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Reviews for "KAZAHANA: The Formula"


not bad i liked how long it was. I can't wait to see you create some more that will be good. I like the story and the music gave it a good mood. Keep it up.

very nice!!

i like the animations for the flash the music set a good mood, n the stroy line seems good, be sure to continue on making another

nice running start

This looks like a good series to expand on for you. I like the suspence you use (sound makes it a little soap-opra though). Make the graphics run smoother and the sequil to this will be much better.

P.S. Did not see his son comming, nice suprise.


It seems to be your first. It is definetly a good GOOOOOD first one. The sound was excelent including the voices(which is rare for first ones again). If you just touch up on the graphics. We will exspect great things for the future.

all 5!

it is really nice, nice graphic quiet a nice movie here! the graphics are really good too!