This man has transformed my life for the better. 8 months ago was an alcoholic, sedentary and overweight. After following his advise to the letter; intermittent fasting, exercising, adequate sleep, proper nutrition and being sober. Now I am lean (with a 6 pack) and happy as a clam. Thanks Doc now I will implement dry fasting. With love from Kenya 🇰🇪
Best liver cleanse in history: 1. Keto 2. Lifting weights 3. Lowering body fat 4. Good sleep 5. 2500 calories or less 6. Drinking lots of water aka water fasting too 7. Dry fasting too is king!!!!! All these will trigger autophagy triggering cell cleansing!!!!!!!!
Muslims dry fast from sunrise to sunset for 1 month. Our month of Ramadan. I feel great from the 2nd week of fasting despite not eating, I have more energy. After the 1 month, I dry fast on Mondays and Thursdays for the rest of the year.
As a christian, the Spirit of God sustains me during fasting. At the start, when hunger pains and thirst occur, I turn to God to help me with these symptoms and before I know it they are gone. So for prolonged fasting, reliance on God's strength assists me to go for longer than a day. This exercise strengthens my faith to know that in Christ we can do all things. During this fasting time, as well, God guides me in the interpretation of his word by revealing little understood truths.
Fasting in faith is for God ..for the spirit not for the flesh. That's the whole meaning behind fasting ..the spirit access and God connection. Nothing to do with healing the body . However one can also fast fit the body .
As a Muslim we do dry fasting every year once a month in Ramadan. Then it is also recommended to have dry fasting twice a week i.e. Mondays and Thursdays
I knew it! Thank you, I will do this soon. Maybe tomorrow. When people see me skip a meal, they freak out and say I’m starving myself. It’s ridiculous how uninformed people are.
This is how I reversed my NAFLD/insulin resistance. Autophagy fasting. 3 years of religiously triggering autophagy through fasting with intermittent 17 + hour fast/3 day fast along with exercise. And occasional water fast. Typical month for me would look like this. 2, 3-day fasts during the month, OMAD most days, 36 hour fast once a week, and all other days 17+ hours of fasting. It also reversed other health problems as well. My Fibro scan before keto and fasting I was stage F4… forgive me, but I can’t remember my cap score but what I do know is that now I am F0. And my caps score is normal! And Dr Mindy says your body is a miracle if you give it the ability to do so it will repair itself! Thank you Dr. Berg…. I can never repay you for all the knowledge and teachings you’ve brought forward. It has truly saved my life!
Fibro scan? Cap score? I’ve had fibromyalgia for 37 years and I’ve never heard of these. could you please reply with more info or a link? Thanks so much!
I needed to see this today. After a recent fibroscan due to having NASH, the liver specialist was pushing weight loss surgery which I do not want. I’ve been trying to keep my carbs under 20 g per day, and have lost 15 pounds so far. I will probably incorporate your methods. Thank you for sharing that info.
@@beverlypearson5332 a fibroscan is a test where they use a little wand and they go over your liver. It has a thumping /feeling and sound. Takes less than five minutes and it’s the only accurate way to know how much damage you have in your liver. Ultrasounds do not tell you that only a fibro scan. As far as fibromyalgia, I have (had) that too. But that’s not what I’m talking about.
It is so refreshing to hear you get down to the #1 most effective item in the list and it’s NOT a supplement, product or expensive program. The fact that you aren’t trying to profit off of people’s health problems says so much, and is such a relief to find. Most of us have squandered hundreds or thousands of dollars just trying to feel bare-minimum healthy, with no real lasting results. Thank you for teaching us how to use our own bodies to heal themselves.
This is all true - however, do not overlook the part about preparing your body for the ‘cleanses’ - especially the dry one. You cannot have sludge from your pancreas or liver blocking or you will be VERY sick. Bile salts is key. I use a super enzyme (digestive) that has bile salts in it. Works like a charm!
As an African christian, we do fast periodically, and I've been doing this since I was a kid. and before celebrating Easter weve got another mandatory 40 days fasting before celebrating the crucifixion and resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. so it's not only muslims, African Christian's are used to dry fasting.
Watching dr berg for past four years, I quit sugar, caffeine, alcohol, refined carb, and junk food, never missed or crave them a single day. Sleep better, feel better, lower a1c, and healthier than ever! My daily diet and exercise routine becomes a habit. So much to be thankful to dr berg and dr Jason fung!
[0:57] "Yesterday I started trying the liver cleansing method for 3 days, my body feels much lighter! Anyone who is interested in taking care of their liver should try this method right away. The results are worth the wait! 🌿💧 # Started YesterdaySeeing Clear Effects"
The more I discover about science the more islamic study makes sense to me. 30 days of dry fast from sun rise to sunset is obligatory in Ramadan unless it’s a matter of life/death or you’re traveling. The more i am getting logics behind the teachings of islam the more i am falling in love with the creator because the one who created us knows what is best for us. This is the feeling of pure joy. Thankyou dr for giving an insight. ❤
Jesus talked about the importance of fasting. In the Old Testament god asked his people to burn animal fat as a sweet offering to the lord. When Jesus died for our sins we are now to offer that burnt fat in the form of fasting as a sweet offering to our Lord and Savior. When we fast we literally burn fat and it pleases the lord. It also pleases our bodies. ❤
Muslims worship the same god as Jesus, peace be upon him. We pray in the same way as Jesus (peace be upon him) in Matthew 26:36-39. And Jesus (peace be upon him) clearly states he is not god in in Luke 18:18-21, I pray you find the truth, and follow all the prophets in their worship of the one true god.
@@ia12315 Mohammed was visited by a demon in that cave. NOT an Angel. He became suicidal. God visits his people on mountain tops, not caves. Your god is the deceiver.
As a Christian we have fasting & abstinence during Lent, that is 40 days and nights. Though we are doing this to remind us, not only of Jesus fasting in the desert, but that we have to let go of earthly things, earthly pleasures. We will die one day and everything we have accumulated will mean nothing.
Muslims dry fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan every year. When I do it I get severe headaches for 3 days as result of withdrawal symptoms from my caffeine addiction. After the 3 days my body adapts and I don’t have any symptoms for the rest of the month.
Dry fasting is miraculous, for 30 days We muslims orderd to fast ramadan from sunrise to sunset, and me personaly find myself more sharp, energetic and more active with it.
Hi Dr Berg, I’m around 85lb overweight and I’ve been taking meticulous notes while binge watching a lot of your videos today. I have learned more about nutrition and diet in one day than I’ve ever learned before! I cannot thank you enough for all of this free invaluable advice and I’m actually so excited and motivated to begin my weight loss journey. I’ve shopped online this evening so that I don’t fall foul into buying anything I shouldn’t! Thanks again, much love from UK
@kittyw778 that's fantastic. You're on the right road. Don't be discouraged by minor setbacks. Let it make you more determined. Don't knock yourself. I'm feeling great after weight loss. Sleeping better. More energy. The better you feel, the more determined it makes you.🙏🏽😊
@@kittyw778maltodextrin, dextrose, sucralose will slow your weight loss down tremendously by triggering insulin production so be careful of those ingredients and there may be a few more that I am not remembering right off hand that you may want to look into. Good luck! And Remember under 25 grams of carbs a day and no added sugar!
As an eastern orthodox, before Communion we have to dry fast from midnight until mid day when we get the communion, and everything he said is true. I feel the best on Sundays
Jesus was eating supper with disciples after which he passed the bread and wine. In 1 Corinthians 11 the instructions Paul gives were given in conjunction with eating a meal. The point I’m making is that they didn’t take the bread and wine on an empty stomach.
Dry fasting from sunrise to sunset is called siyam in Islam, and the prophet used to do it two days a week, besides Ramadan, I would recommend this as a way of a healthier life and a better quality overall.
@@alparelif it is risky for a lot of people, go to muslim countries and see how many people die from it, especially if u have diabetes or other, many doctors tell A LOT of people not to fast in those same muslim countries bcs it’s not okay for everyone to do so.
I was worried about dry fasting but I really like wet fasting and I'm highly motivated by autophagy, so I'm gonna start tomorrow!!! Thank you Dr. Berg! ❤
Yeah... I'm really skeptical about dry fasting too. Seems like they rely on very old Soviet science for a lot of their claims. Too risky for the kidneys if you ask me..
I switched from water fasting to a 36 hour dry fast one a month. Easier than you think. It's like a reset for my marginally high blood pressure and blood sugar.
Glad this popped up. I am going through a liver/gallbladder issue just 7 months into my strict keto diet. A gallbladder cleanse helped a lot but I had to actually have a test today that caused them to immediately order a more detailed test. Lots of sludge backed up into the liver. I'm fighting to keep my gallbladder!!
I fasted a long time, and discovered time stands still after 3 weeks. And your energy does peak especially at night. Time slows down and you speed up with energy and an acute awareness to spiritual forces.
I’m in relationship with Christ (Matthew 6:33) and His Word says…when you fast…(Matthew 6:16; Isaiah 58: 1-14) Meaning it’s a lifestyle that may be used when seeking clarity, or simply be close to our Father. But of course we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Dr Berg has been trying for a long time to wake us up. Thank you for your consistency and desire to see people healed.
Be prepared for a painfull and potentially dangerous blocked gallbladder. If all the gunk exits you liver at ones. dandelion salade will do that to you if you desire. unions, beans, applejuice, and epsonsalt are more natural safer and gradual way if used in roulation. a blocked gallbladder wil potentially be cause of pancreas problems. In my experience fasting did make my gallbladder problems worse because of the stagnation of gallflow.
This is the kind of information I wish we had at the doctors office...I don't go to the doctors office anymore, unless it is a true emergency. Thank you, Doctor Berg!!!❤❤
Fasting three days of each lunar month on the full moon on the 13th, 14th and 15th, and they are called the white days because of the white moonlight among Muslims. Note: When we break the fast, we eat a few dates or a drink of water, then we pray, and then we eat soup and salad. THANK YOU DR BERG
This is very ancient and is pre-Islam. In Latin this is called the IDES if the month and are considered dangerous (Julius Caesar was murdered at the Ides of March after having been warned not to go out). The ancient peoples all used to fast at the ides and I believe the Chinese still have specific recommendations for this mid-month. Real Catholics & Orthodox still fast 40 days for advent & 40 days for lent. God bless you.
I’ve watched more videos in my lifetime than most. I feel like I have a Google doctorate. This doctor, IMO is the most balanced and offers the most informative. Thank you
@@3riyanto I thought a dry fast was no water or food period. How is it considered a fast if its only 12 hrs a day? I think we have a bunch of different definitions of "fasting"
I was praying for a lady in hospice and would go meet up with her , she was bedridden. I heard God say I wasn't eating and then forgot and got a bowl and heard it again, so I didn't eat and went to see the lady. As I got out of my car a surge of power hit me and I began to shake and then when I layed hands on her that day . She got out of bed and used her walker to go to her kitchen 10 times that day. God does ask us to fast so he can flow freely through us to touch others . After that day I would fast for bible study and church meetings until I got home , incase God had some plans to make a move . Eric has taught me a lot about cortisol from stress . So thankful for good input.
Thanks for sharing, we have a GOD who speaks directly to us and give us solution to impossible cases, let's surrender all to HIM, HE is able to do all things. GOD bless you in JESUS NAME
I used to bump into miracles, now I follow teachers, and my favorite site is healing journeys today and obviously I learn a lot from Eric Berg who does his homework. I am so thankful for the teachers.
My wife got me into watching your videos, now everyday i watch your videos and they are fascinating to learn about our own bodies. As a muslim l, our prophet instructed us to fast three days a month 17-19-21 of everymonth. Thank you DR for great info...
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "If you are going to fast three days from a month, then fast on the 13th, 14th, and 15th." (Reported in multiple hadith collections like Abu Dawood and Al-Nasa’i)
Midwest too... I work tree service outside in the sun, brutal, drink 1 gallon of fluids and no peeing, I sweat it all away most days... This whole week 93⁰-98⁰ in the shade mid afternoon... I have to have fluids for now, when I vacation I am going to try.
Hi, I've heard, on other videos, that dry fasting isn't only not to drink water, but complete absence of it. I mean, not even wash your hands, not a drop of water on your body. Isn't that a bit extreme? or it's the right way to do it.
OMAD helped me get rid of my morning fever. I woke up every morning and had a runny nose and sneezing for an hour or two. I have been fasting for three months (October, November, December) without a break. From dawn to sunset, I didn't eat or drink. At the end of this period, some kind of yellowish mucus began to come out of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses. A lot of mucus. It lasted a week. And I was cured of pollinosis. Thanks God 🙏🏼
@meikuanchoo1607 Sorry, I thought your RUclips app had a "Translate" option under the comment. This is the Russian language... I will try to explain in English... I've tried fasting for up to 20 hours. And I noticed that the better the food and richer in non-nutrients, the easier it is to fast. And the presence of oxygen plays an even greater role. We need to spend more time outdoors. It is also necessary to eat foods rich in aliphatic acids (acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, tartaric acid, quinic acid, succinic acid...) These acids increase the number of hydrogen protons (H+) in the body, which means that the body's tissues receive oxygen well. Hemoglobin cannot release oxygen to tissues if the blood is strongly alkaline.
@ thanks for the info. It’s very helpful. OMAD is 12 hrs fasting and alternate day - by DR Berg. I found another video of his after sending you the message. But anyway how do you do the oMAD?
Omg! I am soooo grateful for this video 🙏🙏🙏. After months of immune issues, rashes, inflammation, too many symptoms to name, I am going to do this tomorrow 🙏 You have a new faithful follower ❤️
Cabbage is my absolute favorite and got to for digestion regulation, water removal and over all gut health. I have eaten cabbage all of my life. Bok choy is another great vegetable. Works great in a stir fry! I dry fast and dont even realize that I’m doing it. I recently had blood work done and my liver levels were off so I was thinking of a way to cleanse it without getting sick. Wheatgrass taken is liquid form over the course of a few days will do but the first couple of days, it will make you throw up!! Ugh! I will never do that again EVER!
So funny because my husband is Muslim and I always dry fast for Ramadan . I always thought this is crazy because it's very hot here to not drink .. but I guess they are doing somthing very healthy 😊
Most Muslims dry fast for about 30 days every year during the month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset. It's supposed to have many benefits. These benefits not only include good health but also help a person mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Good health?! I wonder why muslims are looking mature with your age. You are not fasting by the way. You are just making the day the night, and the night the day! 😂 You are eating a lot food during the night, more than what you eat in regular days.
@ that’s a lie even if you want to eat more you can’t eat because the time is short after the first meal you don’t have time to eat second meal sometimes
Such a valuable video! The liver does so much work behind the scenes, yet most of us take it for granted. Learning how to support it naturally is something we should all pay more attention to. Loved this!
@@Blessedron1 we don't include food atall. No food no water no meat, dairy restricted on those time frames. You better have a good idea before you comment.
Thank you, Doc! For sharing your knowledge. As a single mom, I take my health more seriously because of my children. I'm taking notes and slowly watch all of the videos you uploaded. Thank you!!
This and the spiritual aspect of Ramadan is what makes everyone happy during Ramadan. We all feel good and amazing during that month. We all talk about how beautiful that month is and how everyone seems happier and better in general (the ones who are fasting)
Great. But please keep in mind all the Pakistani workers in the Arabic peninsula who work during the day and are not allowed to drink during Ramadan. Many accidents. But not a subject for the people employing them.
As a Muslim we are fasting dry every year 30 days calls ramadan and we are feeling so good so healthy and happier, and we are also fasting dry every Mondays and Thursdays a lot of sick people tried it and got healthier in life and we fasting for 18 hours or 19 hours without food and water
Wouldn't it be incredible if we had a healthcare system where the doctors weren't suffering from drug/alcohol induced liver disease themselves, and patients could trust their orders 😐 For instance, people just assume the spell-checker on devices are ALWAYS correct, like when spelling a word ending with -ing, the short way is to put in', but the "spell-checker" turns it into a 'n. What I'm saying is that I won't allow myself to be brainwashed by the title of something, especially when it comes to health! Thank you, Dr. Berg! Have a great Friday, everyone! 🙂
I really like my current PA as far as her knowledge and caring personality, however she is very overweight. I'm not judging her, but have to wonder if she has ever even heard of holistic health. Surely she must be aware of the health problems that occur from being overweight??
We Muslims practice dry fasting from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan for 30 days, as commanded 1400 years ago. It is unbelievable how powerful it is for detoxification.
Jesus Christ is lord and savior! He died for all of us! He rose from the grave and ascended to his father to fulfill Gods purpose! So we could be forgiven!
Can u please make an updated video on lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage ? What do u think about “ the big 6” by dr Perry Nickelson? How a congested lymphatic system is making us sick and we can’t properly detox without opening the drainage pathways first
@@colbyrulesmydoggie4839thx I know a lot about it but I just want dr Bergs opinion and Tipps because his videos are always better than anyone’s lol I love Eric ❤
As a Christian of a Holiness church, we’ve been doing what you all call “dry fasting” for years. We eat no food and drink no liquids (including water) for 1 full day (24 hours) or more! We do it once a week. We don’t believe in a “Daniel fast”. Only the kind of fast the Bible talks about in Jonah and elsewhere 👍🏾
I have shared these videos with my best friend who has just been told she has fatty liver because of taking Tylenol and she takes your liver supplement I hope it helps her, Thank you, again.
@@barryibrar2550- Barry it’s Only “Fake News” for The Individuals Whom Watch. Have A Fabulously Blessed Life 😃 We All Make Choices, and Can Do Whatever We CHOSE. That’s what Makes Life So Phenomenal. AMEN. 🙏🏽 ♥️ 🙌
What is the importance of eating at sundown? If your liver and kidneys are suppose to rest while you sleep and dry fast, wouldn't the one meal be better eaten after the 12 hour dry fasting? Just wondering?
I never feel as good as when I fast during Ramadan From sunrise to sunset, completely dry fasting . It’s unbelievably good for your body , mind , and life
3:05 Dry Fasting for 12 hours Start at sunrise Stop at sunset 🌅 5:10 Eat once at sunset Cruciferous veg + meat 7:01 bile sludge to prevent cleansing symptoms 7:35 beets or acv
This sounds really good. I will try this starting tomorrow! Only because I am hung over today LOL - been watching you for over a year now.. you have helped me so much.. Thanks!
Thank you doctor for your precious advice. I am Moroccan and I came across your videos by chance. From then on, I take advice from you. God bless you. ❤
So ive been doing the best thing ever since i converted to islam. Muhammed a.s recommended dry fasting from sunset till dawn every Monday and thursday besides Ramadan which is an etire month
Think also the best detox would be to stop putting the toxins in. Cut the refined sugar, the high fructose corn syrup, and the omega 6 fatty acids. Doing so will amplify any detox regimine.
I I have been doing for a long while now, intermittent fasting! Where I don’t have breakfast and lunch and just dinner at night and I am feeling fantastic. This cleaning of the liver is importantly to do and same for the kidneys. I will do it this coming weekend. I have to buy celery, parsley, and watercress which I like it. I will make myself a drink with every dark leaves I can find and I drink it. Sometimes I add lemon. Thank you so very much, Dr. Berg, for all the information you post, it is truly appreciated.
This man has transformed my life for the better. 8 months ago was an alcoholic, sedentary and overweight. After following his advise to the letter; intermittent fasting, exercising, adequate sleep, proper nutrition and being sober.
Now I am lean (with a 6 pack) and happy as a clam.
Thanks Doc now I will implement dry fasting.
With love from Kenya 🇰🇪
Well done fella, keep going.
And added vitamin d3 too?
@SpamMouse Thanks comrade 🙏🏼
@@RamonMcNally Not yet but will do.
How is the 6pack of beer?
Best liver cleanse in history:
1. Keto
2. Lifting weights
3. Lowering body fat
4. Good sleep
5. 2500 calories or less
6. Drinking lots of water aka water fasting too
7. Dry fasting too is king!!!!!
All these will trigger autophagy triggering cell cleansing!!!!!!!!
3k calories per day seems too generous for a diet
Muslims dry fast from sunrise to sunset for 1 month. Our month of Ramadan. I feel great from the 2nd week of fasting despite not eating, I have more energy.
After the 1 month, I dry fast on Mondays and Thursdays for the rest of the year.
It's the other way around. Dry fasting is #1 and keto is #7 😅
@@PatrickVeira it’s for bodybuilding chads only
3000 holyyy that s too much
As a christian, the Spirit of God sustains me during fasting. At the start, when hunger pains and thirst occur, I turn to God to help me with these symptoms and before I know it they are gone. So for prolonged fasting, reliance on God's strength assists me to go for longer than a day. This exercise strengthens my faith to know that in Christ we can do all things. During this fasting time, as well, God guides me in the interpretation of his word by revealing little understood truths.
Goofball 🤡
It’s march 1 2025 and first of Ramadan, I’m grateful for my fasting and helping myself cleansing the body ❤
Free Palestine 🙌
Don't do as many others do and feast like a king during fasting breaks.
Great ❤❤
Fasting in faith is for God ..for the spirit not for the flesh. That's the whole meaning behind fasting ..the spirit access and God connection. Nothing to do with healing the body . However one can also fast fit the body .
@@RectumRammer69 it's is free . Many types of faith love there belongs to God and his people. Become his ppl and you'll understand.
As a Muslim we do dry fasting every year once a month in Ramadan. Then it is also recommended to have dry fasting twice a week i.e. Mondays and Thursdays
Why are u listening to Kafir channel? Go,away.
Alhamdulillah as a muslim we all do fasting 30 days, and see how beneficial for our healthy life. Thanks to All Mighty Allah Kareem.
Allah created humans know what best for his creatures
and also recommended to fast the Ayyam beez (three white days) of the month which are 13,14,& 15th (full moon) of lunar month.
That's not fasting my friend wake up
I knew it! Thank you, I will do this soon. Maybe tomorrow. When people see me skip a meal, they freak out and say I’m starving myself. It’s ridiculous how uninformed people are.
You don't need to skip meal. You just condense it within a small timeframe.
@@ayaan5015 when I skip a meal is when I’m intermittent fasting
@@ayaan5015which, if you compare it to standard meal times, is essentially skipping a meal.. 😂
@@grievousmink3889 if it works it works.
don't worry, with the price of food many here in america are already experiencing food some degree, we will all be fasting...
This is how I reversed my NAFLD/insulin resistance. Autophagy fasting. 3 years of religiously triggering autophagy through fasting with intermittent 17 + hour fast/3 day fast along with exercise. And occasional water fast. Typical month for me would look like this. 2, 3-day fasts during the month, OMAD most days, 36 hour fast once a week, and all other days 17+ hours of fasting. It also reversed other health problems as well. My Fibro scan before keto and fasting I was stage F4… forgive me, but I can’t remember my cap score but what I do know is that now I am F0. And my caps score is normal! And Dr Mindy says your body is a miracle if you give it the ability to do so it will repair itself! Thank you Dr. Berg…. I can never repay you for all the knowledge and teachings you’ve brought forward. It has truly saved my life!
Fibro scan? Cap score? I’ve had fibromyalgia for 37 years and I’ve never heard of these. could you please reply with more info or a link? Thanks so much!
Just did 3 days, refeed, and another three days
I needed to see this today. After a recent fibroscan due to having NASH, the liver specialist was pushing weight loss surgery which I do not want. I’ve been trying to keep my carbs under 20 g per day, and have lost 15 pounds so far. I will probably incorporate your methods. Thank you for sharing that info.
@@beverlypearson5332 a fibroscan is a test where they use a little wand and they go over your liver. It has a thumping /feeling and sound. Takes less than five minutes and it’s the only accurate way to know how much damage you have in your liver. Ultrasounds do not tell you that only a fibro scan.
As far as fibromyalgia, I have (had) that too. But that’s not what I’m talking about.
@@beverlypearson5332 make sure you’re getting vitamin D and K2
It is so refreshing to hear you get down to the #1 most effective item in the list and it’s NOT a supplement, product or expensive program. The fact that you aren’t trying to profit off of people’s health problems says so much, and is such a relief to find. Most of us have squandered hundreds or thousands of dollars just trying to feel bare-minimum healthy, with no real lasting results. Thank you for teaching us how to use our own bodies to heal themselves.
This is all true - however, do not overlook the part about preparing your body for the ‘cleanses’ - especially the dry one. You cannot have sludge from your pancreas or liver blocking or you will be VERY sick. Bile salts is key. I use a super enzyme (digestive) that has bile salts in it. Works like a charm!
@@Songbird4everi cannot find a Bile Salts supplement but Ox Bile . is it the same things ?
@@GoogleAccount-z5s It's the same thing however be careful where you purchase because a lot of companies have junk made from China
@@GoogleAccount-z5s TUDCA is a synthetic he recommends
@@GoogleAccount-z5s TUDCA he has a video on it amazing stuff by looks
As an African christian, we do fast periodically, and I've been doing this since I was a kid. and before celebrating Easter weve got another mandatory 40 days fasting before celebrating the crucifixion and resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. so it's not only muslims, African Christian's are used to dry fasting.
Also African Americans....we grew up doing 3 full day fasts in my church all the time
Colossians 3:17
Yes. Precisely.
40 day fasting? Do you mean non stop fasting for fasting or do you mean fasting for most of the day for the 40 days?
Regardless well done man! 👏👏👏✌️✝️
Yes we do fast a lot but we don't show or tell the whole world about it, we do it quietly and eat very little to break
Watching dr berg for past four years, I quit sugar, caffeine, alcohol, refined carb, and junk food, never missed or crave them a single day. Sleep better, feel better, lower a1c, and healthier than ever! My daily diet and exercise routine becomes a habit. So much to be thankful to dr berg and dr Jason fung!
Black unsweetened coffee good for liver
does dr berg say to quit caffeine?
@@kripaharris237Yes, it is.
[0:57] "Yesterday I started trying the liver cleansing method for 3 days, my body feels much lighter! Anyone who is interested in taking care of their liver should try this method right away. The results are worth the wait! 🌿💧 # Started YesterdaySeeing Clear Effects"
The more I discover about science the more islamic study makes sense to me. 30 days of dry fast from sun rise to sunset is obligatory in Ramadan unless it’s a matter of life/death or you’re traveling. The more i am getting logics behind the teachings of islam the more i am falling in love with the creator because the one who created us knows what is best for us. This is the feeling of pure joy. Thankyou dr for giving an insight. ❤
Jesus talked about the importance of fasting. In the Old Testament god asked his people to burn animal fat as a sweet offering to the lord. When Jesus died for our sins we are now to offer that burnt fat in the form of fasting as a sweet offering to our Lord and Savior. When we fast we literally burn fat and it pleases the lord. It also pleases our bodies. ❤
Muslims worship the same god as Jesus, peace be upon him. We pray in the same way as Jesus (peace be upon him) in Matthew 26:36-39. And Jesus (peace be upon him) clearly states he is not god in in Luke 18:18-21, I pray you find the truth, and follow all the prophets in their worship of the one true god.
@@ia12315 Mohammed was visited by a demon in that cave. NOT an Angel. He became suicidal. God visits his people on mountain tops, not caves. Your god is the deceiver.
Fasting has been a spiritual practice for millenia in many cultures bro
As a Christian we have fasting & abstinence during Lent, that is 40 days and nights. Though we are doing this to remind us, not only of Jesus fasting in the desert, but that we have to let go of earthly things, earthly pleasures. We will die one day and everything we have accumulated will mean nothing.
I’ve always preferred dry fasting over water fasting! It helped me reverse nerve damage I had for 20 years!
How long did it take for you to get there? If you don't mind being as detailed as possible lol
@@M.Bauer89I'm also interested
Hooray for you❤
@Alaskan_mom how long did it take you ?
How long did you fast to get results?!!
Muslims dry fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan every year. When I do it I get severe headaches for 3 days as result of withdrawal symptoms from my caffeine addiction. After the 3 days my body adapts and I don’t have any symptoms for the rest of the month.
But you are missing the info that most eat an abundant dinner, mostly over 2k Kcal
@@alparelifnot really and not everyone who are fasting
@@alparelif2k calories is the baseline for what every human should eat every day so not to starve.
I think you should brush up on your information
@@khairt1731 Not true.
A headache is more often due to lack of water, this is a problem.
Fantastic as usual.....this man needs a Nobel prize for health.!👍
Yes absolutely ❤❤❤ my fav 😊
Dry fasting is miraculous, for 30 days We muslims orderd to fast ramadan from sunrise to sunset, and me personaly find myself more sharp, energetic and more active with it.
No water for 30 days? I'm not a doctor. But I'm sure you'd die.
@@darrinzuger8195in Ramadan the water is allowed after breaking the fast from the sunset to sunrise.
Walhamdulillaah 💜
Lol then you eat 3 pounds of rice you wake up in the morning before fasting to eat lol Muslims are stupid
Alhamdullah for Islam ☪️
Hi Dr Berg, I’m around 85lb overweight and I’ve been taking meticulous notes while binge watching a lot of your videos today. I have learned more about nutrition and diet in one day than I’ve ever learned before! I cannot thank you enough for all of this free invaluable advice and I’m actually so excited and motivated to begin my weight loss journey. I’ve shopped online this evening so that I don’t fall foul into buying anything I shouldn’t! Thanks again, much love from UK
Wishing you all the best. You got this.❤
@@sarakay9983 aw many thanks! I’ve managed to lose 3lb already which is a good start. Your words are very encouraging. I hope you’re doing well 💕
@kittyw778 that's fantastic. You're on the right road. Don't be discouraged by minor setbacks. Let it make you more determined. Don't knock yourself. I'm feeling great after weight loss. Sleeping better. More energy. The better you feel, the more determined it makes you.🙏🏽😊
@@kittyw778maltodextrin, dextrose, sucralose will slow your weight loss down tremendously by triggering insulin production so be careful of those ingredients and there may be a few more that I am not remembering right off hand that you may want to look into. Good luck! And Remember under 25 grams of carbs a day and no added sugar!
@@kittyw778 Would you provide an update on your progress so far?
As an eastern orthodox, before Communion we have to dry fast from midnight until mid day when we get the communion, and everything he said is true. I feel the best on Sundays
Jesus was eating supper with disciples after which he passed the bread and wine. In 1 Corinthians 11 the instructions Paul gives were given in conjunction with eating a meal. The point I’m making is that they didn’t take the bread and wine on an empty stomach.
Dry fasting from sunrise to sunset is called siyam in Islam, and the prophet used to do it two days a week, besides Ramadan, I would recommend this as a way of a healthier life and a better quality overall.
@@ELBoomerTVu don’t drink water in islamic siyam that’s different and it’s dangerous for so many people
@@ElenaRicci354 This video is lterally explaining the benefits of dry fasting, means not even water.And not risky.
@@alparelif it is risky for a lot of people, go to muslim countries and see how many people die from it, especially if u have diabetes or other, many doctors tell A LOT of people not to fast in those same muslim countries bcs it’s not okay for everyone to do so.
I was worried about dry fasting but I really like wet fasting and I'm highly motivated by autophagy,
so I'm gonna start tomorrow!!!
Thank you
Dr. Berg!
Dry fasting is much easier to do then water fasting as you are not hungry or thirsty while dry fasting.
Muslims practice dry fasting for a month every year
Yeah... I'm really skeptical about dry fasting too. Seems like they rely on very old Soviet science for a lot of their claims. Too risky for the kidneys if you ask me..
I switched from water fasting to a 36 hour dry fast one a month. Easier than you think. It's like a reset for my marginally high blood pressure and blood sugar.
Meee to!
Glad this popped up. I am going through a liver/gallbladder issue just 7 months into my strict keto diet. A gallbladder cleanse helped a lot but I had to actually have a test today that caused them to immediately order a more detailed test. Lots of sludge backed up into the liver. I'm fighting to keep my gallbladder!!
We need more doctors like you. Thank you for what you do.
With your guidance I recovered from chronic joint pain and inflammation Thank you Mr Eric . Lots of Love from India❤
How? please!!!!!
Can you please send the link, thanks
@@bobbiduval7961 Intermittent fasting + Vitamin D 👍
I would like to know how also. Thanks in advance
Yes please tell us what you did ? My Mother suffers of chronic inflammation and arthritis 😢
I fasted a long time, and discovered time stands still after 3 weeks. And your energy does peak especially at night. Time slows down and you speed up with energy and an acute awareness to spiritual forces.
are you saying that you did not consume any liquids or food for over three weeks?
I have never been strong enough to fast for over 10 days, but I'm quite curious to know more about your experience...
3 weeks 😮
You can dry fast for 3 days without water or food
Just go to bed for 12 hours
I’m in relationship with Christ (Matthew 6:33) and His Word says…when you fast…(Matthew 6:16; Isaiah 58: 1-14) Meaning it’s a lifestyle that may be used when seeking clarity, or simply be close to our Father. But of course we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Dr Berg has been trying for a long time to wake us up. Thank you for your consistency and desire to see people healed.
Milk Thistle , NAC, TUDCA, omega 3 , vitamin b100
Tudca made my hair fall out
@@kathyterese7054then skip that one
Yep I can take all the rest!
Be prepared for a painfull and potentially dangerous blocked gallbladder.
If all the gunk exits you liver at ones.
dandelion salade will do that to you if you desire.
unions, beans, applejuice, and epsonsalt are more natural safer and gradual way if used in roulation.
a blocked gallbladder wil potentially be cause of pancreas problems.
In my experience fasting did make my gallbladder problems worse because of the stagnation of gallflow.
This is the kind of information I wish we had at the doctors office...I don't go to the doctors office anymore, unless it is a true emergency. Thank you, Doctor Berg!!!❤❤
Happy that you found it useful!
How much water should I drink at night? Thanks@@Drberg
@@DrbergWhat would you suggest as a replacement for meat for us vegetarians (No fish/eggs even) would be greatly beneficial to know this please. TIA
Dr Berg this dry fast is for 3 consecutive days at once or ., 3 times per month any day ?? Thanks
@@solupsoldown8398 watch the video & listen again. He spelled it out very clearly.
Fasting three days of each lunar month on the full moon on the 13th, 14th and 15th, and they are called the white days because of the white moonlight among Muslims. Note: When we break the fast, we eat a few dates or a drink of water, then we pray, and then we eat soup and salad. THANK YOU DR BERG
This is very ancient and is pre-Islam. In Latin this is called the IDES if the month and are considered dangerous (Julius Caesar was murdered at the Ides of March after having been warned not to go out). The ancient peoples all used to fast at the ides and I believe the Chinese still have specific recommendations for this mid-month. Real Catholics & Orthodox still fast 40 days for advent & 40 days for lent. God bless you.
@@paolafr.9753 nice. Thanks for the informations.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. I wish good health to you and your family.🤎👑Àse🙏🏾
@@yazzy1979 😍🥰 thank you . Allah bless you 🤲🤲
@ 🤎✨
I’ve watched more videos in my lifetime than most. I feel like I have a Google doctorate. This doctor, IMO is the most balanced and offers the most informative. Thank you
Ive done both water fast and dry fast, 2 weeks each on different occasions. Felt the best and noticed changes quickly during the dry fast.
Is It Possible To Dry Fast For 2 Weeks? I Done 3 Days And I Thought I Was A Goner
i would love to try this
@@CaesarKnighteven a month is possible. Just have the routine, breakfast before sunrise and dinner after sunset, no lunch.
@@3riyanto I thought a dry fast was no water or food period. How is it considered a fast if its only 12 hrs a day? I think we have a bunch of different definitions of "fasting"
@@riche5101 it's the fasting we taught. No food and water from sunrise to sunset. Approximately 14 hours a day. But no binge eating too in the night.
Hopefully this will help a lot of people, so many are hurting and getting sick 😢
people are poison animals eaters that's while they're sick
I know! Even me and I thought I was healthier than most! I still got sick 😂
Something isn't right since the COVID era. Most people I meet have something wrong with them. I'm not great either.
This is undoubtedly part of why The Bible promotes fasting so heavily ❤️
Which version of bible 😂😂
@@Salmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Every version.
Agree! Our Creator designed our bodies.
@@Salmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayou mean which translation!
One gospel of Jesus Christ. You should read it.
Quit the dawah script
Yes, and makes you wonder if parasites in our body are what Jesus was talking about when he said, “These kind only come out by prayer and fasting.”
my mum did her masters thesis on this topic "ramadan fasting" that is ...cant wait for this ramadan to get here
Why wait ???
@@Tony-mh3dmwould you celebrate Easter in December and Christmas in April? Etc.
I’d love to read it!
@@Tony-mh3dmbecause fasting is good for your health it kills the old cells and creates new ones and cleanse your body
Take Pork best for you 😂😂
Your channel information is helping me understand the science better.
I was praying for a lady in hospice and would go meet up with her , she was bedridden. I heard God say I wasn't eating and then forgot and got a bowl and heard it again, so I didn't eat and went to see the lady. As I got out of my car a surge of power hit me and I began to shake and then when I layed hands on her that day . She got out of bed and used her walker to go to her kitchen 10 times that day. God does ask us to fast so he can flow freely through us to touch others .
After that day I would fast for bible study and church meetings until I got home , incase God had some plans to make a move . Eric has taught me a lot about cortisol from stress . So thankful for good input.
thank your for your service to God, be His hands and do his will!
Praise The Lord! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing, we have a GOD who speaks directly to us and give us solution to impossible cases, let's surrender all to HIM, HE is able to do all things. GOD bless you in JESUS NAME
I used to bump into miracles, now I follow teachers, and my favorite site is healing journeys today and obviously I learn a lot from Eric Berg who does his homework. I am so thankful for the teachers.
Hallelujah. Obedience is so important.
Im just not gonna eat anymore.
I hear ya.
Hahahaha that’s how I feel!
Gets a person well.even from serious ....whole diff ballgame
lol. Good plan.
My wife got me into watching your videos, now everyday i watch your videos and they are fascinating to learn about our own bodies. As a muslim l, our prophet instructed us to fast three days a month 17-19-21 of everymonth.
Thank you DR for great info...
Thanks for watching my videos daily. Wishing good health to you and your wife.
It's 13,14,15th of each month, those are called the "the white days" or ayyam al beed.
13,14,and 15 of every month..
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:
"If you are going to fast three days from a month, then fast on the 13th, 14th, and 15th." (Reported in multiple hadith collections like Abu Dawood and Al-Nasa’i)
Why do you all say different days?
Im bout to do this dry fasting thing and challenge my self to actually go the full 12h
Pray 4 me guys
I hope things went well for you!
This video changed my life..thanks
Wow this video comes as I started dry fasting. It definitely works. I'm working on 48hours
I will do dry fasting in the winter. We have a heatwave in Greece now.
Trust me, you will see better results when the heat is there ...
Maybe but I don't think I will manage it. Iam sitting watching videos and sweating a lot.
Midwest too... I work tree service outside in the sun, brutal, drink 1 gallon of fluids and no peeing, I sweat it all away most days... This whole week 93⁰-98⁰ in the shade mid afternoon... I have to have fluids for now, when I vacation I am going to try.
Since you all recommend it if it cools slightly I might try. It's about 98-108 degrees the last couple of days.
Hi, I've heard, on other videos, that dry fasting isn't only not to drink water, but complete absence of it. I mean, not even wash your hands, not a drop of water on your body.
Isn't that a bit extreme? or it's the right way to do it.
OMAD helped me get rid of my morning fever. I woke up every morning and had a runny nose and sneezing for an hour or two. I have been fasting for three months (October, November, December) without a break. From dawn to sunset, I didn't eat or drink. At the end of this period, some kind of yellowish mucus began to come out of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses. A lot of mucus. It lasted a week. And I was cured of pollinosis. Thanks God 🙏🏼
Hi, no food n drink for 12 hrs (Dawn to sunset ) how many days should I do this?
@meikuanchoo1607 Это зависит от того что именно вы потребляете в пищу. Это зависит от качества вашего питания, а не от количества
@ I don’t understand…. What language? So I may use google translate ….
@meikuanchoo1607 Sorry, I thought your RUclips app had a "Translate" option under the comment. This is the Russian language... I will try to explain in English... I've tried fasting for up to 20 hours. And I noticed that the better the food and richer in non-nutrients, the easier it is to fast. And the presence of oxygen plays an even greater role. We need to spend more time outdoors. It is also necessary to eat foods rich in aliphatic acids (acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, tartaric acid, quinic acid, succinic acid...) These acids increase the number of hydrogen protons (H+) in the body, which means that the body's tissues receive oxygen well. Hemoglobin cannot release oxygen to tissues if the blood is strongly alkaline.
@ thanks for the info. It’s very helpful. OMAD is 12 hrs fasting and alternate day - by DR Berg. I found another video of his after sending you the message. But anyway how do you do the oMAD?
Thank you Dr Berg. Your knowledge and wisdom are helping out humanity considerably. I pray for your happiness and success in this world and after
The way information is delivered feels very relatable, making it easy for anyone to apply to their daily lives
Glad to know that you liked this post!
Wow doctor Berg is the GOAT😊
Good morning from Canada 🇨🇦 thank you so much for sharing this Dr. Berg!! Always learning so much from ya!! Stay safe and blessed always ❤
Omg! I am soooo grateful for this video 🙏🙏🙏. After months of immune issues, rashes, inflammation, too many symptoms to name, I am going to do this tomorrow 🙏 You have a new faithful follower ❤️
How was your experience?
Cabbage is my absolute favorite and got to for digestion regulation, water removal and over all gut health. I have eaten cabbage all of my life. Bok choy is another great vegetable. Works great in a stir fry! I dry fast and dont even realize that I’m doing it. I recently had blood work done and my liver levels were off so I was thinking of a way to cleanse it without getting sick. Wheatgrass taken is liquid form over the course of a few days will do but the first couple of days, it will make you throw up!! Ugh! I will never do that again EVER!
Wheatgrass does that to me too!
I think I’m still allergic to wheat.
The only thing that immediately takes all my pain away is upchucking. But that is a too seldom experience. Long term fasting is the other.
@@VCD512 how do you eat the cabbage ? Cut in slices and eat fresh Or boiled ?
@@444AbigailMartinez I sauté it in a little olive oil with onions and green peppers. I add a little butter for fat and flavor.
As a Muslim, we are recommended to dry fast 2 days a week, plus 30 days of Ramadan.
Plus 3 days every month
While simultaneously smoking and secretly consuming alcohol because it's haram, but Muslims still want it anyway.
Intermittent dry fast
And special days like ashura and arafah or expiation of big sins.
So funny because my husband is Muslim and I always dry fast for Ramadan . I always thought this is crazy because it's very hot here to not drink .. but I guess they are doing somthing very healthy 😊
I don’t know how you posted this right when ima about to start a detox but this is what I was looking for! Thanks
Water is amazing . I had to be on liquid for weeks due medical conditions. Omg was a blessing . I lost 12 pound .
I'm not Muslim. I'm a Christian, and I dry fast with a group of other Christians
Christ be unto you. Amen
This Is what all christians used to do in the first centuries !
Same. I dry fast for 24 hours in the first Sunday of every month. God knows what is best for us.
Why is Not fasting Other group of Muslim's
@gothabdirizak2146 ,??
These are tangible explanations thank you Dr. Eric Berg.
Most Muslims dry fast for about 30 days every year during the month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset. It's supposed to have many benefits. These benefits not only include good health but also help a person mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
How is it possible? 30 days without even water??
Form sunrise till Sunset...
Helps mentally?? 😂😂
Good health?! I wonder why muslims are looking mature with your age.
You are not fasting by the way. You are just making the day the night, and the night the day! 😂
You are eating a lot food during the night, more than what you eat in regular days.
@ that’s a lie even if you want to eat more you can’t eat because the time is short after the first meal you don’t have time to eat second meal sometimes
Such a valuable video! The liver does so much work behind the scenes, yet most of us take it for granted. Learning how to support it naturally is something we should all pay more attention to. Loved this!
Amazing video and great advice, Dr Berg! Cruciferous vegetables and beef are my favourites. Thank you ❤🥦🥩
I don’t know how to say thanks to you Dr.Berg just pray for you May God give you good reward for your great work
Thank you for your prayers. Greatly appreciate it. Take care.
Dry fast on Sunday ! ❤ very helpful- appreciate you
Very glad it is helpful!
We fast, starting from sunrise to sunset in Ramadan and recommend is to fast 2 days a week Monday and Thursday. Cleansing the body.
Thank you Dr. Berg. This hits home; being Dx with primary sclerotic cholengitis i can relate to the importance of the material in this video. 🇺🇸
God prescribed us Muslims to dry fast for 30 days in Ramadan. From sunrise to sunset and the benefits are mind blowing.
Same with Christianity for 50 days.
We have 7 fasting patterns in a year
What’s the point of fasting if you over indulge in food during iftar 😂
@@Blessedron1 we don't include food atall. No food no water no meat, dairy restricted on those time frames.
You better have a good idea before you comment.
What is dry fast???
You Muslims are smart about lots of things. Mad respect.
What a blessed month Ramadan is benefiting us. We do exactly the same from sunrise to sunset, no food and water.
Really happy to know that we have been doing dry fasting for 1 month every year..
Thank you, Doc! For sharing your knowledge. As a single mom, I take my health more seriously because of my children. I'm taking notes and slowly watch all of the videos you uploaded. Thank you!!
You are very welcome, so glad it helps! Keep up the good work!
This and the spiritual aspect of Ramadan is what makes everyone happy during Ramadan. We all feel good and amazing during that month. We all talk about how beautiful that month is and how everyone seems happier and better in general (the ones who are fasting)
No SPIRITUAL!!! After iftar people eat like a cow non stop sweets juices fried sambusa.
Don’t lie to yourself
Great. But please keep in mind all the Pakistani workers in the Arabic peninsula who work during the day and are not allowed to drink during Ramadan. Many accidents. But not a subject for the people employing them.
Thanks Dr. I’ll try it
Started T 420 Lost 140 got 100 left to lose and ❤❤
Great video
wow Congratulations!
140 lbs lost is like losing 23 cats out of the body!
Well done, hope the quest goes well.
@@SpamMouse 140lbs lost is like losing 590 units of average sized mice🐭👍
Way to stick with it - 👍
@@fidelcatsro6948 590? Exactly?
As a Muslim we are fasting dry every year 30 days calls ramadan and we are feeling so good so healthy and happier, and we are also fasting dry every Mondays and Thursdays a lot of sick people tried it and got healthier in life and we fasting for 18 hours or 19 hours without food and water
Wouldn't it be incredible if we had a healthcare system where the doctors weren't suffering from drug/alcohol induced liver disease themselves, and patients could trust their orders 😐 For instance, people just assume the spell-checker on devices are ALWAYS correct, like when spelling a word ending with -ing, the short way is to put in', but the "spell-checker" turns it into a 'n. What I'm saying is that I won't allow myself to be brainwashed by the title of something, especially when it comes to health! Thank you, Dr. Berg! Have a great Friday, everyone! 🙂
In a different timeline my friend, in a different timeline.
Absolutely agreed.Goal is confusion and making money.
I really like my current PA as far as her knowledge and caring personality, however she is very overweight. I'm not judging her, but have to wonder if she has ever even heard of holistic health. Surely she must be aware of the health problems that occur from being overweight??
Helath professionals are humans too. Everyone has vices. No one is perfect. @@jujumulligan43
@@jujumulligan43you might want to go look up the definition of judging. Just saying 🤷♀️
We Muslims practice dry fasting from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan for 30 days, as commanded 1400 years ago. It is unbelievable how powerful it is for detoxification.
Not just Ramadan but twice a week and 13 14 , 15 of Moon.
Jesus Christ is lord and savior! He died for all of us! He rose from the grave and ascended to his father to fulfill Gods purpose! So we could be forgiven!
and eat from dusk to dawn like pigs,ever asked someone what actually this fasting is done for 😂😂😂enlighten urself
@@davidmccann3651I agree with you but dude, read the room.
Yeah and then u eat so much at iftar making stomach suffer even more
Wonderful advice, Dr Berg! Excellent content on liver detox. Thank you 🙏🏻🥦🍋
Very glad it helps, thanks for watching!
Ahha!! Dry fasting. Thank you Dr. I finally found a scientific link towards Ramadhan fasting + liver health!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ramadan Fasting is proof now that Almighty wants us to. Be healthy
exactly!!! just follow the Ramadan fasting and you will become healthy...
Can u please make an updated video on lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage ? What do u think about “ the big 6” by dr Perry Nickelson? How a congested lymphatic system is making us sick and we can’t properly detox without opening the drainage pathways first
@@colbyrulesmydoggie4839thx I know a lot about it but I just want dr Bergs opinion and Tipps because his videos are always better than anyone’s lol I love Eric ❤
The lymphatic system is the only one without a pump, we have to exercise to get it to work.
@@KillrMillr7the Cisterna chyli is the pump of the lymphatic system deep diaphragm breathing actives it look it up it’s the thick’s lymphatic pathway
@@Queen_James84 I’ll check it out, just remember in anatomy/biology class hearing that.
Is foam rolling just as beneficial for lymphatic?
As a Christian of a Holiness church, we’ve been doing what you all call “dry fasting” for years. We eat no food and drink no liquids (including water) for 1 full day (24 hours) or more! We do it once a week. We don’t believe in a “Daniel fast”. Only the kind of fast the Bible talks about in Jonah and elsewhere 👍🏾
I have shared these videos with my best friend who has just been told she has fatty liver because of taking Tylenol and she takes your liver supplement I hope it helps her, Thank you, again.
I've done multiple 10-day dry fasts. Have to be super cautious about such long terms. 1-3 days should be very safe and healthy
Like 10 days no water no food ? Or 10 days each day one meal ?
@@Waelbkr 10 days no water no food streak
@@alexander_mmm Jeez....
are you working while doing it?
@@Tracy-wr7mj mostly not, could do some limited online though
Perfect as always. Thank you.
Thank you Dr. Berg, God bless you richly!
prepping for a dry fast. can’t wait to implement it regularly
Just to tell you a fact, many cultures practice fasting. It is not merely a Muslim tradition.
What fake news can do to people brain
@@saimasaima1118yes but Christian they eat Muslims they don't eat anything
@@barryibrar2550- Barry it’s Only “Fake News” for The Individuals Whom Watch.
Have A Fabulously Blessed Life 😃
We All Make Choices, and Can Do Whatever We CHOSE.
That’s what Makes Life So Phenomenal.
AMEN. 🙏🏽 ♥️ 🙌
Only Muslims do dry fasting let’s give creds where it’s due.
Muslims are the premiere dry fasters 30 days straight
What is the importance of eating at sundown? If your liver and kidneys are suppose to rest while you sleep and dry fast, wouldn't the one meal be better eaten after the 12 hour dry fasting? Just wondering?
The liver and kidney have been resting since your fasting, so FEED THEM dear. They need to get back to work whether sundown
I never feel as good as when I fast during Ramadan
From sunrise to sunset, completely dry fasting . It’s unbelievably good for your body , mind , and life
Blah blah blah
Jesus loves you
Nobody cares about your nonsense
3:05 Dry Fasting for 12 hours
Start at sunrise
Stop at sunset 🌅
5:10 Eat once at sunset
Cruciferous veg + meat
7:01 bile sludge to prevent cleansing symptoms
7:35 beets or acv
Thankyou dr berg. I fadt Every monday/Thursday every week however As A Muslim I fast the Whole month of Ramadan.🫡
Wow this is mind blowing and makes my faith so much more stronger in Islam our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w exactly told us to fast 3 days a month ❤️
@@Ameerahabdi Jesus the only chosen one. Amen
Your free education to the masses is so valuable and helpful.
Thanks. Glad to share info that can help you all.
This sounds really good. I will try this starting tomorrow! Only because I am hung over today LOL - been watching you for over a year now.. you have helped me so much.. Thanks!
I have learnt so much from your videos, Dr Berg. Always sharing them with friends and family.
So, thank you so much for speaking in Lamens' terms! 👌🏽
This is amazing . It is what we do in Ramadan. The dry fasting .Thank you Dr berg for all the education you offer us😊
Glad to know that you liked this post!
ربنا ما خلقت هذا باطلا سبحانك فقنا عذاب النار
@@DrbergThese are trolls/bots... beware
Thanks Doc!!! Great message.
Happy that you found it useful!
Dr. Berg, thank you for your work 👏🏻👏🏻☀️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙏🏻
Glad to help!
Thank you doctor for your precious advice.
I am Moroccan and I came across your videos by chance. From then on, I take advice from you.
God bless you. ❤
Thank you for following my advice. Stay safe and healthy.
So ive been doing the best thing ever since i converted to islam.
Muhammed a.s recommended dry fasting from sunset till dawn every Monday and thursday besides Ramadan which is an etire month
JESUS CHRIST died and resurrected for you, His BLOOD is the perfect and final atonement and the only passport to heaven. No blood, no cleansing
@@sholapedro3872 who said it? the church? where is the preserved evangelium of jesus?
Blah blah blah
@@sholapedro3872 stupidity reigns
This is very informative and inspiring
Think also the best detox would be to stop putting the toxins in. Cut the refined sugar, the high fructose corn syrup, and the omega 6 fatty acids. Doing so will amplify any detox regimine.
Omega 6s are the most important fatty acids for the cell membrane
@@briangorejr2755 I take it you have not watched very many of Dr Berg's videos.
@@joejackson6205 almost all of them probably. you still need more omega 6s than 3s…not debatable
I eat clean and have done so for years but I have to detox regularly because our world is so toxic .
Started a dry fast and after 36 hours got a very painful lower back. From now on will do the 12 hour dry fast.
That is basically like we fast in RAMADAN. Subhanallah!!!! All praise to HIM.
Great video Dr B , keep um coming🎉🎉
Thanks to internet, Dr Berg you are an international doctor 🇿🇦 and you are my number Doctor.
Thank you for helping me understand this more. I watch your videos and feel like i am on a whole other level of learning.
You're absolutely welcome!
I I have been doing for a long while now, intermittent fasting! Where I don’t have breakfast and lunch and just dinner at night and I am feeling fantastic.
This cleaning of the liver is importantly to do and same for the kidneys. I will do it this coming weekend. I have to buy celery, parsley, and watercress which I like it. I will make myself a drink with every dark leaves I can find and I drink it. Sometimes I add lemon.
Thank you so very much, Dr. Berg, for all the information you post, it is truly appreciated.