If I Hear That Beyonce Commercial 1 More Time...

She's not an artist in the first place. She, like Spears and company, are performers. I think there's a small but distinct difference.

very well said...I actually think there is a massive difference, and you hit on it very well.

i would also add "slash" entertainer, to the performer tag you so correctly stated.

I dont think its fair to lump her in with trainwreck Shitney. She has a fantastic voice & is a great live performer. Performers are artists too.

Anyway, she is a greedy cow when it comes to commercial deals. Over exposure just encourages enemies. But I do love her If I were a boy video. Ok Ok its for the guys in cop uniforms! But she looks pretty too.
I don't care about the commercial either way, but Beyonce is HOT.

Have you seen the Single Ladies video. DAMN!
Not to upset anyone or annoy anyone further BUTT! This commercial leans way to far into gaudyland for me.

I enjoy Beyonce (Bouncy as Whoopie calls her.) I do agree the networks are milking the hell out of this and that in itself is annoying. Not to mention a form of deliberate consumer brain washing.

I have dish network and a MUTE button. Shut that bitch up! lmao :tongue:
I am going to lose my mind.

It is bad enough when musicians do ads, let's face it, as a musician, once you start selling products, you have zero artistic credibility left.

but when they are horrifically stupid or annoying ads, it is even worse...

that being said, the uber-annoying Beyonce, and her ad for DirectTV has to be the most annoying musician/sellout commercial ever...

if i hear that annoying song she sings one more time...and it is on *ALL* the time, unfortunately mostly on the sports channels, during games...

Lemme lemme lemme upgrade ya,...and lemme upgrade you to the latest channels in HD (while she is doing some retarded dance)
Lemme lemme lemme upgrade ya, grade ya, grade ya...


lemme lemme lemme blow your fucking head off with a .357 magnum.


this is it for those who have not suffered through it yet

YouTube - Beyonce Commercial

so annoying

YEA! Someone else that finds this bitch annoying in SO many ways...

Just sing, ya fucking cow.

:lmao:Oh, my god, Hellboy0, thought I was gonna die.

Justin Timberlake was the best thing that ever happened to her in that SNL skit (and I really think she's hot, but what the hey)
i CANNOT stand her or her music. i can't stand her speaking voice either. i thought she was better when she was with destiny's child.

i've never seen that commercial before. lol. and i'm glad. :wink:
i can't stand beyonce for begin with. i hate her voice, but even more so, i hate her fucking attitude. but her sister is even worse. in an interview, she was all "excuse me, but you did not properly address me"

like, what the fuck?
I am going to lose my mind.

so annoying

TiVo, mothafucka...TEE-VOH! The 30-second-skip button is your friend.

But, yes, I agree...on both this advert in particular, and with the general repugnance of celebrity sellouts.

The other one I can't stand
(not coincidentally, also a DTV ad campaign) is the emergence every autumn of a new series of adverts with Payton Goofiest-Looking-Motherfucker-Alive Manning whoring himself out for NFL Sunday Ticket. Shit makes me want to punch babies.

On a different note, I'm also of the same mind as Stringy...that girl is one damned delicious dish.
:lmao:Oh, my god, Hellboy0, thought I was gonna die.

Justin Timberlake was the best thing that ever happened to her in that SNL skit (and I really think she's hot, but what the hey)

I don't know that I would call her 'hot'. Yeah, she's got a nice ass...pretty...sings ok (I'm gay...I can appreciate a pretty woman and would try to fuck Angelina if she would let me). But PLEASE tell Beyonce not to speak. I remember watching a vid of when the PETA folk cornered her on her use of fur in her "line of clothes" (notice the quotations marks). Sorry, but she really really REALLY is not good in a pinch.

However, since ya brought up JT...he IS da man!
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i CANNOT stand her or her music. i can't stand her speaking voice either. i thought she was better when she was with destiny's child.

except that even when she was with destiny's child, all you heard was beyonce's voice. she was always in the middle, and out front a bit, yah? and you always heard her voice above everyone else's. and worse yet, you'd hear her voice in both the background with the others, and then her own little kine solo. oh hey, the commercial just came on too! haha. anyways, like i said, i can't stand her personality.
THANK YOU it makes no sense what so ever! I am so glad someone else cant stand it . I can not say in polite company how I really feel about it.

no problem...

i saw it five times today during all the football games :mad::mad::mad:

form now on, whenever anyone encounters it, they should post in this thread, just to remind everyone how annoying and how often it is on...

i hate it!!!!!!!!! Lemme lemme lemme upgrade ya...and let me upgrade you to the latest channels in HD...

the way she says "you" after upgrade, really annoys me for some reason, she does not pronounce "you"; instead, she turns upgrade and you into one word, and says it as "Upgray-djOO", emphasis on dJOO!!!! because she really wants to upgrade you so badly, and then her emphasis on H.D.... it just sounds so stupid, and that super serious look on her face, while she's doing the dance at that spot...you can almost hear her ordering the director, "well, you know, I'm gonna do my "Fierce" look, so they know how bad i want them to upgrade" blah blah blah...and the director probably said "Yeah, great idea, Beyonce"... (while inside, he is thinking, god i hate this person, someone please, for the love of god, send me a script for a really good movie so i can stop working with this type of "artist")

and then the whole "I am chewing on this gold necklace that says "UPGRADE", cause it's sexy"....


and then the "grade ya"...

god, how do i hate thee Beyonce, let me count the ways...

let me upgrade you to being vaporized after i call in a B52 Air Strike on your location.


(of course, just as i finish writing this, it has just come on again)

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