I’m well aware that he is , but I don’t care because both shadbase and his artwork is fantastic. So just because he made on every comic you find repulsive or gross, even though there are way worse things out there, doesn’t make him a terrible person. You have a problem with Family Reunion, then don’t read it or any of his other things, but don’t call other stupid because your too childish to just forget about a single comic with a tag you weren’t used to. What next, will you go on a rampage against guro manga, or maybe futanari?
I’m well aware that he is , but I don’t care because both shadbase and his artwork is fantastic. So just because he made on every comic you find repulsive or gross, even though there are way worse things out there, doesn’t make him a terrible person. You have a problem with Family Reunion, then don’t read it or any of his other things, but don’t call other stupid because your too childish to just forget about a single comic with a tag you weren’t used to. What next, will you go on a rampage against guro manga, or maybe futanari?