it looks like I'm falling for the soundtrack. :)
The series is progressing nicely, I just hope it doesn't play the cliché end and make the MC end up with Kou. It may not be bad but my expectations for the show will fall short.
Oct 13, 2014 2:25 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
That almost kiss... first indirect kiss now this gr..

>_< And good episode, except I wish they didn't make the confession that easy b/c even when friends say it's all good, theres always some inner beef and jealousy. ALWAYS.
Oct 22, 2014 11:39 PM
May 2011
Yuuri is such a good friend.
Nov 5, 2014 3:16 AM
May 2012
See, it went alright. Murao is <3 Sometimes, you just gotta stop thinking about what might happen and just do it, baby!!
"chichi" Don't do that shit. Though, me and my bros do that sometimes......It can't be helped.
Aw man, Kou is just like me ahahaha. She got excited :O
Panta for the win. That insert song is really nice~
Nov 28, 2014 6:27 PM

Jul 2013
Kou should've kissed her lol. If I was in his shoes, I would do it. Then again maybe he's waiting for the right time once he likes her?
Dec 2, 2014 7:46 PM
Apr 2012
this entire ep had to be a ben roethlisberger joke right
kou was wearing a steelers shirt for no reason
and he (almost) raped a girl
Dec 17, 2014 1:09 AM

Nov 2013
Best episode yet. This series, although the characters somewhat remind me of Kimi ni Todoke in some ways, are really quite different. And the story, as of now, is developing in several different dimensions and starting to get really interesting. I'm feeling relieved that Yuri took the news that they're in competition for Kou positively and that this conflict didn't destroy their friendship. We're seeing how positive values win over vindictive tendencies that these contentious situation usually bring out.
I'm often wondering if the oblique expressions of affection depicted in shows like this are really indicative of young romance in Japan after all. Could there be insight into the way Japanese think about boy-girl relationships during their teen years?
Either way, it brings back long, distant memories of how high school 'could' have been. So, even as a late-in-life happily married gentleman, I enjoy vicariously getting a chance to relive a past that I'd wished I had. Perhaps Ao Haru Ride fills in those empty holes in others' life pasts, too?
Jan 13, 2015 1:31 PM

Jul 2012
Well that confession to Yuuri played out really well! This was a good episode :)
Mar 21, 2015 4:52 PM

Sep 2012
So she follows him to.. a place. He sits down on a bench, and talks to a guy.

This makes her angry...? What the fuck? The entire thing was just a stupid fucking charade so we could have a scene where he says some stupid fucking cliche as hell white knight line to his friend. "Oooooh he's sticking up to his friend to protect her!!!1! So manly!!!" Give me a fucking break.

Then she says that he shouldn't hang out with anybody except her because.... Idk, I guess he's not allowed to have friends or something. Like, did they really pull the "crazy girlfriend doesn't like her boyfriend's friends, so she never lets him hang out with anybody" cliche?? In a positive light?? Are you fucking kidding me? And they're not even dating.

And then he literally tells her he might rape her because he's a guy, and that other guys will rape her.

Ok. I'm done I think. That's quite enough. These characters are shallow, boring, and bring absolutely nothing interesting or likable to the table. This show was a complete waste of time.

Dropped, 3/10
Apr 28, 2015 7:01 PM

Jul 2013
The feels when Futaba confessed to Yuuri that she also love Kou. Very well made. I love the music so much. The place was a little bit dangerous for Futaba when she followed Kou. He was right what he said also when it was a little bit excessive in the way he did it.

But it was a cute scene between them. Futaba so cute <3

Sep 16, 2015 1:45 PM

May 2012
What a cute episode, I just love this kind of character development!
Nov 11, 2015 12:01 PM

May 2015
I’m glad Murao went out and said it: Kou is a brat and Yuuri and Futaba both have terrible taste in men. The truth has been spoken!

I can’t believe Fubata followed Kou. Actually, I can totally believe that. Geez, she’s dumb. When she went up to him and started yelling at him, I was just like, “Futaba, just tell him this is where you go to get your crack, and leave.” XD

Then he leads her back to the station, and she watches him walk away. I’m just sitting here, watching it and thinking to myself, “Don’t follow him, don’t follow him, don’t follow him,” so of COURSE she goes ahead and follows him. Ugh. I don’t know how much more shoujo I can take. It used to be so cute, and now all the characters just seem like idiots. It hurts to watch. It hurts so bad. I want to drop the series because it’s so painful, but my eyes can’t look away.

Though honestly, when he told her to stop following him, I was just like, “Keep following and be a huge bitch about it. For the sole purpose of annoying him.” Apparently I am NOT fond of Kou.

Then we have the stereotypical scene of him pinning her down. Because I haven’t seen that a million times. Also, who the frick pretends to sexually assault someone to make a point? That kid's messed up. You know, I wish Futuba had a tazer or something with her. Just so she could prove him wrong. Because you’re not defenseless if you have a tazer. Pepper spray also would have worked, but I prefer the tazer.

I made it half way through episode 9 and I can't take it anymore. The sexual assault thing left a bad taste in my mouth, Futaba is the super jealous girlfriend who isn't even a girlfriend, it's the usual back and forth, we don't see any indication that Kou likes her, Fubata's one heartbreak away to becoming a full fledged yandere, and the cliches are coming one after the other. At first this anime was cute, but now it's just annoying. Honestly, two episodes ago I would have considered giving it a 7. Now I'm giving it a 4 and I'm dropping it.
SuranaNov 11, 2015 12:29 PM
"It's a tragic misunderstanding that could have been easily avoided if he just finished his sentence in time!"

— Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Dec 29, 2015 4:22 PM

Jan 2015
You get excited to quick... But Kou is such a tease ...
Jun 25, 2016 11:01 PM

Feb 2015
orchidork said:

people are calling the "assault" scene an "almost kiss" scene. OTL i hate those kinds of scenes in shoujo manga because they're romanticized to the point of leaving the reader uncomfortable. also, futaba needs to get her priorities straight. she started crying after kou almost "assaulted" her not because she was scared that she was about to get violated but because she actually thought he was going to kiss her and her heart was racing. shoujo heroine leads -__-

at least one person here makes sense.

Anna555 said:
Kou is a brat and Yuuri and Futaba both have terrible taste in men. The truth has been spoken!

hear hear!

You know, I wish Futuba had a tazer or something with her. Just so she could prove him wrong. Because you’re not defenseless if you have a tazer. Pepper spray also would have worked, but I prefer the tazer.

her knees were right under his crotch. she should have kicked him in the nuts and pushed him into the nearby water.

Red_Keys said:
So she follows him to.. a place. He sits down on a bench, and talks to a guy.

This makes her angry...? What the fuck? The entire thing was just a stupid fucking charade so we could have a scene where he says some stupid fucking cliche as hell white knight line to his friend. "Oooooh he's sticking up to his friend to protect her!!!1! So manly!!!" Give me a fucking break.

Then she says that he shouldn't hang out with anybody except her because.... Idk, I guess he's not allowed to have friends or something. Like, did they really pull the "crazy girlfriend doesn't like her boyfriend's friends, so she never lets him hang out with anybody" cliche?? In a positive light?? Are you fucking kidding me? And they're not even dating.

And then he literally tells her he might rape her because he's a guy, and that other guys will rape her.

Ok. I'm done I think. That's quite enough. These characters are shallow, boring, and bring absolutely nothing interesting or likable to the table. This show was a complete waste of time.

Dropped, 3/10

what....what on EARTH did i just watch????????

so yoshi finally confesses to yuuri and she expects for her to be glad? am i THE ONLY ONE that knew yuuri's lie about going to the bathroom was just an excuse to go sob to herself that she doesn't have her precious kou to herself?

but that wasn't even the real cringe, oh no sir. it's when she leaves the restaurant that this train wreck turns into straight up 9/11.

why the heck is yoshi following kou???? didn't he signify he wanted to be alone? in fact. "following" is a word that shouldn't be used for a creep like yoshi. she is straight up STALKING him for who knows HOW LONG to WHO KNOWS WHERE.

and then she gets suspicious when he walks down an alley???? because this neighborhood looks SO grungy, and them alleys tho! alleys=drugs, strip clubs, crack cocaine and the like kiddos!

and then she says:

"He's with all these teenagers!"

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. where is he supposed to go, the elderly homes, or the local neighborhood Hop?

then yoshi really gets worked up and suspicious. of course! GOD FORBID if he doesn't want to hang out with 4 boneheads at school all the time and ACTUALLY HAS OTHER PEOPLE IN HIS LIFE.

the cringe isn't even half done when yoshi the brain dead brunette approaches kou like she is his freaking mother and demands and explanation for him and his "suspicious" behavior.

and gets brutally insulted with no mercy. we're not talking about "What girl?" jokes anymore, these are LEGIT insults. kou absolutely humiliates her and then proceeds to still play around with his buddies.

then when a flux of boys appeared around yoshi, then i saw it all. prince charming kou is going to rescue her WHEN SHE SHOULDN'T EVEN BE THERE.

but then the most confusing BS happens. right after kou practically spat in yoshi's face, his friends ask to move in, and then he says they make him sick!

JUST WHAT??????????

but he literally ripped yoshi and the very gender she was as a woman to shreds, and then he get mad at others when they are interested?????

"Do you like her?"
"No! She's flat, ugly, and all around unattractive."
"Oh, well then I can move in I guess"?

this is EXACTLY what i mean why i say i don't understand kou. he is even MORE for confusing than before.

so now that kou has saved yoshi from the vultures (you know, because every male that isn't the main boy is automatically a rapist) and she has 100% ruined his fun, he tells her to go home and she STILL doesn't go. IT IS CLEARLY AT LEAST ONE IN THE MORNING but i guess yoshi has no parents that are worried about her, after all she did spawn upon the earth by herself and her will alone. she has no connections at home!

the cringe STILL isn't done. once they are at save land, kou - once again - takes it upon himself to chide yoshi, telling her exactly what she did wrong (not like she didn't deserve it, though) and tells her should could have gotten assaulted, but kicks it up a notch by PROCEEDING TO ACT OUT ATTEMPTED RAPE for good measure.

THE CRINGE STILL DOESN'T STOP THERE. kou's sudden act makes yoshi cry, but it's not even that she was scared! she actually wanted to get raped by her crush!


hands down the WORST episode of the show. i thought that weird, confusing alley scene was the topping on the cake, but it was literally only the beginning. it took all of my power to not drop after watching this. i can't believe someone would write such trash.
TomDayJun 29, 2016 8:26 PM
Jul 7, 2016 12:18 AM

Feb 2013
I'm kinda sad about Yuuri but she's not the main character so we know who will win.
Aug 7, 2016 4:40 AM

Mar 2013
Red_Keys said:
So she follows him to.. a place. He sits down on a bench, and talks to a guy.

This makes her angry...? What the fuck? The entire thing was just a stupid fucking charade so we could have a scene where he says some stupid fucking cliche as hell white knight line to his friend. "Oooooh he's sticking up to his friend to protect her!!!1! So manly!!!" Give me a fucking break.

Then she says that he shouldn't hang out with anybody except her because.... Idk, I guess he's not allowed to have friends or something. Like, did they really pull the "crazy girlfriend doesn't like her boyfriend's friends, so she never lets him hang out with anybody" cliche?? In a positive light?? Are you fucking kidding me? And they're not even dating.

And then he literally tells her he might rape her because he's a guy, and that other guys will rape her.

Ok. I'm done I think. That's quite enough. These characters are shallow, boring, and bring absolutely nothing interesting or likable to the table. This show was a complete waste of time.

Dropped, 3/10

Finally someone in the forums has a smidgen of sense and sanity. Wtf is going on in this anime... Even for a shoujo these tropes are outrageous. We are supposed to nonchalantly accept that it's cool for a girl to excessively stalk and hound a guy? Then we are supposed to think it's normal for the stalker to repudiate the guy for hanging out with a couple normal people he's friendly with in a public area at 9pm??

Somehow it gets worse though, with the typical "you will be raped if you are near a guy and you are alone".. I guess i wouldn't be as offended if this was a warning PV playing in Europe where they are getting invaded by millions of "refugees" who have no qualms with assaulting girls habitually. As it stands though it's just a generic slap in the face to half the population in the world, branding them as rapists in sheep clothing, that will surely pull off the mask if a female doesn't have a bishounen guardian in sight... What a mystery that Japan has record low birth rates and perpetually single people..
Jul 10, 2017 1:46 PM

Mar 2014
I just sooo hoped for that kiss its getting me mad >.<

Jan 4, 2018 7:23 PM

Oct 2017

(but I have a suspicion this is as close to it as they're gonna get in this series..... ?)
Jan 6, 2018 11:24 PM
Nov 2015
Looks like Futaba have some her problems dissolved. Glad that there were no conflicts involved because Yuuri understood her. It's nice to see Murao opening up herself to both of them. Her joke to those two of choosing their type was funny. Looks like it's gonna be a rivalry battle between Futaba and Yuuri. Poor neko it got thinner and was left hungry. Quite concerned for Kou as he stays out late and avoids having dinner with his brother. Seems like this is the case Futaba needs to discover and to solve. Didn't expect Kou to do the assault scene. Looks like Futaba is really embarrassed herself.

Mar 30, 2019 3:21 AM

Aug 2017
Can't get enough of this girl's look! Very skilled artistry. Anyway why is Kou trying to be tough and hanging out with bad boys? Futaba would be better off with someone else.

Sep 2, 2019 12:07 AM
Dec 2018
Noce episode, She finally Told her about her Feelings for Kou.
And that OP is Great
Mar 31, 2020 1:56 AM
Jul 2018
This contains too much shoujo for me :D
Apr 4, 2021 11:36 AM

Feb 2012
The first half of the episode was really well done. I love the depiction of friendship in the series. Not so much the romance. Futaba was being a creepy stalker again and Kou is more and more looking like a manipulative jerk who treats Futaba like trash, giving the hot and cold treatment to keep her hooked. He's bad news. The scene by the river looked more like a narcissistic isolation tactic than genuine concern. "I don't want you, but don't you dare be with anyone else".

What's really well done though is how Futaba's infatuation makes her ignore every insult and warning sign and pass it off as just something to be overcome. With only 4 episodes to go + the OVA, it's looking more likely that by the end I'll want Futaba to go her own way rather than end up with him. There will probably be a romantic conclusion. I just can't believe that someone with behaviour patterns like Kou's would in the long run be a good romantic partner.
Aug 6, 2021 12:15 PM
Feb 2016
Stalking him, nagging, being judgemental, being possessive, intruding on his private life…

"I don't think I've gotten closer to Kou."

Kou has the patience of an angel.
Jan 28, 2022 6:09 PM

Aug 2019
I knew Yuuri will understand

But we all know who’s going to win
Nov 3, 2022 10:58 AM

May 2020
This was new to me as I believe I never saw anything past episode 7 in any of my previous attempts.

Okay we started of fine, getting in terms with Yuuri. Futaba was still hesitating to the point where I was almost convinced we would do the loop once again but goodness she gathered the courage and told the truth off. This followed Maruo confessing about her secret crush, as if it was a "secret" at this point but anyways, atleast she's opening up.

Kinda wondered this thing for a while, but is Kou a ghost? Because no way can a normal person has that convenient timing of appearing before someone else, that too every fucking time. Leaving the mystery aside, did Futaba really had no problems getting almost roughed up, no ASSAULTED by Kou? God what era they're living in???
Feb 6, 2023 12:07 PM
Feb 2021
Yo, that man Kou is KINDA FREAKY FOR NO REASON. You definitely did NOT need to do that my friend. Either way Kou is just, so confusing. That's how you keep the drama though I suppose. Can't have everything come easy. I like the development by Murao this episode, despite my disdain for her attraction toward Yoichi. Either way, I still feel so bad for Makita cause she's probably just gonna have to accept second place the whole time. Something something, Kou will publicly show interest in Makita, but end up with Yoshi, something something. If I had to guess anyways! :) Welp, Makita still best girl.
Feb 21, 2023 9:00 PM

Jan 2021
Finally... she said it. Also Murao best girl.

"Kou looks like a person from another world. I don't like it."

I don't know, but in my eyes, Futaba still ultimately likes Kou "Tanaka" and not (or not yet) Kou "Mabuchi". I think Kou has said many times that he changed, Futaba changed. What makes Futaba think that she knows Kou Mabuchi well? Even she only knew him for a year as Kou Tanaka.

Mar 28, 2023 4:09 PM
Oct 2022
Sep 14, 2023 6:14 PM

Jan 2022
Wow...they really played us like a freaking fiddle.
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Nov 21, 2024 8:27 AM
Feb 2022
I really loved the show. The complexity and full emotion in characters
Feb 18, 2:56 PM
Oct 2020
Ok love what happened with the girls this episode. They actually were honest with their feelings with each other. They actually look like a group of friends now. Futaba got her feelings across. Yuuri didn't turn out to be evil or anything either. Even Murao opened up a bit.

Also yes don't follow people into a dangerous area you don't know about. She actually needs to learn basic danger awareness even if it's an anime.

I also gotta say I kinda like the music in this anime. Might be my favorite part of the series honestly
Mar 5, 11:54 PM

Nov 2024
ok the ending of this episode was odd. the entire second half of the episode actually. what happened to using our words and thinking before speaking
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