The Republican Dirty Tricks Thread 2010

This thread is to raise awareness for all the horrible, despicable bullshit tactics that the Republicans use--either on a State or National level--to harm American Democracy in order to win elections. :facepalm:

This thread will keep track of all the ways Republicans manipulate the election system and weaken the nation or the community they are running in.

First up, a truly disgusting tactic in an Arizona election...

Republican Runs Street People on Green Ticket :mad::facepalm:

TEMPE, Ariz. — Benjamin Pearcy, a candidate for statewide office in Arizona, lists his campaign office as a Starbucks. The small business he refers to in his campaign statement is him strumming his guitar on the street. The internal debate he is having in advance of his coming televised debate is whether he ought to gel his hair into his trademark faux Mohawk.

Mr. Pearcy, 20, is running for a seat on the Arizona Corporation Commission, which oversees public utilities, railroad safety and securities regulation. Although Mr. Pearcy says he is taking his first run for public office seriously, the political establishment here views him as nothing more than a political dirty trick.

Mr. Pearcy and other drifters and homeless people were recruited onto the Green Party ballot by a Republican political operative who freely admits that their candidacies may siphon some support from the Democrats. Arizona’s Democratic Party has filed a formal complaint with local, state and federal prosecutors in an effort to have the candidates removed from the ballot, and the Green Party has urged its supporters to steer clear of the rogue candidates.

“These are people who are not serious and who were recruited as part of a cynical manipulation of the process,” said Paul Eckstein, a lawyer representing the Democrats. “They don’t know Green from red.”

But Steve May, the Republican operative who signed up some of the candidates along Mill Avenue, a bohemian commercial strip next to Arizona State University, insists that a real political movement has been stirred up that has nothing to do with subterfuge.

“Did I recruit candidates? Yes,” said Mr. May, who is himself a candidate for the State Legislature, on the Republican ticket. “Are they fake candidates? No way.” [:facepalm:]

Steve May, right, a Republican, recruited three street people, from left, Thomas Meadows, Anthony Goshorn and Benjamin Pearcy, to run as Green Party candidates in Arizona.

1.Black Panther party 'outrage', followed by
2. Shirley Sherrod 'outrage', followed by
3. 'President isn't really christian', followed by
4. Islamic center in NY 'outrage', followed by
5. 'Take back civil rights' Rally outrage
People forget about the bush years!! They're only spreading hate and fear to control the minds of millions; only to set this country back into a deeper recession which they started. The party of NO with No New Ideas
OH MY! Republicans are evil!?

Thanks for opening my eyes with this! I will now only go Democrat. ONLY DEMOCRAT! For they are the purist of pure! The honest of honest! In no way do they ever emotionally get beside themselves and when left with no other option they will try to tarnish and ruin reputation by digging throughout the individual's past. NEVER AGAIN WILL I GO WITH THE REPUBLICANS!

OH MY! Republicans are evil!?

Thanks for opening my eyes with this! I will now only go Democrat. ONLY DEMOCRAT! For they are the purist of pure! The honest of honest! In no way do they ever emotionally get beside themselves and when left with no other option they will try to tarnish and ruin reputation by digging throughout the individual's past. NEVER AGAIN WILL I GO WITH THE REPUBLICANS!


No. They're just less worse than GOPers.:dunno:
Don't forget how Republicans forced Obama to appoint all those tax cheats to high positons in the national government.


Postal Paranoiac
Easy. The GOP and Teabaggers use timely counter psychological media horseshit to degrade the Obama administration and Dem congresspersons. The same way Frito-Lay convinces you to inhale whole bags of potato chips even though you're fat.


Easy. The GOP and Teabaggers use timely counter psychological media horseshit to degrade the Obama administration and Dem congresspersons. The same way Frito-Lay convinces you to inhale whole bags of potato chips even though you're fat.

I am not fat!!
That's your opinion. You must have conveniently forgotten the Clinton administration - one of the most corrupt in decades.

I call :bs:. No administration was more corrupt based on the record than the Reagan administration...Maybe the W admin. Reagan and his admin just wrapped themselves in insulation layer after insulation layer of plausible deniability.

Just because you can't technically pin the shit that happen under his watch on him doesn't me it doesn't pass the common sense test.

The things Reagan said out of his own mouth are tantamount to him being either derelict to the point of unfit to discharge his duties or lying.

The only thing needed to wrap him or (more) high level officials in his corruption was a partisan zealot on the order of Ken Starr.

Reagan is more myth than reality.
Easy. The GOP and Teabaggers use timely counter psychological media horseshit to degrade the Obama administration and Dem congresspersons. The same way Frito-Lay convinces you to inhale whole bags of potato chips even though you're fat.

Like it or not, the Republicans are going to sweep both houses and the tyrant Obama will be out of power and then soon out of office. You can't quadruple the debt in two years and have a 10% unemployment rate and expect to get reelected. "Not gonna happen!"
Like it or not, the Republicans are going to sweep both houses and the tyrant Obama will be out of power and then soon out of office. You can't quadruple the debt in two years and have a 10% unemployment rate and expect to get reelected. "Not gonna happen!"

Ah, didn't Dubya basically quadruple the debt and wreck the economy before Obama took office? That unemployment rate started to climb in 2007 right? Obama took office and the number has continued to soar because of Republican bullshit really.

If Obama did nothing, what do you think unemployment would be now? 20, 30%?

Tea Bagging neophytes can't have deficit exploding tax cuts AND never-ending wars with 3trillion in costs AND then cry about it now? That seems pretty lame even for nimrod conservatives.

If Obama governed as a true Liberal and not some "bipartisan compromiser" this country would be out of the middle east quagmires, investing in the nation, and repairing the still-corrupt financial system.

Democrats in Congress also failed the president. Congressional Democrats never have any fucking backbone to do anything.

If what you claim happens in November, nothing will get done. Surely nothing Republicans want. Obama will veto all their bullshit and Dem Senators will filibuster anything that makes it out of the House.

And then Dems will start the 2012 --"See, you were lied to America. The Repubs did nothing for two years. They just sat in Congress while the nation burned up even more..." :facepalm:

Do the American people really want a never-ending election cycle? Isn't it time to fix the Constitution so that gridlock never happens anymore?
Blah, blah, blah. The Republicans did this, the Dem's did that. Does anybody think for themselves anymore? Or does everyone just pick a side and let them do the thinking for them? There is not a single politician that cares about you or me other than the vote you cast. None of them are trying to fix any problems. All that any of them are worried about is keeping their own job or positioning themselves for a higher paying gig.

The argument of one party being better or worse than the other is an illusion of philosophy. There are liars, thieves and cheats in every party.

The republican that runs on a family values platform but really likes taking one in the ass from a guy named "Snake". The democrat that swears the he cares for the poor and wants green energy that lives in a million dollar home with an electric bill that is the budget of a small town. There are hypocrites everywhere. Quit judging along party lines and judge the person.
Hey titsrock! Quick! Look over there! Isn't that Al Franken making out with Michelle Obama?!?

:reaches into titsrock's pocket as he turns around and gets $50 - runs away:

Yes! Another Republican scores using dirty tricks.

:bs: tits doesn't have $50. He spent his last $ on a Ewa Sonnet subscription and a couple of her posters for his garage.