Like a Werehog: Extreme Fury Update 1.3.5, the PEAK of Sonic Unleashed!

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Updated to Foreign Input System v3.1.6.
    Updated the Beast style experience immensely.
    Updated the Brawler style experience immensely.
    Added 4 more Gauntlet stages.
    Added Onslaught: Sky High.
    Added 6 Challenges.
    Added The Proving Grounds.
    Added Bonus Act.
    Updated all the WorldMap images where relevant.
    Added loading screen graphics with information/hints where relevant.
    Fixed an immense amount of bugs.
    Updated One Hit KO to FIS v3.
    Download Like a Werehog:
    Trailer by King Galactix:
    / nebulajess
    / unleashedencore
    Want the logos seen in my work:
    Created by Starlight & Team Encore:
    More links:
    Hedgehog Engine Modding Server:
    Video recorded by me // Do not steal this video.
    StarlightDX 2025.

Комментарии • 267

  • @mimihats9677
    @mimihats9677 24 дня назад +386

    You know it's funny. Just the other day i was thinking, if the werehog played like yakuza's combat it would be perfect and then here we are.

    • @samuellandin
      @samuellandin 21 день назад +1

      You manage to put it in the game, the PC port, i mean? I tried to play the mod but for some reason I can’t change the styles, only the new combos are available

    • @mimihats9677
      @mimihats9677 21 день назад +2

      @samuellandin I believe it's when you unlock the world map that you can change styles.

    • @samuellandin
      @samuellandin 21 день назад +1

      @@mimihats9677 I tried and didn’t appear still (I’m past mizuri already) I'll try installing it again to see if it works
      Edit: it didn’t worked, I tried selecting a random city, pressed x to forward time but still didn’t appear for me

  • @Dr.Alligator
    @Dr.Alligator 25 дней назад +484


  • @livenishikireaction
    @livenishikireaction 25 дней назад +313

    man, even sonic's goin to the joint for ten years

    • @natsuko_mikan
      @natsuko_mikan 21 день назад +3


    • @alfalldoot6715
      @alfalldoot6715 19 дней назад +4

      I can't believe Tails would shoot the third chairman

  • @jonbeecee
    @jonbeecee 25 дней назад +212

    DUDE they brought back the cut animation from the trailers where he rapidly punches up!! That is so sick!!

  • @DriverNeku
    @DriverNeku 25 дней назад +141

    We're so back as Unleashed fans

  • @s.r.8260
    @s.r.8260 25 дней назад +162

    We need some fan made boss fights. There so much cinematic potential in it. There could even be a contest who can make the most badass boss level

    • @7_BlazeFV_7
      @7_BlazeFV_7 25 дней назад +16

      There are no more limitations, all that remains is to wait and make it possible.

    • @osoro-jd1vm
      @osoro-jd1vm 24 дня назад +18

      Endless possibilities

    • @Imertdane
      @Imertdane 24 дня назад +9

      Sans fight

    • @ThemightyTelevision
      @ThemightyTelevision 24 дня назад +8

      You could even say there are endless possibility

    • @Ianadaya
      @Ianadaya 24 дня назад +9

      I would love a mod that could turn the boss fight in arid sands from a block-pushing puzzle fight into an ACTUAL boss battle against the Guardian, similar to how it was in the Wii port perhaps? The sky’s the limit now with Recomp!

  • @Quackdarlens-zl7rt
    @Quackdarlens-zl7rt 24 дня назад +67

    Barely even been a day since the recompiled release and modders already going crazy

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  24 дня назад +40

      True lol, tho this has been in the works for console for a year.

  • @humanbeing5351
    @humanbeing5351 24 дня назад +112

    The werehogs gameplay gotta be the most underrated thing in gaming beat em up history

    • @ABCodeX
      @ABCodeX 24 дня назад +29

      True, It's not up there with DMC and classic God of War, but it's still pretty fun. People need to stop just spamming x/square button and use combos.

    • @pedrol5004
      @pedrol5004 22 дня назад +6

      It's character action/hack and slash not a beat em up if I'm not mistaken

    • @humanbeing5351
      @humanbeing5351 22 дня назад +1

      @pedrol5004 I don’t remember asking either

    • @randeli7785
      @randeli7785 22 дня назад +3

      No one knows what underrated means anymore

    • @pedrol5004
      @pedrol5004 21 день назад +1

      @ 👍

  • @arshyarshy4414
    @arshyarshy4414 24 дня назад +34

    i always knew the werehog had potential and now it truly is UNLEASHED

  • @aleksamilanovic4496
    @aleksamilanovic4496 25 дней назад +81

    Peak reference in peak

  • @SBGamingPlus
    @SBGamingPlus 25 дней назад +67

    This game gets better and better!

  • @JoseOrichalcum
    @JoseOrichalcum 24 дня назад +52


  • @Girbekafecon
    @Girbekafecon 24 дня назад +25

    0:46 phone guy in sonic unleashed 💀

  • @luizmiguel5484
    @luizmiguel5484 24 дня назад +23

    I'm loving seeing how much you're dedicating yourself to this mod, just out of curiosity, could you make a video guide explaining the main differences between each Werehog fighting style? It would be good for those who have never played Yakiuza before and even for those who want to understand the mod more in depth

  • @moomew64
    @moomew64 25 дней назад +25

    My word, it actually looks playable now. Well done!

  • @JupieJakey
    @JupieJakey 24 дня назад +17

    This mod shows how much I just love the werehog form more than I mostly do now!

  • @TheDragonCat99
    @TheDragonCat99 24 дня назад +7

    Heavy metal accompanied by “chao hide and seek” is beautiful. Glad to see after all these years people are still giving the werehog some love!

  • @HyperbloomBM
    @HyperbloomBM 25 дней назад +19

    Now we need Style Rank announcer mod
    Good Great Awesome Outstanding Amazing

  • @Sharpteeth32
    @Sharpteeth32 24 дня назад +16

    Peak has become peaker.

  • @teddyriggs1305
    @teddyriggs1305 25 дней назад +13

    Have a Secret Boss Fight on Top of some of the Tower in Frontiers where you basically fight Frontiers Sonic

  • @TheTrueMerrio
    @TheTrueMerrio 24 дня назад +11

    Essence of Werehog discovered.

  • @alexmaxwell3708
    @alexmaxwell3708 24 дня назад +11

    man... i miss the joy of PS3 vibes
    now they made the beat em up more enjoyable and madness...

  • @redbool1115
    @redbool1115 12 дней назад +3

    This is INCREDIBLE. But I would love to have a practice dojo mode where you're taught some good combos

  • @meran1129
    @meran1129 25 дней назад +16

    Greatest day for Sonic unleashed U cooked so hard

  • @avadoksorem2854
    @avadoksorem2854 20 дней назад +2

    I don’t see anyone dissing the Werehog now. How times have changed.

  • @alfalldoot6715
    @alfalldoot6715 21 день назад +6

    Sonic should have just tiger dropped Mephiles before he stabbed him in 06 that would've solved everything

  • @kyanoAngel0
    @kyanoAngel0 17 дней назад +1

    The SU modding community has come a long way since I started modding the game in 2012. Werehog mods were almost nonexistent back then, so I'm LOVING this.

  • @masonmcnuggies4009
    @masonmcnuggies4009 23 дня назад +5

    Dude it would have been awesome if they had RGG make the werehog stages and had sonic team focus on day.

  • @joestar_ssb
    @joestar_ssb 24 дня назад +5


  • @joshhamester
    @joshhamester 24 дня назад +2

    Man thank you for giving Werehog the attention and love he’s deserved!

  • @5persondude
    @5persondude 24 дня назад +4

    We are the Sonic Unleashed 4

  • @jonathanhargraves2241
    @jonathanhargraves2241 23 дня назад +1

    I didn't know that Yakuza style gameplay would mesh so well with Sonic, but it makes perfect sense! What a great time to be an Unleashed fan! 😭

  • @fawzanfawzi9993
    @fawzanfawzi9993 22 дня назад +2

    I like how there's a button input on the top right corner. That would be very useful.

  • @joshuabowman4702
    @joshuabowman4702 24 дня назад +4

    Gonna put this in when I get like half way through unleashed to get a proper opinion of werehog

  • @JoshuaSalkeld
    @JoshuaSalkeld 19 дней назад +1

    Super based that the werehog is getting some love. These look super cool! Can't wait to try these out

  • @JupieJakey
    @JupieJakey 21 день назад +3

    Now we defo need a yakuza skin for Werehog sonic lol

  • @Pefonmo
    @Pefonmo 24 дня назад +3

    The Hedgehog who erased his name!? 😱

  • @zcnaipowered7407
    @zcnaipowered7407 21 день назад +1

    He unleashed the fandoms fantasy

  • @nobu6833
    @nobu6833 25 дней назад +4

    i used to pray for times like these 😭

  • @TheRobert2143
    @TheRobert2143 24 дня назад

    This mod got Sonic playing like Dante, and I am SO here for it

  • @natoriousthehopeful2786
    @natoriousthehopeful2786 23 дня назад +1

    Man, we need more like a dragon x Sonic styled content🤩

  • @JT-xn9ei
    @JT-xn9ei 22 дня назад +1

    Always nice to see mods for flawed games.

  • @renansantos6533
    @renansantos6533 24 дня назад +2

    A bloody Paláce mode? Damn i'm sold lol

  • @AngelSebastianLeon
    @AngelSebastianLeon 24 дня назад +2

    Rise up Sonic Unleashed fandom!

  • @AppleSauceYo
    @AppleSauceYo 21 день назад +1

    We can now even try making entirely new custom stages for daytime woohoo

  • @richanddarksbane1439
    @richanddarksbane1439 22 дня назад +1

    dude this is amazing

  • @skylandersportalmasterVIP4264
    @skylandersportalmasterVIP4264 23 дня назад +1


  • @ReanXAlisa
    @ReanXAlisa 24 дня назад +1

    Ah yes, my favorite Bloody Palace mod 🙏😎

  • @phantomgamer4463
    @phantomgamer4463 25 дней назад +25

    recompiled update ?

  • @kinggalactix
    @kinggalactix 24 дня назад

    I knew getting footage from Recompiled would be worth it!

  • @kattelatte3023
    @kattelatte3023 25 дней назад +1

    This is amazing!!! I love it!

  • @ElRay_OC
    @ElRay_OC 19 дней назад +2

    man, this showcase made me think, "dude, even if they can't bring back the werehog, this type of gameplay with knuckles would be goddamn epic."
    pretty sure they'll never try something like this again, but dreaming is free
    By the way, this shit blew my mind, I'll definitely play it when I beat the vanilla game.

    • @the_otamatone
      @the_otamatone 16 дней назад

      With frontiers having a pretty fun combat system, there is hope for us.

  • @SunsetArchon
    @SunsetArchon 25 дней назад +7


  • @Tubes176
    @Tubes176 21 день назад +2

    Funny enough I got the original mod just before I saw this.

  • @JupieJakey
    @JupieJakey 24 дня назад +4

    Werehog May Cry~

  • @imnotkaiser
    @imnotkaiser 24 дня назад

    This is the sonic highlight of 2025

  • @ManagerBlackwood
    @ManagerBlackwood 25 дней назад +14


  • @zainaaeschliman5245
    @zainaaeschliman5245 9 дней назад +1

    I remember there being cool new combos, are those gone in the latest patches?

  • @makushimu_2692
    @makushimu_2692 21 день назад +1

    LIKE A WHAAAT?!! 🗣🔊🔊🔊

  • @crazosbourne641
    @crazosbourne641 25 дней назад +82


    • @Leo98pm
      @Leo98pm 25 дней назад +10

      Nowhere because he is no longer ass lmao

    • @Doxthefox
      @Doxthefox 24 дня назад

      ​@@Leo98pmhe was the ass

    • @Sharpteeth32
      @Sharpteeth32 24 дня назад +4

      ​@@Leo98pmHe never was.

    • @VenomHEDGEHOG
      @VenomHEDGEHOG 24 дня назад +3

      Hiding like cowards behind the screen

    • @Redthedemon227
      @Redthedemon227 22 дня назад +1

      All you had to do was mod it to make it kind of fun :^)

  • @makomarci
    @makomarci 23 дня назад +1

    OK this looks sick but I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly this mod does. Does this enhance the combat for the werehog entirely or just for the custom maps? how do you change modes and how does it change the combat exactly? sorry if this is an annoying question I'm just so confused

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  23 дня назад +1

      Both and uhh you change styles before gameplay (for now)

  • @UltimatePhantasm
    @UltimatePhantasm 24 дня назад +1

    Its all fun and games until Sonic pulls out the Breaker Style

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  24 дня назад +2

      Ya know the reply you originally had, (Thats a cut style in the mod)

    • @UltimatePhantasm
      @UltimatePhantasm 23 дня назад +1

      @@StarlightDX oh you saw it
      woulda just kept that if I knew you'd see that comment in the five seconds it was there XD
      wait, why didn't you keep it

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  23 дня назад +1

      @ It was buggy and if one of your werehogs died, you all die

    • @UltimatePhantasm
      @UltimatePhantasm 22 дня назад +1

      @@StarlightDX oh, okay

  • @ricardo4797
    @ricardo4797 22 дня назад +1

    Bro unleashed May cry

  • @mattvgm5823
    @mattvgm5823 25 дней назад +9

    Does this work with unleashed recompiled?

    • @Redaxs55y
      @Redaxs55y 25 дней назад +6

      Of course!

    • @Drago626
      @Drago626 24 дня назад +1

      @Redaxs55y how do I install it for unleashed recompile? Pls I wanna play the recompile with my Xenia mods

    • @raulscout8741
      @raulscout8741 24 дня назад +2

      The mods are actually compatible with the Hedge Mod manager
      Just do the way you would do with any other Sonic game that uses Hedge mod manager, but you'll have to manually download the mods and put in the folder

    • @raulscout8741
      @raulscout8741 24 дня назад

      Yep, they are actually in the Code tab of Hedge Mod Manager, much easier
      Though I need to warn, even though mods are compatibles, many don't have the support yet which can bring visual glitches (but minors like the only things being in texts) since - well, it has been just 24h since the whole thing came out
      But newer ones are having the support
      And in GameBanana, Sonic Unleashed Decomp and SU X360/PS3 now are 2 separate pages

  • @petwisk2012
    @petwisk2012 24 дня назад +2

    Does the mod works with Unleashed Recomp?
    Reminder to watch the whole video before asking a question

  • @Blueji
    @Blueji 5 дней назад +1

    Is there some sort of way to use the modes like legend and reborn on a new playthrough? Couldnt find a way to activate them

  • @the_otamatone
    @the_otamatone 12 дней назад +1

    I wish there was a tutorial, I have no idea how to use FIS or play in general

  • @LaukAby
    @LaukAby 24 дня назад

    You could say... the werehog may cry?

  • @the_otamatone
    @the_otamatone 19 дней назад +1

    So, a small issue, I suffer from extreme skill issue, and have no idea what I'm doing with this combat.

    • @the_otamatone
      @the_otamatone 18 дней назад

      Enemy health is also an issue. It's fine on smaller scales, but 10 shield robots take 10 years to kill, while I take 10 seconds.

    • @the_otamatone
      @the_otamatone 18 дней назад

      I figured it out. I need to level up a lot. I'm only level 4 in most things.

  • @Epi-KO
    @Epi-KO 23 дня назад +1


  • @CS-om3kj
    @CS-om3kj 24 дня назад +3

    So what’s the best style for faithfulness to base game and general balance? I want to try it out but also a bit overwhelmed by the large selection lol can someone clarify?

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  24 дня назад +5

      Werehog (No style selected), Brawler or Reborn

    • @the_otamatone
      @the_otamatone 12 дней назад +1

      What does the werehog style change from vanilla?

    • @the_otamatone
      @the_otamatone 12 дней назад +1

      Just adding combos and fury?

  • @UltimaKeyMaster
    @UltimaKeyMaster 24 дня назад +1

    "Extreme means Kiwami."
    Or something.

  • @Blueji
    @Blueji 19 дней назад +2

    Is there some kind of way to figure out all the combos or do you have to find out everything out on your own?

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  19 дней назад

      Skills in the pause menu + my Arena!

    • @Blueji
      @Blueji 19 дней назад +1

      Great thx

  • @RickySama240
    @RickySama240 24 дня назад +1

    Idk why, but this editing gave me Yakuza vibes. 😅

  • @lordadz1615
    @lordadz1615 13 дней назад +1

    I wanna learn these combos.

  • @cookieface80
    @cookieface80 24 дня назад +1


  • @theboithatsurvivedtwice
    @theboithatsurvivedtwice 24 дня назад

    dmc unleashed is crazy work

  • @HobieBrownAM
    @HobieBrownAM 14 дней назад

    I have all dlc but i still dont see ware a can switch styles I do see the popup for when i first start the game

  • @Rasheed470
    @Rasheed470 13 дней назад +1

    Can you the foreign input system to the recompiled version with it's configurations

  • @Minuteworld-s8x
    @Minuteworld-s8x 25 дней назад +2

    does this add on to the base unleashed? does this ruin the progression of collecting medals, etc?

  • @XehanortX2
    @XehanortX2 25 дней назад +3

    This is awesome lol

  • @scourgeloquendo
    @scourgeloquendo 22 дня назад +1

    Now we need the werehog to be more faster when running >:)

  • @Elsantopo
    @Elsantopo 25 дней назад +2

    big question, were do I change styles? I found it in the stage select screen but I don't know were to find it, or the button mapping to change it(its the first mod I had installed)

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  25 дней назад +2

      Its the stage select screen, pressing and having a laoding screen means you did it

    • @Elsantopo
      @Elsantopo 24 дня назад +1

      @StarlightDX thank you!, however how can I change the music?

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  24 дня назад

      @@Elsantopo What music

    • @Elsantopo
      @Elsantopo 24 дня назад

      @@StarlightDX nvm I got it deactivated, the battle theme

  • @CassiusStelar
    @CassiusStelar 22 дня назад +1

    I couldn't get it to work, I think one of my other mods conflicts with it but I was too lazy to figure out which

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  22 дня назад

      Just put my mod at the top always

    • @CassiusStelar
      @CassiusStelar 21 день назад +1

      @@StarlightDX turns out its a linux issue

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  21 день назад

      @ Skyth figured out the HMM side, there is a lil something I can do also

    • @CassiusStelar
      @CassiusStelar 21 день назад +1

      @@StarlightDX if you could update me when it works I'd be grateful

    • @CassiusStelar
      @CassiusStelar 20 дней назад +1

      @ Thank you :3

  • @Nwakanma1
    @Nwakanma1 24 дня назад +1

    So how do you actually style switch mid combat? I'm pressing the D-pad and he just goes in another direction.

  • @mechashadow
    @mechashadow 24 дня назад

    Anyone remember Yakuza Fury?
    Well now this Yakuza Furry.

  • @theguudknight
    @theguudknight 24 дня назад +1

    I would be sooooooo funny if someone modded Staminan X / Staminan Royale into the game😂

  • @victorthewerehog
    @victorthewerehog 23 дня назад +1

    for some reason everytime that i activate a style it forces back to werehog
    i tried everything but i couldn't make the styles actually activate

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  23 дня назад

      You most likely used Windmill Isle styles, they are for new stages only

    • @victorthewerehog
      @victorthewerehog 23 дня назад +1

      @@StarlightDX so those styles when I went from apotos are only for stages from the mod or for other stages?

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  22 дня назад

      @@victorthewerehog Stages from the mod, in `.3.6 ill have UI say this

    • @victorthewerehog
      @victorthewerehog 22 дня назад +1

      @@StarlightDX I see. Thx :)

    • @victorthewerehog
      @victorthewerehog 22 дня назад +1

      just 1 more question, is there a mod where when i select a style sonic's looks changes? i have a feeling that it can work now for me since i had a bad feeling on the emulator

  • @jexxsilence3485
    @jexxsilence3485 12 дней назад +2

    How can i change the style of combat???

  • @Carlos4_46
    @Carlos4_46 24 дня назад

    Broo !! Is

  • @ghostbull1166
    @ghostbull1166 24 дня назад +1

    Im in need of some help, because i tried finding the colosseum hourglass in the exact area in video but its nowhere to be found

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  24 дня назад

      Shamar ETF

    • @ghostbull1166
      @ghostbull1166 24 дня назад +1

      @@StarlightDX very sorry for the late text, but what do you mean by ETF? I assume the DLC if so

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  23 дня назад

      @@ghostbull1166 The town stage gate area

  • @androwaydie4081
    @androwaydie4081 25 дней назад +1

    But wait THERE’S MORE !

  • @bdbn3376
    @bdbn3376 25 дней назад +2

    Heat actions?

  • @zakusman
    @zakusman 24 дня назад +2

    Does this work on recomped unleashed? because I tried one of the style stages and it didn't work

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  24 дня назад +1

      It does, new version came out

    • @zakusman
      @zakusman 24 дня назад

      Because I installed this one and the gaiden dlc didn’t work for me 😢

    • @zakusman
      @zakusman 24 дня назад

      Like I can’t pick any stages that are style switching

    • @zakusman
      @zakusman 24 дня назад +1

      Okay I figured it out once you press one of the styles and it loads you play one of the stages and it’ll work thanks I’m going to play peak werehog gameplay 🙏

    • @StarlightDX
      @StarlightDX  24 дня назад

      @@zakusman Uhh, im not sure?

  • @cyanryann64
    @cyanryann64 24 дня назад

    Can you put whatever style you have on the right of the bar or just somewhere on the screen as a visual Indicator

  • @KeltkeGH
    @KeltkeGH 24 дня назад

    Is it for the Unleashed recompilation?

  • @aguio3917
    @aguio3917 23 дня назад +1

    SEGA hasn't release any Sonic game since 2010 Sonic Unleashed... At least quote SEGA unqoute finally release Sonic Unleashed on PC in 2025...15 years of no Sonic games, tragic but Sonic Unleashed makes a return lads and gents

  • @JoaquinHernandezMartinez
    @JoaquinHernandezMartinez 8 дней назад +1

    can someone please tell me how to change the styles?
    i just cant find the option :{

  • @uxqu
    @uxqu 8 дней назад +1

    hey why is the professor pickle project privated?

  • @asimetrikablo3020
    @asimetrikablo3020 23 дня назад +1
