Toe in and Anti-Squat: Everything you need to know!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • #teamassociated #reedypower #factoryteam #setup #rccar #rccaroffroad #weareae #
    A run through on what changing the rear toe and anti-squat does to your car and how to change them with the pills.

Комментарии • 15

  • @maxmortrc
    @maxmortrc Год назад +12

    I really liked what you said about the rear toe in on higher grip helping with the rear support on power. Its because of the effective sweep of the arm that you can only get from adjusting the toe in inboard. Something I havent considered before myself but it makes total sense.
    I suggest looking at rear toe in as what the outer tire is doing mid corner. Like you said more toe in reduces rotation and thats because effectively the rear end is steering the car against the rotation.
    A great rule of thumb with anti-squat is low speed bumps low anti squar is better, high speed bumps high anti-squat is better.
    The best way to look at anti-squat is how you would look at your roll center but for lengthways movement. The more anti squat the stiffer and quicker transfer of weight to the rear and visa versa. I talked about how the physics of it worked in one of my videos as well.

  • @tlrcamp8009
    @tlrcamp8009 Год назад

    Thanks a lot, I don’t run to 10th scale just 8th scale nitro, but the way you explain toe & anti squat while also showing examples on what you’re talking about is the best!!!! I get so annoyed when all these “pros” explain this stuff like everyone understands what the heck they’re talking about. Thank you sir

  • @rcbuggies57
    @rcbuggies57 8 месяцев назад +1

    Anti Squat has always been my favorite adjustment. On 8th scale I felt like I could just incline it forward a bit and get all the grip I needed if I was oversteering. On 10th scale carpet, I felt like I could just tilt it back and get a much more stable rear end on acceleration out of a corner.

  • @aarongoodsonrealestate9192
    @aarongoodsonrealestate9192 Год назад

    This is what i needed, thanks. Been testing on how to free up the rear in the last few weeks. Feeling like im understeering into the corners. Surface crc carpet

  • @augierosas3829
    @augierosas3829 Месяц назад

    In terms of toe in and anti squat what would you suggest to optimize traction on an outdoor, hardpacked, dry, and sometimes dusty track (Summer)? Also same hardpacked track but wet and slick (Winter)? By the way it's natural dirt that has been stabilized with Portland cement then coated with a glue, sugar, and water solution. Hot Laps RC Raceway in Garden Valley, CA. Thanks. Love your very informative videos!

  • @TheNoNameRCPodcast
    @TheNoNameRCPodcast Год назад

    Great Video keep up the good work !!

  • @aidanrc46
    @aidanrc46 Год назад

    Thanks Boss

  • @brianlackie5093
    @brianlackie5093 Год назад +2

    Ani-squat is different on loose dirt
    More anti-squat makes the car smoother and more predictable on a bumpy loose surface

    • @-1-2-1-
      @-1-2-1- 6 месяцев назад

      Yes. Like kick up does on the front.

  • @ZingZingNZ
    @ZingZingNZ Год назад

    Heaps of toe good for noobies, when you learn how to drive go less toe! Thats why im getting from this, i noticed anti squat in counties abc.
    It had huge pot holes, soon as the straight stared! I noticed the jumping over the jumps or pot holes with max anti squat

  • @josephspallina
    @josephspallina 8 месяцев назад

    Dude, drink a nice cup of hot tea with honey before your videos. You’re making me thirsty.

  • @Blankholes
    @Blankholes Год назад

    You talk too much

    • @piuspetschen1887
      @piuspetschen1887 10 месяцев назад

      No, your brain don,t understand what he is talking about. He is the best YT guy for RC stuff.

    • @Blankholes
      @Blankholes 10 месяцев назад

      ⁠okay fine. I’ll listen to him again and revise my comment.

    • @fastydave
      @fastydave 8 месяцев назад
