How Lucky is the Resident evil 4 World Record Speedrun
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- I set out to find out how luck is the resident evil 4 world record speedrun. this video combs through the new game professional category and details all of the RNG in the game.
Big shoutout to Yuushi for letting me use his run as an example.
Yuushi: / @yuushi1648
/ yuushi_1234
Edited by DemonicRobots
Twitch : / waifu
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#speedrun #waifuruns Игры
When I wake up in the morning there is a 75% chance my poop gets stuck. A 15 second time loss.
Shitting the bed = gold time segment
you can try more fiber in your diet if you dont consider it cheating
If you use the opiate skip you completely bypass the poop section 6 out of 7 days
I hate it when my poop gets stuck due to a failed bowel skip.
😂 well done
Now most RNG is over for a while and Yuushi can finally take a deep breath of fresh air. 8 second time loss.
I legit thought yuushi's Leon would throw eggs or something
ahaha I love reading comments. People are so funny. Thanks for the much needed chuckle
"most RNG is over"
next scene
theres a 12% chance of this going well
most of the numbers % he is showing in the video is made up its an extra touch to make the video look more accurte
some of the numbers are right but not all of them
@@abody1233 he did say at the start that the numbers aren't accurate because he only tested them 50 times
@@KarliGOD ya you have to understand some of the numbers he showed is 100% random
i am not saying all of them are most of it is correct but some are made up just to fit the video
@Socks good joke billy
@@abody1233 basicly he is using % based in his runs and tries for probably this video, if someone with enough time tries more like 200 for every rng room and npc rng
"RE4 is not really a game known for its RNG..."
*Proceeds to spend 20 minutes pointing out 17,941 instances of RNG in the game*
Errors in scripting like this happen all the time.
Just because it's not blatant in a casual playthrough doesn't make it any less RNG to speedrun.
Alexandre Martins It’s... not an error though? The point he’s making is the game isn’t _known_ for its RNG, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have them.
Also almost 18,000 instances of RNG is really a small number. Most games will have rng instances ranging in the six to 8 figures
What's is "RNG"?
I just watched this video instead of doing my work, a 21 minute time loss
Massive mood
Dude you totally saved me from forgetting about a assignment i was almost late on
raven lmao I feel you on that I started my work and was due in 10 min lmao
@@Ravenous187 He saved you from redoing the semester. A half year time loss.
@@HUNKunit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Re4 is a truly evergreen game. I've completed this game so many times that I've lost count probably sunk 300 or so hours into this game in a timespan of 4 years . Probably one of the few games that I'll play even 10 years later .
That's what i thought about BOTW but i've only played 300 hours of it in 1 year
I hated re4 and still do to this day haha
@@dylanhalll407 I’m sorry
its a masterpiece
It really never gets old to me such a fun casual play game so rewarding and so much replay value
"For these individuals, the game often becomes their entire life." And then immediately shows one of my runs -_- cmonbruh. Good vid GGs
Rip dude
I love you Frenchman
🗣 Nerrrrrrrd
I thought the record is held by Ninja?
Has 1800 hours in RE4
Has 11/12 Achievements...
My guess is its the one for all costumes unlocked due to not being allowed to use Pinstripe in OG RE4 speedruns.
@@morganfishmanVT Is there a specific reason for that suit to not be allowed?
@@Tobannn Yeah. OG Pinstripe is paired with Knight for Ashley, and it works pretty much the exact same as it does in the REmake. Using the costume pretty much removes Ashley from every combat scenario and actually allows the player to use her as a decoy, pinning down a Ganado or two that decide grabbing her is more important than attacking Leon.
@@morganfishmanVT Yes, you made me remember, I haven't played the original for years and I had the bad idea that you could choose not to play Ashley with the armor but Leon with the suit like in the remake. Ty
Nobody gives auddy07 the respect he deserves. He held every record across multiple consoles for a long long time, made a speedrun guide (which got deleted sadly), and pretty much popularized strategies that are still used. Shooting yourself with rockets in village was even called "auddy rockets" for a while.
wait, that guide got deleted? that sucks, I suppose it's a good thing I managed to download it
As respectable a runner Auddy07 is and his contribution towards the community that helped shaped it to this day. He's had a pretty bad record with people in the RE4 and 5 community in the past which eventually lead him to kind of fade away.
@@wagqubu that doesnt surprise. He also deleted most of runs and turned off comments. I thought it was because his newfound faith was annoying people but I guess it was something different. If you could link me to anything I would love it. Hes the guy who got me into speedrunning in the first place
@@jeremiahbaugh8195 I don't really remember too much detail on why he got removed as super mod from both the RE4 and 5 speedrun forums since it's been a long time but I do remember him DMing me apologizing for shit talking me behind my back when I was still a fairly new runner in the RE4 community. I forgive him but it's just sad how he handled the social aspect of the community poorly but did a great job trying to brand the RE4/5 speedrun community and shilling it.
Woah cool
Nice job spreading a legend like that.
I'll remember that name, auddy07
"novistadors, aka pure cancer" lmfaooo
Damn right. They're more annoying than my wife. Hell
Bruh fuck the novistadors...
Ehh novistadors are easy if you just use the shotgun to knock them back and you just run away from them
The real cancer are wolves there literally one shots on the hardcore mode
@@kyleenguyen9590 the wolves for me are child's play. Throw a grenade while they're still in their cage, and walk away. The ones that do take longer to kill I just pepper them with fully upgraded TMP rounds until they die. Though the novistadors like dodging my shotgun shots and tackling me for some reason. O.o or the ones in the wild just shotgun then grenade lol
Zelda Windwaker is in a similar spot where basically the game is broken about as much as could ever be possible and now the only way to lower the time any further is with luck that would make even the gods of fortune blush.
For sure any popular game will get to that point however it’s important to note that skill is still required
you need really good luck and good execution or a new skip ;)
Still can't believe the way they made sploosh-kaboom consistent.
Re4 and WW: My two favorite games of all time
damn, I need to check out a windwaker speedrun. that game took me forever as a kid
20:05 If the S.T.A.R.S. Were to align...
Isnt it ironic how much time you spend completing a game quickly?
That's deep 😔
2 - 20 year time loss
@@t2egal 0.1%-0.2% chance to succeed
I don't know why youtube suggested this to me but it was actually quite an enjoyable watch. Its fascinating how much there is to take into consideration with speedrunning!
Speedrunning is an art that only few can master the speedrun perfectly.
I like speedrunning, but I have to admit: I prefer RNG when I play "normally". A good game gives surprises to the player. I know speedrunners hate that, but I prefer surprises than "perfection". That's why RE4, from my point of view, is so good. Anyway, good video!
Oh yea it’s also personal preference I actually love when a run has a lot of rng!
@@WaifuRuns Yeah same here. I'm just doing it for fun though so I can see why top-10-ers get frustrated with it.
I like resident evil rng. It’s normally fairly smaller stuff like “this guy is right here now, have fun adapting.”
The one exception I have is that one officer zombie near the east office, watchman’s Office, and fire escape. He can either be down the hallway, by the east office door, or literally in front of your face as you walk in. Kind of lame
I think the best approach is what A Hat In Time does. The game has no RNG, instead it has seeds based on collectables (though those seeds could be based on anything consistent). That gives the game a feeling of RNG when playing casually, but allows for consistent behavior when speedrunners are doing repeated precision routing.
@@JohnSmith-sk7cg That's actually a super innovative way to have an element of randomness involved! thanks for the fun fact:)
"The best possible time you can get, is a 1:19:41."
And Yuushi crushed that with an astounding 1:19:23. INSANE
he did?? goddamn
@@ethor7676And now is 1:18:54
Now THIS is the content that recommended gets right.
Peace sells but who's buying?
@@RockxXxBoy What do you mean I don't believe in God, I talk to him every day
@@pardonavich what do you mean i don't get to work on time?, got nothing better to do...
@@ForeverHeavyMetal00 What do you mean I don't pay my bills, why do you think I'm broke?
If there's a new way..
9:09 honestly I can barely get through this room on veteran only having a dozen or so playthroughs myself... I really couldn't imagine speedrunnjng through this room for thousands of hours. When you say it's a showcase of true skill, you sir truly mean what you say.
Resident Evil 4 is one of my favorite games of all time. i had no clue it had such a big speed running scene
As a past/old school RE speedrunner, I cried when seeing Yuushi react to his world record claim in this vid. Omg the emotion.
"While this will probably never happen" - Those words have been uttered many times in speedrunning and subsequently shattered. LOL!
I hope I am proven wrong!
true, but mostly in regards to how long a world record will stand. Here he's talking about a theoretical perfect run. Though a new skip or tactic to save further time might somehow appear from the ether, i suppose.
certainly sound like a 1:20:xx Run will happen someday
We may have to wait DECADES before that happens.
I've never been a speed runner or attempted to speed run a game, but speed runners make it look so easy and fun, even though I know it's extremely hard. Mad respect for those who take their time out to do this
There's irony in the fact that speed runners spend thousands of hours playing a game to be able to beat it in the least amount of time possible.
They spend way more time playing the game than the people who take their time and enjoy the game only to stop and never play again when they beat it once or twice lol.
@@jasonZoo123 The fact that there are those type of people who hate a game because "it has no replay ability" don't know the meaning of replay ability.
A 100m sprinter spends years of dedicated training just to cut a second off his run.
@@davida7229 replayability,*
@@skullcrusade3436 wow imagine trying to find purpose in your day to rephrase a word by its spacing lol. My phone automatically spaced them out like that.
"How DO magnets work?"
Probably the most underrated comment ever, lol.
Hats off to you, my friend.
I caught the same comment.. I'm curious , was it an ICP reference? lol
@@necropolisgames9093 Well, its the first video im watching of this channel, and i dont know the guy and if he has anything to do with WoW. But WoW Shadowlands is close to realease and Ion Hazzikostas a Dev of WoW, had interviews with some WoW Content Creators. I dont remember who it was particularly. but one the creators asked ion a question, and instead of answering it he basically answered with "how do magnets work?" lel
@@necropolisgames9093 Might obviously just be a coincidence
Necropolis Games yes it was he was talking about clowns 5 seconds before
calm down.
I don't usually watch speedrunning stuff...but I wholeheartedly appreciate the effort and attention to detail put into this, great vid! :D
Glad you enjoyed! i hope to get you interested in speedrunning
I can guarantee you your favorite game has a Speedrun community on
I can only imagine how he felt after completing it. That's beautiful man
My man yuushi with the constant world records
I’m randomly here. I’m a millenial that’s never played RE and recently have been playing RE2 Remake on my Steam Deck. I’m too big of a scaredy-cat to play it, so I’ve been watching speedruns to get through it faster. I went down a hole of watching clips of every RE game and… now I’m here. Thank you for such an informative video and all the hard work. This is what RUclips is about; finding cool, quality content anyone can enjoy if they open themselves up to it.
the moment when a game (2005) is so good that u can´t stop playing it again and again. .... i am not a speedrunner, but i finished this game multiple times (maybe 25 times) on 5 systems. I thought about trying a speedrun too. But i would be happy to finish this game uninterrupted without dying and checkpoint resetings...I wouldn´t be the fastest RE 4 speedruner, but it will be cool to belong to a group of RE4-feaks. One time i will upload a video too :)
i have to pee in the middle of watching this video, 45 second time loss
0:45 1.8k hours into a game, and yet you still haven't gotten all the achievements, what is wrong with you?
those bottle caps are finnicky ok
I got the bottle caps on my first playthrough, is it meant to be challenging? I just did the shooting galleries with a controller and used either the pistol or SMG.
@@EraVulgaris- I couldn't beat it. I always missed like 3 targets.
@@magicmanscott40k I'm a PC player so usually shoot with KB/M. I would go in, do the SMG one, walk out and swap weapons, then do the sniper one but use the pistol. Then "finish" or whatever the option was. I seemed to get the max caps each time and it only took 4 shooting ranges.
@@EraVulgaris- wait what? I didn't understand any of that
Oh wow Waifu. I didn't know you did youtube. I watch your streams often. sweet!
Yooooo random seeing you here
@@MossOnBrick n fr
@@Thomas-uv2zl gf draft
This is such a great video, I didn't even imagine this rng existed in Re4 great job my dude, this will go viral
thanks so much!
My eye literally twitched seeing that semi auto rifle placed upside down in the inventory...
now this is some legitimately nerdy shit right here.
Fr like what is with these people
@@shabr1ri nerdy passion my d00d
They have a hobby? Or they are a streamer and make more money doing this then whatever work they have currently available to them for probably a third of the time spent.
IRmightynoob It’s a joke
Would love to see more speedrun vids like this. You're obviously very knowledgeable and passionate about speedrunning, and it shows in the quality of this video.
More to come! thank you so much!
Felt like a 5 minute video for me, loads of details, and honestly super motivational, and with each execution I can see your passion coming out into the youtube content. It's something to be proud of. I feel like Yuushi would probably appreciate this content. Watching you speedrun RE4, it does make sense why you would spend so much time in Cabin.
Great job, and looking forward to additional content from your channel.
OK, this video was pretty fucking sick. Amazing analysis Waifu, not to mention production was incredible and I could definitely use more speedrun content from you :D
thanks dyl! more to come for sure
like how clearly you explain everything, subbed! keep it up mate
Kick ass video man. I recently started running this game on Game Cube. Your video gave me so many new strats its unreal. thanks bro!
Meanwhile I get ecstatic just to beat a RE game in under 3 hours lmao
Same, buddy :)
(Although I destroy Mercenaries mode)
Thats actually pretty good if you werent trying to speedrun and use pro routes
You tied the "how do magnets work" into the Gathering room comment perfectly! I have never felt so stunned I literally had to pause and thought to myself "damn did he really just do that?" Go back and listen again and yup flawless! This video is really well done and you earned a sub, like and comment and don't worry I am also sending this video to 5 people who I know will have a good laugh when they realize why I wanted them to watch the video XD
This is the question I never thought I cared to hear the answer for
I was happy of getting 01h58m on the Nintendo Wii. But man, seeing the amount of time, dedication, and understanding from speedrunners is something I could have never figured out all by myself. It makes my best run look like nothing.
Mad respect to anyone who is able to get into the top 100 for this game.
I was scrolling through RUclips and saw this video by you. I honestly couldn't resist clicking it lol. I love videos like this and appreciate the effort out into the metrics. Good work
speedrunning rule number one
do not wash your hair
So 1 in 8 billions. I´m very impressed as he has "only" 15,000 attemps.
With 1 try, it is astronomical, with 15K tries is like winning the lottery.
If everyone on earth played it, at least one person would get the perfect run. However, whether or not the person can make use of it is a different matter
@@vbgvbg1133 Not really. 8 billion people could play it and not one get this run. It's like saying that if you flip a coin twice then you would always get 1 heads and 1 tails.
@@7777777777e Yes, that "1 in 8 billion chance" only matters if you don't reset or reload a save and hope for a better rng. If you get bad rng, for that chance to be true, you have to restart the ENTIRE GAME, even if you make it perfectly but failed (or got bad luck) at the last minute of the game.
@@7777777777e 1 in 8 billion makes sense, because every run with imperfect RNG is accounted for by that statistic. The 1 run it refers to is the literal perfect run, with absolutely no need to reset due to RNG, which means any run where people reset at any point in the game, falls into the other category of the statistic. Theoretically, if the player was a perfect player that didn't make mistakes (impossible, but let's just assume), and everyone was such a player, we would expect one person to get a perfect run when the entire world played once.
Basically yes, the odds actively change based on where you are in the run, but the overall probability doesn't care about each individual case, it only cares about the eventual perfect case given enough tries. It's expected value vs. actual
that 1 in 8 billion is for the "perfect" run. He actually never calculated the odds of the World Record. the video is kinda pointless lol
What a great video man, you broke it down perfectly, I only watch speedruns but even then I understood everything.
It's funny 'cause when I was little I completed this game like 4 times back to back and thought the RNG was actually "the game not reacting because I was doing it faster each time", now it all makes sense!
When you go to make dinner, 20% chance of dropping a frying pan.
15 Second time loss.
how slippery are your hands that you drop your pans 20% of the time? oof
New to your videos and these are impeccably narrated. I only watch speed runs and simply never get these kind of simple explanations of what goes into these runs. Great job!
Speedrunners : *gets 2 twitch viewers*
Speedrunning lore youtubers: *thousands of views*
for real more people should watch twitch streams of speedruns more, i mean i know a lot of very popular twitch speedrunners but the more the merrier
You don't understand reality. People don't have infinite time to watch attempts. Most people just want to know who's the best because time is money and both are very limited.
@@issadraco532 okay but who asked?
@@issadraco532 I understand what youre saying. but if youre going to watch a stream just for what the streamer is doing and not for the streamer themselves. then you lost the whole point of a stream anyways.
also your whole point could be said about people who watch sports. "hey i like this team so im gonna watch them every time they play so i can see them win" I find that sad too. but people can enjoy what they like.
Also you know people make money on this stuff right. but these top people beating the records make enough to support themselves.
@@issadraco532 You believe people in bubbles don’t have Bank? Hahah 😂😂 Enjoy those extra shifts you spoke of 🤣
Cool video man, It was really interesting/entertaining.
I also enjoyed learning about the RE4 speedrunning scene a little bit as well. I keep being blown away with how well speedrunners break games down to figure out every little thing they can in order to get better times!
Totally interesting that the chances of getting the literal perfect run are so low, it makes sense, but holy crap that has to be luuuuuuucky to even come close to. Seeing the breakdown of RNG in Yuushi's run showed how kickass his run actually is and how hard it was to achieve. Great stuff, man!
Honestly, I think you have the best speed run videos out here. The side by side comparisons along with explanations are amazing. Much love and mad respect, brother! Subscribing right now
Loved this video, would be thrilled to see more !
18:01 Translation - "Finally, I can stop wasting my life at this game. I can at last pay attention to my wife and children again" lol 😆
Kudos for all the science you did here for us. Doing each of those things 50 times is a feat
This was a really neat breakdown.
Great video!, would absolutely love more.
I've always wondered. When a new game comes out, do speedrunners hit the ground running speedrunning, or do they take their time and play it and enjoy the story, and then start speedrunning?
depends on the runner to be honest a lot of people dont like routing the games themselves and perfer to wait for a pre established route to be formed
@@WaifuRuns that's so boring...
@@Grayfox111 can confirm
Most interesting speedrun analysis I've ever seen. Thanks a lot for the effort and sharing this.
The intro is hilarious imo because there’s GTA v speedrunners with over 8000 hours (IE: Darkviperau) even though it’s a newer game
Just want to say I love your videos and appreciate you putting in the time and energy to make them. Re 4 is my favorite so this is awesome
Idk what Yuushy said at the end but I can tell he was excited and overjoyed by this. I love this game and watching speedruns are awesome.
There's a 50% chance the teacher turns off copy & paste. A 60 minute time loss.
And most of us is just happy if we can finish the whole game.
used the rocket launcher before the midget boss, never figured out how i beat him and never tried again :D
That was some incredibely well made content. I've always liked to YT videos about speedrunning, happy to have found your channel! I wish you success.
oh wow, as a non-speedrunner I never knew that playing on the higher difficulties helps with speedruns because of the consistency with the AI. That's so interesting! Great video, although I am not a speedrunner, I still find it really neat!
Wow this video was incredible great work
Resident evil 4 is my favorite in the series. Possibly even out of the entire genre
Great stuff! Thanks for the vid!
Goes to show how well this game holds up, RE4 is pure perfection! :)
I love this style of video, and I'd love to see more! This puts watching re4 runs in a different perspective. honestly videos like this and in general, runs being explained are what get me into a new game, because sometimes just dropping into a random stream with no explanation is overwhelming.
Really liked how it was narrated and presented. Seamless.
Taking a dive in 2 ur channel now.
The last few videos have been top tier, Waifu
Very interesting my dude, I'd love to see more
Excellent video, I loved this new format of the WR breakdown. Devil may cry 3 next please.
thank you for having me in ur video :)
Great content! Really interesting, I hope you can do maybe more docummentary-style videos from other speedruns you know of. It's fascinating watching how you guys perfect your craft like this.
This was a really well done video! I love watching others blast through like it's nothing in games I enjoy, but learning about the different outcomes in situations is super interesting. What a coincidence getting recommended this while trying to get a good time in the Resident Evil remake.
20:10 1:19:41 was the theorically best possible time, just now he even surpass that time. Yuushi 1:19:23, he is insane
I was so happy when I beat the game in under 4hrs at new game pro mode.. But these guys are on another level.
Literally hella impressive in 4hrs tho. It's a long ass game.
Great video! I love that you explained that waterhall IS mostly skill based, relying on game knowledge and adaptation, and not full of rng like some people strongly believe, I guarantee that all top runners agree that it isn't the worst room in the game at all.
The crossbow priests always fuck me up but yeah the room isn't too bad
i remember being mind blown back in like 2007 watching my cousin beat this game in 4hours neither of us knew anything about speedrunning and naively thought that had to be the fastest anyone could ever beat the game fastforward to about 2012/2013 i watched a guy called (i think) the english runner beat the game in around 2 and half hours and being mindblown yet again. and now seeing this video for the 3rd time im mind blown, ive never played this game but ive watched people play it so much its weird having so much nostalgia for a game you've never played
Not really into speed running at all, but RE4 is one my favorite games of all time. Cool video
I have never played resident evil 4 or even watch speedruns and I still watched the entire video. Amazing work!
Speed runners to me seem like they were put in a time loop by Dr.Strange using the time stone playing the same game for all eternity haha.
Loving the format man! Definitely would love to see more of this content
It's why I can never be the best, I just don't have that sort of dedication, constantly playing something new.
Great video Waifu! Hope you keep dropping content like this about the games you run or even like "world record history" type videos as they're becoming very popular as of late. Wish you all the best brother stay safe
feedback to improve : play all the positive outcome clips on one side ( for example left half of screen) and all negative outcomes on other , this way it is less confusing.i haven't played the game and i like calculating possibilities , so i spent pretty much the entire length of it focusing on which screen is getting rekt. that being said , your commentary was absolutely on point , timed "frame-perfectly".
really enjoyed it !!
i will try to do that next time thanks for the advice!
first time viewing any of your content, absolutely earned my sub. bout to binge the rest! great video, definitely would love more of this with any game at all!
This is both admirable and sad at the same time
@Spike V1 you comment on a month old comment to say that? You’re the one who should probably get a life
Never really been into speedrunning but as someone who loves RE4 the content was really interesting. Nice to see the video blowing up. Congrats!
Amazed at how little Ashley had to do with the RNG
yea ashley is 100% constitent thank god, she actually isnt a huge factor in the speed run at all
Hey man, I loved this vid, thank you for putting so much time into doing the research and putting your time on it
"Speedrunners are one of the most dedicated people that I know."
"Here is a list of probabilities of a gazillion events. It's not perfect accuracy, but I tried every one of these at least 50 times to get these numbers"
Damn you people are as close to machines as humans can get. I couldn't even be bothered to get that second quote right. :D
Don't forget about the part where the do trial and error on breaking the game
Analyzing the game's code so that you can **skip** the entire game, case in point, Gta SA and Vice City.
Amazing video! Keep up the good work!!
now he has a sub 20💀
That was one of the most interesting and entertaining format I’ve ever seen about speedrun. I sure as hell would like to see more similar content !
Looks like RUclips's RNG brought you to me, have a subscribe, good video