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Oct 10, 2020 2:39 AM

Nov 2007
It seems like the three of them are in common from having the pearls hidden in their eyes (not sure if that's their fathers' choices to hide them or they are born w. them).

lol @ that long hair teacher being voiced by Hosoya-san. I recognized the voice immediately when watching (but kind of unsure) and confirmed at the ED and when he was listed on the official site.
tsubasaloverOct 10, 2020 3:00 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Oct 10, 2020 3:30 AM
Aug 2020
Theyre REALLY making us wait to find out who the mother is..
Oct 10, 2020 3:37 AM
Apr 2017
PuffyChuuu said:
Theyre REALLY making us wait to find out who the mother is..

Yep true. Also whether Kagome is alive or not. 😅😅
Oct 10, 2020 3:39 AM

Jul 2017
ah, watching this episode feels like back then when I watch the first ep. Inuyasha.

It was Ok. Although, I hope they stop cut ep. when the climax scene happen
Oct 10, 2020 3:55 AM
May 2020
This was very emotionally engaging episode. It really feels nostalgic because the monster's appearance, I want to know what those rainbow crystals are!
After the first episode I wasn't that much convinced but right now I am sure it will be a great show.
I am so curious about so many things I can't wait for the next episode!
Oct 10, 2020 4:06 AM

Sep 2019
Demons were fighting for the sacred jewel and now they’re figthing for the pearls. Pearls make them powerul just like the sacred jewel. My favourite character will probably be Higurashi. I didn’t get how Moroha is a half demon, isn’t she a child of half demon and a human?
Oct 10, 2020 4:07 AM
Oct 2016
Great episode properly showing us the three princesses in action. Towa being separated from her sister Setsuna is very sad, it'll probably be a while before they're proper sisters again after being apart this long. Other than the constant fighting it looks like Towa does have a good life in the modern world with Sota and the Higurashi family. She cares for them after they took her in which is sweet. Those bullies were some horrible dudes. Kidnapping her family just to draw Towa out, awful really. Glad she resorted to using hee powers on them they deserved an ass whipping. Seeing good ole Kohaku and the demon slayers of the feudal was awesome. I like how not only is Hisui with them of course but Setsuna is a demon slayer too. Setsuna is definitely her father's daughter with that stoic demeanor she has talking to Moroha. Good to see cousins getting along, but seriously, I did like this episode showing off all their abilities. Implementing their rainbow pearls from way back is cool too. These bigger ties to the old Inuyasha story are great. Now with Setsuna and Moroha crashing into modern day time for for a family reunion.
Oct 10, 2020 4:12 AM

Jan 2018
Now they introduce us 3 pearls which i believe might be from the shikon jewel. I'd like to think that the heroines might be relatives.
Oct 10, 2020 4:40 AM

Dec 2015
I thought the episode was okay, but I still liked it. It was different than the first episode where it didn't give us anything about the new characters. It gave us what happened years after Inuyasha, Sango, Kagome, Miroku, etc. defeated Naraku. At least we got a brief backstory about Towa and Setsuna's childhood and how they got separated. Now, we just need a backstory about Moroha. I thought it was funny how one of the first demons Inuyasha beat came back to life. I was glad that Towa was able to kick the crap out of those bullies, spineless cowards. Anyway, I wasn't expecting to see Kagome's mom and grandfather still at the shrine. After looking at the preview for episode 3, it looks like Towa's sister, Setsuna doesn't remember her at all and it looked like they were going to fight at some point.
Oct 10, 2020 4:52 AM

Oct 2015
Iroha_Pixie said:
Now they introduce us 3 pearls which i believe might be from the shikon jewel. I'd like to think that the heroines might be relatives.

are u literally shitting me lmao
why are u even watching this
if u didnt already know
moroha and setsu/towa are cousins LMAO

reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 10, 2020 4:54 AM

Feb 2013
I'm sure those lame guys will never bother her again.
Oct 10, 2020 4:55 AM
Aug 2017
Great second episode. Why is this series rated so low though when it has only 2 eps out tho? People need to stop giving scores after 1-2 eps x.x
Oct 10, 2020 4:56 AM

Nov 2019
Oh I got a theory, it's like that time everyone forgot about Kagome, yup everyone is sealed within Meido Sangetsuwa

So far I like Moroha most despite a Towa centered episode, she nice too but Setsuna is meh, even the design, I get the demon slayer motif but why blue, why she has a hagoromo as if to say Sesshou smh obviously it's very clear they're the daughters but at the same time I love the mystery regarding the og gang whereabouts and the events before the timeskip, please no more Naraku crap nor any generic villain Naraku like, give us a Bankotsu or a new high class demon
Haunt88Oct 10, 2020 6:18 AM
Oct 10, 2020 4:59 AM
May 2018
It was a nice episode it made me feel nostalgic i wonder what those pearls are did inuyasha and sesshoumaru somehow created them and gave them to their daughters the way their father did with the swords etc or is it sth else but they sealed them to the girls eyes?? is it related to the shikon jewel or is it sth different??? also how came towa and setsuna grew up alone?? what happened to inuyasha and the others?? and it seems like moroha grew alone too.... im looking forward to the next episodes
Oct 10, 2020 5:01 AM

Jan 2018
Mei-o_Scarlett said:
Iroha_Pixie said:
Now they introduce us 3 pearls which i believe might be from the shikon jewel. I'd like to think that the heroines might be relatives.

are u literally shitting me lmao
why are u even watching this
if u didnt already know
moroha and setsu/towa are cousins LMAO

Shut up dude. Im watching it for fun. Im not supposed to know everything okay. Let the anime tell the story. Get outta here.
Oct 10, 2020 5:09 AM
Oct 2018
So nostalgic !! The animation and soundtrack are really good !
Oct 10, 2020 5:43 AM
May 2020
This anime really has me on the edge now! The family relations are so insteresting! Why do all the girls grow up without their parents? Even if something happened to Inuyasha and Kagome, it can't be that the twins don't have at least their mother as well.
Also, how come Kohaku knows Setsuna, but he doesn't know Moroha? If the group (Inuyasha and co.) always stayed together, the kids should also all have been together from a young age (except for Towa obviously). Can't wait for the next episodes and to find out what happened to everyone!
It can't be that Kagome's family doesn't recognize Moroha at all. She looks and acts a lot like her parents, she has sword and arrows and wears the same clothes Inuyasha wears. I hope at least Sota recognizes the similarities since he's quite smart.

The only thing that annoys me is that Towa dresses and acts like a dude. It's kinda dumb, but oh well..

Although I can't wait for next week, it's also pretty cool that it's unclear what's gonna happen next compared to the original anime. I'm really looking forward to it<33
Oct 10, 2020 5:57 AM
Oct 2020
towa's fighting scene is so exciting.
I want more.
too bad towa got prevented to slice that guy with her katana.

feratul said:
ah, watching this episode feels like back then when I watch the first ep. Inuyasha.

It was Ok. Although, I hope they stop cut ep. when the climax scene happen

yeah, typical inuyasha story.

some people are not satisfied about the story?
like I care.

I will just enjoy the show and kaoru wada's music.
Takao_Bl00driverOct 10, 2020 6:10 AM
Oct 10, 2020 5:57 AM

Jul 2017
Towa's growing on me a bit and Setsuna is solid too. I'm still enjoying the start so far more than Inuyasha which is pretty surprising but I'll take it.
Oct 10, 2020 6:35 AM

Nov 2011
I am curious why Setsuna and Towa were just alone in the forest to begin with. Like what happened to their parents (Sesshōmaru and Unknown Mother) also why wouldn't Moroha know Setsuna when they are cousins. I don't think there was any memory loss (outside of Setsuna forgetting Towa) because she knew who Kohaku was so. Idk we'll see.

A lot of questions to be answered but another good episode.
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Oct 10, 2020 6:52 AM

Sep 2007
I thought Kohaku at least would know who Moroha is....
Makes me wonder how and/or who has been raising Moroha all this time...hopefully that's answered -at least to some degree- sometime within the first 10 eps

(I was going to say within the first 5 eps but that's being too optimistic....)

From the next ep preview it looks like Setsuna's memories were "eaten by a dream butterfly" so I guess she's excused from being clueless...
Oct 10, 2020 6:58 AM

Mar 2020
Well this episode climax up till the point where they ran out of time. I'm kinda disappointed cause now I have to wait till next week for a new episode.

Seems as if all three of the girls can't cut threw crazy demon lady and the pearls seem to boost demon ladies power. I like how pearls are very powerful if a demon eats one and Moroha and Setsuna don't even know how to keep them safe.
Oct 10, 2020 7:09 AM
Feb 2020
Id like to think Inuyasha, Kagome, & Sesshoumaru are all laissez faire parents, (I mean, do you think you could keep rambunctious Moroha home? & Sesshoumaru has always been that way) instead of of something tragic happening.

Though I'd like to know how they don't know each other... Where they all bonked in the head? It's unfathomable to me that the girls didn't spend time together and around Kohaku.

So far fun. Both new & nostalgic. I'm enjoying it.
Oct 10, 2020 7:10 AM

Dec 2014
I mean, this is great but I really need some answers on the whereabouts of the original cast.

Where are Kagome and Inuyasha? Why does Kohaku not recognize Moroha immediately, for that matter why did Hisui not recognize Moroha either? Where were Sesshoumaru and Rin when Setsuna and Towa were running away from the fire? What happened? Also, the most important question of them all, how the hell is Kaede still alive? How old is she now?

Moroha is definitely my favorite so far and it's very cool that she can use Sacred arts in addition to being able to wield a demonic sword (I presume).

The Towa stuff was nice too, our boy Sota is all grown up now. :(
I hope we get answers soon.
Oct 10, 2020 7:15 AM
Jul 2018
Lelouch0202 said:
I mean, this is great but I really need some answers on the whereabouts of the original cast.

Where are Kagome and Inuyasha? Why does Kohaku not recognize Moroha immediately, for that matter why did Hisui not recognize Moroha either? Where were Sesshoumaru and Rin when Setsuna and Towa were running away from the fire? What happened? Also, the most important question of them all, how the hell is Kaede still alive? How old is she now?

Moroha is definitely my favorite so far and it's very cool that she can use Sacred arts in addition to being able to wield a demonic sword (I presume).

The Towa stuff was nice too, our boy Sota is all grown up now. :(
I hope we get answers soon.

Thought the same. Why lived Moroha alone for long, she's still a kid? Or at least like 15?
Why were Towa and Setsuna alone in the wood the whole day?

Otherwise, I like the girls personality-wise, they are a bunch of cool girls. Like them. Towa doesn't seem to adapt in the new world, no wonder.
removed-userOct 10, 2020 7:21 AM
Oct 10, 2020 7:29 AM

Sep 2014
Smol Towa and Setsuna are just too precious, still who leaves their children alone smh.
Grown up Towa's sure looking fit, tomboys are the best yup!

Rainbow pearls huh, wonder what's the history behind those. Knowing how much of a pain the Shikon Jewel was you'd think they wouldn't be using copies of it.

Centipede demon sure doesn't know when to give up lol.
Oct 10, 2020 7:32 AM

Feb 2019
Bro I still can’t believe we’re getting more Inuyasha after all this time, the past two weeks have felt surreal. The biggest question on the Inuyasha fandom’s mind remains “who fucked sesshomaru”

Setsuna acts similar to her father, Towa is more like her uncle.

I’m really curious to learn more about the rainbow pearls and how they got in the girls’ possession. Also, strange that the demon slayers wouldn’t recognise Moroha considering she’s Inuyasha’s daughter... something’s up. Great episode tho. ED is a banger just like the Inuyasha/adult swim days.

Edit: just thinking how Inuyasha was able to kill centipede with just his hands in ep 1, there’s a pretty big power gap rn.
Marinate1016Oct 10, 2020 7:37 AM
Oct 10, 2020 7:44 AM
Jul 2019
I'm surprised at how old-school the designs for the thugs and Towa's schoolteacher are. They look like they came straight from one of Takahashi Rumiko's 80s-early 90s manga.

Oct 10, 2020 7:57 AM

Feb 2008
Now I have even more questions, like, why were Towa and Setsuna living by themselves in the forest at such a young age? Where are their parents, what happened to them ?

Don't talk to me about character development if Kaizuka Inaho or Slaine Troyard are in your favorites.
Oct 10, 2020 8:09 AM
Sep 2008
SoraSenpai said:
I am curious why Setsuna and Towa were just alone in the forest to begin with. Like what happened to their parents (Sesshōmaru and Unknown Mother) also why wouldn't Moroha know Setsuna when they are cousins. I don't think there was any memory loss (outside of Setsuna forgetting Towa) because she knew who Kohaku was so. Idk we'll see.

A lot of questions to be answered but another good episode.

theres a chance many of the, lost their memories... hisui alls kohaku uncle: which means their memories of eachother werent affected.. and he knows setsuna cuz shes part of the hunters.
but them not knowing whos the girls are means that something happened prior to the forest fire: since it would be weird that 4 years old live alone in the forest o-o
Oct 10, 2020 8:22 AM
Sep 2008
100% something happened prior to the forst fire... since there no way 4 years old twins will live in the forest alone.
1. it seems like everyone's memories got affected when it comes to remembering who are the 3 girls.
2. they are cousions but also dont remeber eachother, only towa rememering setsuna.
3. the fact that hisui calls kohaku uncle for sure means that their memories got srcambled about the girls, since theres no way hisui and kohaku wont know at least moroha since they supposed to be from the same village, but them mistaken moroha for a demon even tho she the daughter of the people who saved the world from naraku..
4. the pearl things: it could be something that might keep that demon whos voice we heard: sealed. and maybe the only way to seal it was to seperate the girls and seal theirs and everyone;s eles;s memories about them.
5. A LOT OF THING HAPPENED OFF SCREEN BEFORE THE START OF THE SHOW: just like with inuyasha, we will get all the info in future episodes.

im quite sure that this is what happened since the biggest hint is hisui knowing kohaku is his uncle but dont know that moroha is basicly is cousion too since kagome and sango were like sisters, based on inuysha's and rumiko way of writing stories, that the parents are not dead; THEY COULD BE SEALED SOMEWHERE, maybe the pearls could be part of it.
sango, miroku, sessumaru, inuyasha, kagome- something happened to them.
(theres was also a japanese synopsys thatsaid that the demon that controls dreams/ memories is someone sessumaru fought long time ago, so it could be part of it too)

Oct 10, 2020 8:24 AM

Apr 2007
YggdraSEED said:
Oh I got a theory, it's like that time everyone forgot about Kagome, yup everyone is sealed within Meido Sangetsuwa
It definitely feels like something along those lines is happening.

They already revealed before the anime was released that Setsuna doesn't remember Towa, but that could be a different matter. Either way, I find it amusing that the story is following this route because most of the fanbase is impatient to see the girl's parents lol

Whenever I watched the original anime I never thought I'd get to hear Kohaku with such a manly voice WOW
Oct 10, 2020 8:28 AM
Sep 2008
SailorKagome said:
Now I have even more questions, like, why were Towa and Setsuna living by themselves in the forest at such a young age? Where are their parents, what happened to them ?

it could be related to why ppl dont remember who the girls are and to an enemy that was teased in japanese synopsises about the anime: it was said that the demon controls dreams or memories.
the biggest hint of this being true: is hisui calling kohaku "uncle" but they dont recognize moroha and the girls dont know eachother.
those memory lose things happened probabaly prior to what towa remembers about their childhood... it even said that moroha also lived alone for a long time and doent know her parents: like theres no way in hell the parents would live their children alone unless something extremely bad happened or unless their memories got super altered.
it seems that the memory wipe only affected ppl in relation to the girls only.
Oct 10, 2020 8:32 AM
Sep 2008
z00nex said:
Demons were fighting for the sacred jewel and now they’re figthing for the pearls. Pearls make them powerul just like the sacred jewel. My favourite character will probably be Higurashi. I didn’t get how Moroha is a half demon, isn’t she a child of half demon and a human?

she is but they wont call her third demon XD they are all demons and humans so it half half.. thats why the show called hanyou= half demon princesses
Oct 10, 2020 8:52 AM
Jul 2018
AijaBear said:
Id like to think Inuyasha, Kagome, & Sesshoumaru are all laissez faire parents, (I mean, do you think you could keep rambunctious Moroha home? & Sesshoumaru has always been that way) instead of of something tragic happening.

Though I'd like to know how they don't know each other... Where they all bonked in the head? It's unfathomable to me that the girls didn't spend time together and around Kohaku.

So far fun. Both new & nostalgic. I'm enjoying it.

I dunno. Inuyasha himself felt like he's pretty alone in the world and appreciated a lot the love of his mother and he had been bullied. I can't imagine that he would neglect his child so much.
Also I can't imagine that Kagome is such a laissez-faire parent.
And although Sesshomaru kept his "I hate humans!"-facade, he had two kids around following him and protecting them lol

I wonder what happened. It seems to be about this yokai-owl we saw in the first episode and the roothead. It seems like the roothead infected this tree of ages. Maybe the destiny of the original cast had been somehow linked to these events and the pearls? Like they have been sealed away or something?

Now we have seen only Kohaku from the old cast and btw. that one boy looks like he could be Sango's and Miroku's son?
Oct 10, 2020 9:00 AM
Oct 2020
In the preview moroha said it is a nasty curse.
maybe that's the reason.
Oct 10, 2020 9:04 AM

Sep 2019
narutosister said:
z00nex said:
Demons were fighting for the sacred jewel and now they’re figthing for the pearls. Pearls make them powerul just like the sacred jewel. My favourite character will probably be Higurashi. I didn’t get how Moroha is a half demon, isn’t she a child of half demon and a human?

she is but they wont call her third demon XD they are all demons and humans so it half half.. thats why the show called hanyou= half demon princesses
They should call her quarter demon but that sounds really lame.
Oct 10, 2020 9:18 AM

Sep 2016
This is what happens when you don't have a manga for the source material. They have already started borrowing old elements(the centipede demon) from Inuyasha. I don't have high hopes for this show. Sigh.
Oct 10, 2020 9:31 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
It looks like this episode gave us more questions than answers. Somehow the memories of Towa and Setsuna were altered when they got separated. Even Kohaku doesn't seem to remember that Moroha is the daughter of Inuyasha and Kogome. The rainbow jewels might be as powerful as the Sacred Jewel itself since the Demon Lady wants them so badly. I wonder why those rainbow jewels were implanted in the girls at birth.
Oct 10, 2020 10:03 AM
Nov 2011
Everyone is here wondering where the original cast went, while I'm here wondering how Kaede is still alive, and how Souta somehow managed to get himself a wife and have a daughter. Cant imagine having a daughter whose origin and strength you can't explain makes getting a girlfriend easy...Guess the iron reaver soul stealer isn't the only thing he learned from Inuyasha
Oct 10, 2020 10:13 AM

Mar 2014
I have so many questions.
How come Setsuna and Moroha don't know each other if they're cousins? Why did they grow up separately? How come Kohaku doesn't know InuKag's daughter? Where the hell are all the parents? Trapped in a separate dimension maybe? What are those jewels and how/when were they created? Did the parents put them in their eyes like Inuyasha's dad did with his or were they born with them like Kagome was with the Shikon?
God, I hope Kagome is alive, it will kill me if she's dead.

On a different note, it made me very emotional to see Sota as a grown-up :') And gotta love the fact that the cat, the grandfather and Kaede are all still alive, even though it's been like twenty years since Kagome left to live in the past.
Oct 10, 2020 10:24 AM

Sep 2018
The real beginning of this anime series is well done, despite the fact that there are no original ideas in the script. The narration was introductory and at the same time showed some situations without clearly defining the reasons for certain events, thus putting curiosity in those who will watch the episode. On a technical level, I saw few flaws regarding the quality of the drawings, while the animations were excellent.
Oct 10, 2020 10:31 AM
Mar 2018
This is a really well done episode... so its a reverse isekai ne?

Also Moroha/Beniyasha is best girl XD
Oct 10, 2020 10:41 AM
Aug 2016
Iroha_Pixie said:
Mei-o_Scarlett said:

are u literally shitting me lmao
why are u even watching this
if u didnt already know
moroha and setsu/towa are cousins LMAO

Shut up dude. Im watching it for fun. Im not supposed to know everything okay. Let the anime tell the story. Get outta here.

Imo you are supposed to know everything considering it's a sequel to Inuyasha
Oct 10, 2020 10:52 AM
Oct 2020
I suppose you need to know some basic stuff, at least the synopsis and character info.
if you want to discuss it on the same page.
Oct 10, 2020 10:54 AM

Oct 2013
Was an ok episode Id say

Was nice seeing Moroha and Setsuna since

but Im disappointed that Towa got that ugly tomboy hair shit going on
thats not honouring the family spirit at all yo

Koji_Kojiusame said:
so its a reverse isekai ne?
This is time travelling not inter dimensional traveling so no
Oct 10, 2020 10:58 AM

Oct 2020
I think i've seen that gang somewhere before

Oct 10, 2020 11:04 AM
Sep 2008
phil2288 said:
I'm surprised at how old-school the designs for the thugs and Towa's schoolteacher are. They look like they came straight from one of Takahashi Rumiko's 80s-early 90s manga.

The five thugs are a clear reference and tribute to Takahashi's Uruseiyatsura: Ataru Moroboshi, Megane, Perma, Kakugari and Chibi.
Oct 10, 2020 11:06 AM

May 2018
Does anyone know if Rumiko Takahashi is involved in the story telling?
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Oct 10, 2020 11:12 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Deknijff said:
Was an ok episode Id say

Was nice seeing Moroha and Setsuna since

but Im disappointed that Towa got that ugly tomboy hair shit going on
thats not honouring the family spirit at all yo

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Towa's character design when I first saw it and you wouldn't know that was Sesshoumaru's daughter until she starts fighting.
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