Bob Mintzer & WDR BIG BAND - New Mambo

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • The WDR BIG BAND plays "New Mambo" under the direction of chief conductor Bob Mintzer (composition / arrangement). Solos are played by Johan Hörlén on alto saxophone and Billy Test on piano. Produced at WDR Studio 4 / Cologne (September 2022).
    Follow WDR BIG BAND:
    / wdrbigband
    Johan Hörlén - Alto Saxophone
    Pascal Bartoszak - Alto Saxophone
    Ben Fitzpatrick - Tenor Saxophone
    Paul Heller - Tenor Saxophone
    Jens Neufang - Baritone Saxophone
    Ludwig Nuss - Trombone
    Raphael Klemm - Trombone
    Andy Hunter - Trombone
    Mattis Cederberg - Bass Trombone
    Andy Haderer - Trumpet
    Rob Bruynen - Trumpet
    Wim Both - Trumpet
    Ruud Breuls - Trumpet
    Hans Dekker, Drums
    Sebastian Nickoll, Percussion
    Billy Test, Piano
    John Goldsby, Bass
    Arnd Richter - Manager WDR Big Band
    Christian Schmitt - Recording Producer
    Walter Platte - Recording Engineer
    Raimund Wunderlich - Recording Assistant
    Carmen Braun - Director / Camera Operator
    Leo Friedrich - Director of Photography / Camera Operator / Editing
  • ВидеоклипыВидеоклипы

Комментарии • 184

  • @johnfuller8284
    @johnfuller8284 2 года назад +43

    Billly Test’s playing is so creative! This is one monster solo… and he dances on the bench while performing it! Simply outstanding.

  • @tomablaake
    @tomablaake Год назад +4

    The pianist 👏👏👏

  • @carlosnagy
    @carlosnagy 2 года назад +25

    Definitely WDR is a World Class Jazz Big Band. The Bob's (My favorite saxophonist) arrangement, and super solos of Johan and Billy are unique and amazing..!! The sound and video are fantastic. Long life to WDR.!!

    • @skoch9995
      @skoch9995 2 года назад +3

      *Not a word needs to be added to this comment. Leave long WDR (You’ve got no choice Lol ... !!!!!*

    • @carlosnagy
      @carlosnagy 2 года назад

      @@skoch9995 ?????

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад +3

      Hi carlos!Thank you very much!

  • @kendallruff8090
    @kendallruff8090 2 года назад +8

    Bob Mintzer is a treasure and a legend…what a band!

  • @linuxtuxfriend9155
    @linuxtuxfriend9155 2 года назад +2

    Ich habe Bob schon vermisst. Gut, dass er bei euch weiter abliefert. Am 27.01.23, zu seinem 70., ist bei mir Bob-Mintzer-Tag. ;-)

  • @ktrethewey
    @ktrethewey 2 года назад +10

    One of Billy Test’s best solos!

  • @stevenhogenson4880
    @stevenhogenson4880 Месяц назад

    One thing I love about watching this band (aside from their obvious musical artistry) is the joy they take in each other's contributions. The whole trombone section just grinning and head bobbing during Billy's piano cool! Just one of many examples from their many video segments.

  • @jorgestramusic
    @jorgestramusic 11 месяцев назад +2

    Super cool writing by the awesome Bob Mintzer, love the harmonies on the Bones section and shout out to the super tasty solo by Billy, excellent as always!

  • @nathishabane70
    @nathishabane70 2 года назад +4

    Now this is music 🎶 👌 🙌 👏...

  • @Gemashke
    @Gemashke 2 года назад +4

    What a piano solo!!!!

  • @bulkin67
    @bulkin67 2 года назад +10

    Billy , your solos amazing .

    • @rmoraespinto
      @rmoraespinto 2 года назад

      And, if you allow me, always very classy!

    • @drumz47
      @drumz47 Год назад

      Spectacular 🏋🏿‍♀️Gives me so many free ideas as a rhythmist

  • @sennendourado9677
    @sennendourado9677 2 месяца назад

    Dear Bob Mintzer sir I've been following and carefully listening to your awesome, complex, musical arrangements and sax solos, you and the whole WDR big band group of musicians are infinitely gifted, praises would go into pages, no flattery Sir, the music is so uplifting, reminds me of the 'Mine is yours' sax solo on DMP lable nearly 4 decades ago. God bless you and the WDR band for giving us so much pleasure. Praise to the 'behind the curtain engineering group' what a capture!!!!! sounds like a philharmonic orchestra the slide trombone brass bang. Sennen Antonio Dourado, Mumbai /Milwaukee, Wisconsin

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 месяца назад

      Thank you very much for your kind words! We wish you all the best for 2025!

  • @marked55555
    @marked55555 2 года назад +12

    Fantastic chart Mr. Mintzer! ...and the WDR Big Band played flawlessly as always!

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi marked55555! Thank you!

  • @traceyfrazier8592
    @traceyfrazier8592 Год назад +2


  • @stuartdryer1352
    @stuartdryer1352 2 года назад +5

    What a fantastic piano solo on this awesome chart.

  • @adrianchavana3799
    @adrianchavana3799 Год назад +1

    Played this number in high school. Trombone 3 part. Loved it

  • @MrAll300
    @MrAll300 2 года назад +1

    wunderschön, vielen Dank an die Band und Bande.

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Das freut uns, WOLKE! Danke!

  • @bongoloony
    @bongoloony 2 года назад +6

    Nice solo Johan, lovely tone..beautiful piano too Billy and the bongo martillo cutting through at just the right level. The sound guys always get the production spot on..

  • @galinakrivulin6767
    @galinakrivulin6767 2 года назад +3

    Wonderful! That’s who you are. Thank you.

  • @Youriedabanga3079
    @Youriedabanga3079 2 года назад +1

    My soul is just blessed with this beautiful composition, thank you so much Mr Bob Mintzer .

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Youri! Thank you for watching us!

  • @dfcordovez
    @dfcordovez 2 года назад +2

    Such a Great Jazz Big Band WDR Is. One Of a Kind. Bob Mintzer Great as a 🎷 player and also as a Jazz Big Band Director. Honor to Dámaso Pérez Prado, the Mambo King 🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷Sound 🎶. Very nice solos by Johan 🎷and Billy 🎹 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @mikejaggs6722
    @mikejaggs6722 2 месяца назад

    Loved it! WDRBB is a band I'll be checking out more! Thanks!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 месяца назад

      That sounds great to us!

  • @fredgenius
    @fredgenius 6 месяцев назад

    I have to give a big shout out to the sound engineers, this a really beautiful soundscape, every detail captured perfectly, presented without fuss, without adding or taking anything away. Technology changes but the artistry remains, exactly as it should be. So big thanks from an audiophile.

      @WDRBIGBAND  6 месяцев назад


  • @ErikDewhirst
    @ErikDewhirst 3 дня назад

    Can we all talk about how refeshing it is to see stoic body positions instead of fake groovin, skunk face shots, or contrived moving to the music that only distracts our ears via our eyes? There's definitely a time and place for stage presence. I came here for a faithful reference recording. Thats what I got.

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 дня назад

      😉🎶Welcome to our channel!

  • @traceyfrazier8592
    @traceyfrazier8592 Год назад +2


  • @nebrem
    @nebrem Год назад +1


  • @JustTutupa
    @JustTutupa 2 года назад +5

    Billy's solo is killer!

  • @royblack1868
    @royblack1868 2 года назад +1

    Dieses Video schaue ich jetzt ungefähr zum eintausendstenmale... immer wieder sehr erfrischend! Danke! 🙏🏼

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Roy! Das ist schön zu lesen!

  • @BuddyBearCreator
    @BuddyBearCreator 2 года назад

    I wish I had your band behind me when I wrote that Jump Jive and Stretch Song !

  • @fredgenius
    @fredgenius 6 месяцев назад

    Flows like silk, truly the cream of big band jazz. I love the video, makes such a difference to see the musicians playing.

      @WDRBIGBAND  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your kind words, Fred!

  • @G8rJimbo
    @G8rJimbo 2 года назад +4

    Top notch and always. Keep it up!

  • @drumz47
    @drumz47 Год назад

    Hans Dekker on drums. He plays these charts so smooth and clean with great feel. Love how he pushes the orchestra.

  • @waynewright5023
    @waynewright5023 2 года назад

    The solo by Bill Test was **spicy!!!!**
    You know that you're cooking when the horn section is dancing along with your solo in their seats!!!

  • @SuperDonLong
    @SuperDonLong Месяц назад

    Wow. Bob Mintzer must be thinking Don Grolnick has been reincarnated. This Billy Test solo is absolutely the embodiement of Don. Bless his soul.

  • @Jazzpandragon
    @Jazzpandragon Год назад

    What a pleasure to have such good sound and visual quality, and it's really subtly arranged in each piece! Superb discovery, well done to the team!

      @WDRBIGBAND  Год назад

      Thank you, we will tell our video and sound team!

  • @maloneap64
    @maloneap64 2 года назад

    Amazing performance with the great minserian sounds from the ensemble and superb soloists

  • @cheri238
    @cheri238 2 года назад +2

    Bob Mintzer and the WDR Big Band. "New Mamba" with solos by Billy TEST, and John Holern on alto saxophone. All these musicians are excellent in all this music of Jazz. I congratulate you all for I understand the years of hard work to create such exquisite music 🎶 🎵 ❤️

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Anna! Thank you for your kind words! Stay healthy!

  • @brunoesse
    @brunoesse 2 года назад +1

    Maestro Bob Mintzer, wonderful author and fantastic arranger! Spectacular orchestra! Amazing soloists! I felt a great emotion from the beginning to the end of the song! A thousand thanks !

  • @lessonwithcraig
    @lessonwithcraig 2 года назад +2

    😳 Oh My… in the famous words of ‘Lawerence Welk’ “Wonnerful Wonnerful” Thank You Boys…👍🏻😎

  • @metothemoon1227
    @metothemoon1227 Год назад

    Bob is a perfectionist. 👏

  • @pangeaproxima9446
    @pangeaproxima9446 2 года назад

    Piano solo was aweeeeesome!

  • @MarsziParszi
    @MarsziParszi 2 года назад

    Beautiful from the first seconds!

  • @waynejrice
    @waynejrice 2 года назад

    It's the two-handed licks with the parallel lines and the polyrhythmic chords (which reminded me of Lyle Mays) that got me in Billy's solo. Great tune and amazing playing by all.

  • @deusdedithmaranhao2553
    @deusdedithmaranhao2553 Год назад +1

    Bob... Are you sure you weren't born in Brazil?
    I felt at home! hehehe 🤩
    Bob... Você tem certeza que não nasceu no Brasil?
    Me senti em casa! hehehe 🤩

  • @lauracastilloruiz9471
    @lauracastilloruiz9471 2 года назад +2

    vibrante 😍👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘

  • @stevekhan7790
    @stevekhan7790 2 года назад +1

    ¡Bien sabroso! ¡Vaya Bob & the WDR Big Band! So great to hear your "New Mambo" in the hands of this fantastic band. EVERYONE sounds so terrific. Tremendous solos by Johan and Billy - and, as always, the superb ensemble playing. Postings like this set such a high standard for everyone!!! In the end, I'm just a fan like all those who consistently visit these pages. Bravo y'all!!! - Steve - New York, NY

  • @Soundpaintmusic
    @Soundpaintmusic 2 года назад


  • @metothemoon1227
    @metothemoon1227 Год назад

    Very clean ;)

  • @aminghini
    @aminghini 2 года назад +4

    Essa Banda é simplesmente MARAVILHOSA....!!!!!!!!

  • @1marttie
    @1marttie 2 года назад

    Oh my, Mr. Test is killing the piano, again!!! Brava!!

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Brooke! ...yes, the keys have to withstand something...:)

  • @s.p.9582
    @s.p.9582 2 года назад

    Total clave! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @juan.espinosa
    @juan.espinosa 2 года назад

    Simply wonderful!

  • @jjbloyber
    @jjbloyber 2 года назад

    The Ultimate Jazz Band Machine!

  • @kennybradshaw2122
    @kennybradshaw2122 2 года назад

    AAA such a beautiful piece! By coincidence it was posted on my brothers birthday, 20 OCT!

  • @IrisvS_76
    @IrisvS_76 Год назад

    This makes me want to dance! 🥰💃🏻

      @WDRBIGBAND  Год назад

      Hi IrisvS_76! What else is holding you back? Just do it!

    • @IrisvS_76
      @IrisvS_76 Год назад

      @@WDRBIGBAND Oh i do, but dancing alone is not quite the same. A good dancing partner would be better! 🤩

      @WDRBIGBAND  Год назад +1

      True, IrisvS_76!

  • @66bighorns
    @66bighorns 2 года назад

    Thank you all!!!!!

  • @fede9del12
    @fede9del12 2 года назад +1

    Bob + WDR = Amor eterno

  • @upsessionsnews
    @upsessionsnews 2 года назад +1

    Amazing, team!❤

  • @dmswanson5694
    @dmswanson5694 2 года назад


  • @jimbarcelona1078
    @jimbarcelona1078 2 года назад

    Outstanding as usual , really enjoyed it.And of course played my drumming to it .Thanks guys !

  • @metothemoon1227
    @metothemoon1227 Год назад


  • @bobblues1158
    @bobblues1158 2 года назад

    Great! Made me feel good!

  • @aurekeys
    @aurekeys 2 года назад +1

    Qué arreglos, qué solistas, qué belleza!

  • @dtsdigitalden5023
    @dtsdigitalden5023 2 года назад

    Ahh brilliant! I miss that Yellowjackets lineup with Mintzer, Haslip, Ferrante and Kennedy. Seriously enjoyed Yellowjackets with WDR BB, the performance with Nguyen Le.
    WDR musicians are absolutely top of their craft, it never ceases to amazed me that such a large number of high calibre musicians can exist at one place at one time!

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад +1

      Hi DT's! Thank you for your kind words!

  • @russellcampoli6063
    @russellcampoli6063 2 года назад

    Love this arrangement 🎹🎹🎹

  • @FrancisFurtak
    @FrancisFurtak 2 года назад

    Sweet, would love to hear this live!

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Francis! Come around...

  • @andrewcharley1893
    @andrewcharley1893 2 года назад

    So Kool man YEAH!!!!!!!👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

  • @ginnameara5575
    @ginnameara5575 2 года назад


  • @jacobscolliers198
    @jacobscolliers198 2 года назад +2

    It’s killer, fellas. Would be lovely to see a female in the band someday.

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Jacob’s! Karolina Strassmayer plays alto sax in the WDR BIG BAND. She is on a sabatical at the moment...

    • @Kontrabass66
      @Kontrabass66 2 года назад

      I really admire your deep knowledge about the big band´s personal!! 🤣

    • @brucekuehn4031
      @brucekuehn4031 2 года назад

      Shannon Barnett was in the trombone section for a while

  • @vallentinlovstromwadell8950
    @vallentinlovstromwadell8950 2 года назад

    That piano solo is something else...

  • @maurizioligas9017
    @maurizioligas9017 2 года назад


  • @MrOrenburgsky
    @MrOrenburgsky 2 года назад

    Very Nice !

  • @ninajazzlover677
    @ninajazzlover677 2 года назад

    Yeah, Johan & Billy! 👌

  • @neilstanniland1011
    @neilstanniland1011 8 месяцев назад

    Probably as good a chart as you can get,my personal favourite 'Thanks Hank' John La Barbera.

  • @jeanpierrecarpentier
    @jeanpierrecarpentier 2 года назад +1


  • @TheWFamilyMusic
    @TheWFamilyMusic 2 года назад


      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Thanx The W. Family MUSIC!

  • @martinholmes6152
    @martinholmes6152 2 года назад

    Exceptional, brilliant solos by Billy and Johan help bring us up into the clouds, to what is already the peak of perfection! Totally fab!

  • @TheMoegig
    @TheMoegig 2 года назад

    God, that was good!!

  • @humbertoarias8112
    @humbertoarias8112 2 года назад +1

    🤩🤩🤩 please for the next session play Slo Funk by Bob 😈😈😈😈👊👊👊👊

  • @coste84
    @coste84 2 года назад

    Gracias por este fantástico contenido!

  • @deetgeluid
    @deetgeluid Год назад

    Is this the best big band in the world or what?❤ I’d like to see a video from the sound crew. About the preamps and whole idea of recording this. Because it sounds amazing!

  • @veriodebona3887
    @veriodebona3887 2 года назад

    Una Big Band fantastica 👏👏👏🎶

  • @atsushiouchi
    @atsushiouchi 2 года назад

    Highlight of high school was playing Mintzer’s “Computer”

  • @chriswilkes4350
    @chriswilkes4350 Год назад +1

    Dazzling solo by Billy Test.

  • @ewedude
    @ewedude 2 года назад

    Billy Test is a bad ass.

  • @JerryT21
    @JerryT21 2 года назад +1

    I noticed they look at the music sheet while soloing ' is the solo written out or are they just looking at the sheet to keep track on where they are?

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Jerry! The look at the sheet to hold on where they are!

  • @pangeaproxima3681
    @pangeaproxima3681 9 месяцев назад

    Smooth latin jazz! Who's on congas?

      @WDRBIGBAND  9 месяцев назад

      Sebastian Nickoll is playing on congas.

    • @pangeaproxima3681
      @pangeaproxima3681 9 месяцев назад

      @@WDRBIGBAND Danke.

      @WDRBIGBAND  8 месяцев назад

      @pangeaproxima3681 - gern geschehen!

  • @melodieënvooriedereen
    @melodieënvooriedereen 2 года назад +1

    Background music for documentary films!

  • @brucekuehn4031
    @brucekuehn4031 2 года назад

    Andy Hunter - silver trombone?

  • @ryancox5097
    @ryancox5097 2 года назад +1

    Who is this drummer?

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад +1

      Hi Ryan! Hans Dekker is on drums!

  • @diamanti3270
    @diamanti3270 2 года назад


  • @usmpiano
    @usmpiano 2 года назад

    I miss Karolina!

  • @deanchovan6604
    @deanchovan6604 2 года назад

    Test is the best.

  • @jazztls31
    @jazztls31 Год назад

    Cool 😎😎😎

  • @Zxx459
    @Zxx459 2 года назад


  • @fijimorgan
    @fijimorgan 2 года назад

    Shame that after all these years, Bob hasn't figured out what a mambo is. Apparently has no clue what clave is. Stop writing "Latin" charts if you have no idea what Latin music is.

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi fijimorgan! "New Mambo" the name of the piece. The WDR BIG BAND plays jazz music. We appreciate comments that follow the Nettique and respect that taste can not be compared.

    • @pangeaproxima9446
      @pangeaproxima9446 2 года назад

      Perhaps it's called New Mambo for a reason.

  • @ClaytonScottRhodes
    @ClaytonScottRhodes 2 года назад +1

    An entire big band playing Jazz, and not one single non-white musician ?!?

    • @slothmode3590
      @slothmode3590 2 года назад

      it’s a German band though. Literally from Germany

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      Hi Slothmode! The members of the band are coming from Austria, Netherland, Sweden, Ireland, USA and Germany. ...

    • @ClaytonScottRhodes
      @ClaytonScottRhodes 2 года назад mistake.
      I just saw Bob Mintzer and assumed they were American, because he is.

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад +1

      Hi Ice-Wight! No problem!

  • @itsaboutchina732
    @itsaboutchina732 2 года назад

    There is not enough compression on everything in this mix. Unlistenable.

  • @skoch9995
    @skoch9995 2 года назад +2

    *What happened to this cute lady on alto sax, flute, and everything else ..... !!!!!*

    • @djibrilsoumare2393
      @djibrilsoumare2393 2 года назад

      Karolina is on a Sabbatical leave. Idid ask the same question for one month

      @WDRBIGBAND  2 года назад

      True, djibril!